
My unusual reincarnation into a chimera

I was a normal 16 year old girl with the class of [villager] and was on my way to the [adventurers guild] to become an [adventurer] but on my way there I was abducted. When I awoke I found out that I was about to be one of the test subjects for a group called the {NEW DAWN}.My soul was transferred into the body of a chimera and used for further experiments. Something went wrong and I found an opportunity to escape however when I got outside I found myself in one of the most dangerous forests called the {Labyrinth Forest of Rize}. Now I become stronger by eating monsters and evolving to have the strength to get my revenge on the group called the {NEW DAWN}.

Cristo_Phera · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 5: Clearing a dungeon and finding a city

[Day 14]

The floors after my evolution was so easy to clear even the guardians the floors were so weak.

"I've become really strong,maybe if I become even stronger I can eat a dragon for real. My whimsical words of before doesn't seem so impossible anymore, right gluttony." I asked the sentient skill inside my head

<<<Yes,if it's master I'm sure you can do it>>>

"I said call me mistress not master,mistress you got that" I said with a vein popping out on my forehead.

<<<Yes "misstress">>>

See I knew this skill had an attitude, so I wasn't just imagining it.Tch,if I knew it would've been like this I would have left it an awakened skill instead of letting it become a sentient skill,oh wait I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to.Well back to the dungeon.

[Day 20]

The monsters I faced were so weak that I only ate the floor guardians and other strong looking monsters I gained a lot of skills which I told gluttony to integrate with other skills to lessen my skill load.I only leveled up 32 times and I faced so many strong enemies,I guess this is the curse of being strong.

Now I've finally reached the dungeon boss' room,similar to all the other rooms the door opened automatically.

Inside was five monsters four were kneeling before one that lied on a large stretched out throne.The four that were kneeling were monsters called {lizardman} and the one lying on the stretched out throne was a monster that was a lower class dragon a drake called a {Wyvern}.

"Gluttony use appraisal" I asked the already busy skill to use one of its abilities since it can do a lot of things at one time.



Species: lizardman


Skills:[Spearmanship:D-][Water magic:lv6][swim][loyalty][cooking: lv6][paralysis claw][life perception]

Extra skill:[Magic sense]

There doesn't seem to be anything special about the lizardman and this one is supposed to be the stronger one of the four.



Species: Elemental Drake


Skills:[Fire magic:lv9][Water magic:lv7][Wind magic:lv8][Earth magic:lv5][Ice magic:lv3][Shadow magic:lv1][Light magic:lv10][Holy magic:lv1][Flame body][Fire enhancement][Poison tail][Fly][Air reading][Flame breath][Elemental automatic attack orb]

Extra skills:[Magic sense][Devour]

Unique skills:[Area devastation]

Divine protection: {Sky gods divine protection}{Light gods divine protection}

Titles: [Dungeon boss][Guardian of the last floor][Blessed drake][Elemental calamity]

"What's this if this is how strong a drake is I can only imagine how strong a dragon must be".

<<<Not true master, this drake is just strong because it has two divine protections. It's just like facing the slime again but only a little stronger because the drake is a higher species>>>

Ok that's reassuring and again with the master,I'm gonna have a long talk with gluttony later.

The four lizardman got up from their bowed position and took up their weapons that lied next to them and faced me." This would've been more threatening if I were still as weak as before"I looked at them as they approached me but then looked behind them.

"Is she not even gonna get up,does she think I'm that weak because I look like an adorable cat"? I asked thinking I would face all of them at once.

I then proceeded to use one of my new forms [Mimic:Prying death lion].When I transformed I though I would look the same as before but my whole form changed." Is this also gluttony's doing"?

This time my head was that of a vulture with a tail similar to my true form coming out of the back of my head, a dark lions mane surrounding my neck,the upper body shape of a human with sickles coming out of my eagle looking forearms,the legs of a wolf standing upright,a dark tail and dark wings sprouting from my back."Hey gluttony what's this?I don't remember you telling me about this form before"I asked with uncertainty because I don't listen to every thing it says.

<<<This is a new form that has the monsters [Prying death lion][Lunar wolf][Dark Griffin] and [Chimegora] characteristics fused together l call"The reaper of souls [Shinigami]>>>

"That sounds so awesome! You did good gluttony,I'm proud of you". I said looking at my new form.

<<<hehehe naturally>>>

See there it is again,does gluttony have emotions?

Just as I finished transforming the lizardmen reached me.They flanked me from all sides trying to finish me off with a combined attack but they were too slow.I activated one of my new Unique skills [Chaos eater] and out of darkness appeared black monsters with long snakelike bodies with only mouthes as a characteristic.

In a matter of seconds they were eaten alive by my chaos eaters.The wyverns eyes widened and looked in shock as I didn't even move yet they were killed in an instant.

<<<[nameless] ate lizardmen×3 and gained skills[Magic sense][Swim][Spearmanship:F-][Healing magic:lv1][Self recovery][HP automatic recovery]>>>

She got up from her throne and looked at me with malice.

" What are you little kitten"?It asked looking down from above.

"oh you can talk,I wasn't expecting that" I looked at her with a surprised face.

"Answer my question kitten" it became irritated without reason.She must have a short fuse.

"Alright.I am death and I've come for you". Hehe,I've always wanted to say that.I can't believe I actually got the chance to.

" Foolish kitten, you death, don't screw with me.If anyone is death that would be me"!

She had enough of talking and attack me with [flame breath] I wanted to dodge or protect myself but gluttony told me it wasn't necessary.I trusted its judgement and stood still.

I wasn't harmed by the flame,not even one hair was burned.

Gluttony told me this was also a new skill [all attribute resistance].Is it gonna make me super overpowered?

The drake was surprised at its failure to kill me.

<<<Master,I advise we strike fear into her heart instead of immediately killing her>>>

What the hell!?Is this an evil skill?Why would it want me to do that?

Well I do trust it,so should I do it?I then decided to activate my new extra skill [aspect of death] and released an aura that made the drake shutter with fear.

Drakus' POV

What,how did a black kitten make it so far?Whatever I'll just send my minions to kill it.

Did it just change its form?What is this eerie feeling?

Just as my minions attacked it darkness appeared around it and black snakes formed out of it.Without even getting near it my minions were destroyed, impossible!

I got up and asked it what it was yet it had the audacity to not answer my question, BASTARD!

Death,how dare it tell me it came for my life. I'll kill this kitten. I then used [Flame breath] to burn it to death but not even one hair was burned off.What,how is this possible?

What's this aura it's releasing?Could this kitten truly be death?

Chimegora's POV

It's scared now,how delicious. She started to shoot out magic after magic and used all of her skills to try and stop me but it was futile.

"Stay away from me you monster,STAY AWAY"!!She said trying to keep me away from her.

I dodged all of her attacks,closed the distance between us and responded with an attack of my own.I used my skill [Swordsmanship:C] and slashed the air creating a mana blade with my skill [Aura blade]. It flew through the air in the direction of the wyvern.It tried to block it with an earth wall but the wall crumbled because of my skill [Add attribute] which I used to add corrosion to the mana blade. In an instant the blade reached the wyvern and decapitated her.

It wasn't as strong as I taught. Is it weaker than the slime or am I just too strong? Well after that battle I'm hungry.I tried to use fire magic to cook it but its scales were fire proof, even its meat was hard to cook.

I decided to eat raw meat in a long time, it was awful.

<<<[nameless] has eaten elemental wyvern>>>

<<<[nameless] has gained skills [light magic:lv1][Fire enhancement][Poison tail][Elemental automatic attack orb][Magic sense][Area devastation]>>>

<<<[Fire magic:lv10 changed to Flame magic:lv1][Water magic:lv10 changed to Liquid magic:lv1][Earth magic:lv5 ~ Earth magic:lv8][Wind magic:lv8 ~ Wind magic: lv10][Swordsmanship:C ~ Swordsmanship:C+]>>>

<<<[nameless] gained form [Mimic: scaled lion drake(new species)]>>>

<<<[nameless] has gained title [C rank Dungeon clearer]>>>

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

Only five times I guess that makes sense.I walked over to her throne and saw a magic circle spear on it.I step on it out of curiosity and was transported outside the dungeon.

"I'm glad I didn't have to walk al the way back.Oh it's night time" I looked up in the sky and saw the three moons shining beautifully and transformed back into my true form.

"Time to sleep" with those words I went to the goblins cave and slept like a baby.

<<<{God of death} and {Demon God of the underworld} tried to grant [nameless] their divine protection but was rejected by sentient skill [Ruler of Gluttony]>>>

<<<Awakened skill [Perseverance] tried to gain sentience but action was rejected by sentient skill [Ruler of Gluttony]>>>

<<<Title [New species(darkness lion)] changed to [New species]>>>

[Day 21]

Today I decided to head in the direction of a city I saw this morning after I woke up.

<<<Good morning master I've finished changing and fusing all the skills would you like to see your status?>>>

"Ah good morning gluttony.Yes please" I said excitedly and with anticipation.

Name:none. Level:37. Sex:Female


HP:10 700/10 700. MP:20 000/20 000. SP:9 000/9 000

AGI:5 300

Skills:[Dark magic: lv10][Black magic:lv1][Liquid magic:lv1(new)][Flame magic:lv1(new)][Earth magic:lv8(level up)][Wind magic:lv10(level up)][Ice magic:lv4][non elemental magic:lv4(level up)][Light magic:lv1][all attribute resistance(new)][Swordsmanship:C+(level up)][Spearmanship:F-(new)][CQC:F(level up)][Digging][Human language][Aura blade][Add attribute(new)][Tentacle generation][Tongue extension][Blood drain][Web][Flame body][Sickle creation][Magic enhancement (new)][Fire enhancement(new)][Poison tail(new)]

Extra skills:[Aspect of an assassin(new)][Aspect of death(new)][Curse wounds][Air territory][Summon: mimic beasts]

Unique skills:[Immortal body(new)][Sixth sense][Soul(new)][Chaos eater(new)][Area devastation(new)]

Awakened skills:[Perseverance]

Sentient skills:[Ruler of Gluttony]

Divine protection:none

Titles:[Former human][True chimera][New species][Revenge seeker][Mad beast][Living eater][Merciless][Variant species generator][C rank dungeon clearer(new)]

"Why am I the only one without divine protection"?Noticing gluttony's silence I wanted to ask it but...

<<<Master incoming adventurers approaching>>>

I looked in front of me and I saw tree adventurers that looked frightened, readying themselves to battle me while one ran away screaming,in all there were four of them. The one that ran away was a leopard beastman and the three that stayed were a rabbit beastman,an ogre and a human.

<<<Master please kill that beastman,he is running to the city to warn the people of a dangerous monster>>>

" Isn't that a good thing "?I asked not understanding why she asked me to kill him.

<<<That monster I'm talking about is you master>>>

"Wuh?I'm being treated as a dangerous monster even though I look like an adorable cat".I asked shocked.

<<<As if>>>

Hey there's that attitude again,don't you guys see it?

" Oh well,[dark bullet]"I shot out a normal dark bullet but unlike before it was far stronger and faster.It was like I used lv4 magic instead of lv1.

The beast man died before he even knew it."What the hell was that?Imjust wanted to stop him not kill him"!I shouted unconsciously.

<<<Because master is stronger and because of [Magic enhancement] it was stronger than usual>>>

I just wanted to talk to them but now I have to kill them all since they're not gonna trust me not to kill them.

I similarly used [dark bullet] to kill all of them and they couldn't even retaliate.Not wanting to leave evidence I ate all of their bodies with [Chaos eater].

<<<[nameless] ate beastman×2 ,demon:ogre and human and gained skills[Demon language][Beastmen language]>>>

<<<[Ruler of Gluttony] fused skills [Human language][Demon Language][Beastman language] and created extra skill [World language]>>>

Maybe I shouldn't walk around in my true form.

<<<[nameless] used [Ruler of Gluttony] ability [Mimic] to change into dark beastman>>>

"I should also use [Aspect of an assassin] to hide my presence "I thought looking at my beast form.I looked like a human with a black tail,black ears and long silver hair with a short horn from my forehead.

" The horn stays"?I asked while putting on the female human and rabbit beastmans' clothes.I then took all of their money and loot and put it in a dimensional storage bag the human girl had."Well forward to the city,let's go".
