

Sapphire's POV

I didn't break eye contact. Instead, I slowly backed away towards Xander and Aiden as Mark stared at the Alpha with a terrified expression along with his fists clenched. He's brave for going against his own alpha but that doesn't mean that he's not scared of what will become of him.

"Mark!" A loud shout echoed from across the hall. "What the hell are you doing?!" One man with similar features of Mark charged towards him.

He raised his hand and quickly aimed for a slap but Mark was faster than him, therefore catching his wrist before his hand could land on a cheek. "I've had enough, Father." He hissed and threw his father's hand away from, backing away to keep a distance.

His Father was taken aback by his son's sudden actions. And judging by how much he was shocked, I could only think of how Mark used to be. "What the hell do you think--"

"I've always watched you from afar as you, along with the pack, murder innocent people even without a reason. I've grown tired of suggesting different ways for the good of the pack but you never listen to anything that I say. You even killed my mother..." My eyes widened as his Father stiffened with his hands turning into a fist.

"...the woman that you ever loved just because the alpha told you to... she was your mate..." He breathed out the last word and looked towards the Alpha. "You kidnapped the mate of the vampire who is next in line for the throne, tortured and scarred her for life, and for what? For the power that I know, could never satisfy the likes of you." He spat with disgust as he shifted his gaze between his father and the alpha.

But the alpha scoffed before he started to laugh. "How could you ever know what's best for the pack? I don't even know if you're even part of it." He stated and mockingly looked at Mark from head to toe. "You may be the beta's son, but you are just garbage compared to me. Chris-" He turned towards his beta. "- get rid of him for me." He ordered and quickly turned his back, confident that Chris will obey his command, just like he did when he killed his own mate. "Prepare yourself, Goddess. You can go home and enjoy your last days in the palace with your family. We will take you by force." He growled and disappeared, leaving us with the father and son who's staring at each other without even moving a single muscle.

Chris started to move towards Mark as he backed away step by step. "Really, Father? You're even going to kill your son?" Mark scoffed and shook his head slightly, standing still as he glared at his own father. "I wouldn't be so surprised."

"I'm sorry..." Chris spoke softly before he lunged at Mark.

My breathing stopped as I stepped in to stop him but my arms were pulled back by the two brothers. I looked back at them and started to pull myself away from their grip but their eyes were glued to the father and son in front of me. Without any chance of breaking free, I turned my head towards Mark and his Father and expected to see the sight of blood.

But there wasn't any.

Chris had Mark in his arms and he sobbed softly. "I'm sorry, son. I may never have been the Father that you've always wanted but I did everything to protect you." Mark's eyes widened as he stayed quiet, listening to his Father's words. "I've always understood what you meant that wolves and vampires doesn't have to be enemies because I once loved one."

Mark's tears started to form, but he stayed still and quiet.

"You are an offspring of a werewolf and a vampire, the two kinds that are supposed to be natural enemies. But they were wrong. I loved her but I couldn't let the alpha know so I hid the truth. Your mother knew the situation so she agreed to hide, especially when she had you. But a pack member tracked you and your mother down by scent and reported it to the Alpha. I tried to reason with him but he made me choose. Since I was the Beta of this pack, my presence is essential because the family had always been the beta of the pack. He had a condition that if I kill you, he would lock your mother away from me. But if I kill your mother, I would get to keep you, hiding you from the truth that you are a half-breed. Your mother loved you too much that she sacrificed herself in order for you to live. She drank too much of her own blood which turned into poison when consumed by vampires themselves. She wanted me to feel less guilty by taking her own life, knowing that I wouldn't be able to kill her myself." He finally let go of Mark as his eyes pleaded for forgiveness.

Mark, who was still processing new information, finally snapped back into reality as tears fell from his eyes. "Father, I--"

"I knew you wouldn't be able to do it." The Alpha returned with his deadly glare glued on to Chris. "I'll do this myself." He breathed and started to shift. His clothes started to get ripped as bones cracked.

I looked over to Aiden and suggested an idea. "Aiden use your power on the Alpha!"

"I'm trying but his will is too strong for my power to take effect!"

"It's alright." Chris spoke as he pushed Mark towards us. "Take him and go. It's time that I finally put my foot down from all of this." He said and smiled.

Xander held Mark back as he struggled  "No! You'll die!"

He shook his head but kept on his smile. "I love you, son." He started shifting just before the alpha completely turns himself into a wolf.

"Aiden!" I breathed out as he already know what to do.

He nodded and placed his hand on to Mark and before he passed out, he only breathed one word that even made his Father glance with tears.
