
My Unexpected Journey

Luna is mysteriously being thrown from realm to realm in the cosmos. The only way for her to return to her own time line is to complete a bizarre adventure.

MonaRich · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

5: Pokémode (Part One)

I jerked up straight in bed. I don't recognize the pink wallpaper or any of the furniture that surrounds me. A huge plush sat on a round mat in the middle of a polished wooden floor. Some kind of animal. Somehow it seems familiar. Where have I seen it before? I searched my memory for the answer, but nothing came into light. "Bright and shine, Moon. You need to continue on your journey," a sweet voice acknowledged me from the doorway. I took in the young girl's appearance. She's got big round caramel brown eyes. The light shade of her hair reminds me of candyfloss. She's got the sweet and energetic aura about her. Apparently she knows me, yet I can't remember ever seeing her before. "You should go down to the health centrum; your darlings should be all healed and ready to go." She's going out of her way to be nice and I can't even recall her name. What a shame? I smiled at her poorly as I awkwardly climb out of bed. "Thank you for the update," I thanked her coyly. "Oh my, you weren't kidding me when you informed me that you're not good with remembering names," she said. A delightful giggle quickly erupted from her lips. How long have I been here according to her records? Where is here? "I'm Megan," she introduced herself again before continuing. "We've met yesterday at the Pokémon contest; I came in second, but you took the big ribbon home." I feel bad for not remembering. Looks like the curtain did more then just spitting me out in another world this time around. He rewarded me with a fake persona and there's even memories that goes along with it. I dressed myself in some fancy traveling attire and made my way downstairs to where this facility is supposed to be. "Good morning, Moon. Your Sylveon and Aromatisse are all healed and ready to go," a medical lady said friendly. Nurse Joy? Could this actually be happening? Am I really a part of Natsu's favourite bedtime story? My brother is going to freak if he ever find out about this. The world of Pokémon!? Now I'm curious to know in which region I'm trapped. I can't ask the Pokémon practitioner, she would sent me off to bed. I can't stay much longer. Like Megan said so casually, I need to continue on my journey. I have to find a way that would show me the way towards my next destination. For it to come into view I have to find the curtain. However, until I reach it, I might just as well enjoy this adventure while it last. I took my pokéballs from Nurse Joy's hands and put them back into the bag that's slinged over my shoulder. I went over towards the map on the wall and examined it. According to the map, I'm currently in Camphier Town. I slide my finger over the route that would take me to the next town. I'll need to take route 7, I told myself in secrecy. Natsu's going to pop! I'm standing in a medical centrum in the Kalos region. I greeted Nurse Joy and made my way into the sunlight. It's a glorious day. The sun's golden rays soaks into my skin. My pokéballs and I walked down the long winding road and left the town of Camphier behind. The berry fields winked brightly at me as I passed it. Plants and trees are fruitful this time of year. The bushes is heavily pregnant with berries. It's a feast for the eyes. I picked a few blue berries along the way as I inched closer to route 7. The rustling coming from a flower bush drew my attention. I stopped in my tracks. I point my pokédex at the new Pokémon and scanned it. "Flabébe, the single bloom Pokémon. When it finds a flower that it likes, it dwells on that flower its whole life long. It floats in the winds embrace with an untroubled heart," the pokédex informed me. I gently took an Oran berry out of my bag and threw it towards the beautiful creature that sat in the hollow of a red flower. She picked it up and ate it happily. As the creature enjoyed the berry I quickly threw a great ball at the Flabébe. Before I could see if I've succeeded to capture her, the earth open up. I fell down, what feels like a black hole. Internally I readied myself for impact, but somebody cushions my fall. "Ow! Who hit me over the head?" A young boy complained. I jumped up and looked around me for my newly captured partner. Hoping that it too had fallen threw the hole with me. On the ground a few inches away, against the trunk of a tree, lays the pokéball, Flabébe successfully within. "I'm sorry," I apologized as soon as I've picked up the ball. "Hello, how about you and I hurry off towards the nearest town and get married," a man with brown hair and dark eyes flirted. It could only be Brock, but how's that even possible? I'm sure that I've been in the Kalos region on moments before. I'm positive that I'm finding myself in the Kanto region at the time being. This is way above me. "How about you don't harass any other ladies," a beautiful orange haired maiden stated annoyingly as she dragged him away by his ear. If they're here, than that must mean that the one who cushioned my fall has to be Ash. The one and only Ash Ketchum. The boy who dreams about becoming a Pokémon master. "Apology accepted. I'm Ash and this is my partner Pikachu. Let's have a Pokémon battle," he said chirpily. "Sure, okay," I said shadowing his mood. This is going to be interesting. "Alright Pikachu, I choose you!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Flabébe, come on out," I said as I threw her ball up into the air. Out came my newly captured partner. "Who's that Pokémon?" Ash asked as he pointed his own pokédex towards the unfamiliar breed. "Scanning Pokémon… Scan completed. Pokémon undetected. No data recorded," the pokédex in Ash's hand informed him. Ash just shrug it off and called out his first move. "Flabébe use lucky charm," I ordered. Ash bellowed out his next attack. "Flabébe dodge and use lucky charm again," I hold her. She obeyed. Ash is a furious young trainer, he's looking for some kind of an opening. "Flabébe, jump and use fairywind." She did as were told and landed a direct hit. If it wasn't for Lucky charm which enhanced the critical status, fairywind wouldn't have done as much damage as it had. "With Pikachu out of commission, Flabébe is the winner," Brock announced.

I rushed over towards Ash and Pikachu's side and gave the little yellow fellow a blue healing berry, which he ate happily. "Somethings happening," Misty said in awe. "It's involving," Brock said proudly. Flabébe is completely engulfed by a bright white light. As the brightness level dimmed, a studding creature stood in Flabébe's place. I pointed my pokédex in its direction: "Floette, the single bloom Pokémon and the involve form of Flabébe. When the flower of a well-tended flower bed bloom, it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance." Three starstrucked faces stared at me as I let Floette back into her ball. "You're not from around here, are you?" Brock asked interested. I shook my head. Well, isn't it obvious! "Do you have more rare beauties?" Misty asked me with big sparkling eyes. I nodded and took my other two pokéballs out of my bag. "Meet Sylveon and Aromatisse. And I am Luna Rose Dragneel, but everybody calls me Moon," I took the opportunity to introduce myself as well. I gave each of them a berry, they took it from me full of whims and woo. "They're so pretty! I'm Misty by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you." Likewise, this is extra ordinary. I laughed delightfully as Pikachu made friends with mine. "Welcome to the Kanto region, Moon. I'm Brock. We should make a quick stop at the nearest Pokémon centre and give Professor Oak a call. Perhaps he knows of a way to get you back home," Brock offered. Ash and Misty second to that. After a quick meal we head off to the next town in Kanto.

We walked down the quiet streets, straight towards the medical facility for Pokémon. At entry, Ash and I, made our ways towards the phones. His buddy Pikachu still sitting on his shoulder. "Pikachu seems to have taken a liking in you, right buddy?" Ash asked rhetorically as he cooed his yellow friend, which instantly replied with a cute little noise. I recall seeing some manga pages, way back when, and how Pikachu usually zapped strangers. He must find me to his liking, seeing how I haven't been zapped yet. The newest addition to my list of friends gave the Professor on the outskirts of Pallet Town a call. "Ring, ring, ring… Phone call! Phone call!" The phoning devise screeched. After a short moment, he answered: "Oh Ash, hello. How have you been?" The white haired man asked politely. "I've been doing great, Professor." He opened up his blazer and showed the old man how he's in need of one more badge. He went on in an excited tone about how he can't wait to sign up for the Kanto Championships. "That's very good news, Ash, your mother would be so proud of you." Ash nodded and rewarded him with a broad smile. "You see Professor, I actually called because my friend needs some assistance from you," Ash got straight to the point after his inflated ego dropped a notch. "Oh, I see. So what seems to be the problem young one?" I took some time to explain my situation to him in as much detail as I could muster, without giving myself away. He uhmed and ahed at random intervenes. "There's a rumour, going around, telling about a rare legendary Pokémon that's somewhere in the Virulean Caves. It can use its psychic abilities to help you out of your current situation." I nodded in understanding. "Seeing how Ash needs to go to the Virulean gym to get his final badge, its right up his ally. Will you kindly enter your pokédex in the slot so that I can update it for your convenience?" I obeyed and obtained it after a short while. "Now your pokédex can give you more information on the Pokémon and their whereabouts in the Kanto region." I thanked him and in union, Ash and I greeted Professor Oak. When we joined the others outside, Brock was sulking about how Misty would always pull his ear and embarrass him in front of Nurse Joy. Seeing their quarrels in real is surely something for the history books.

Ever since we've left the surroundings of the last town, I've had the feeling that something's been watching me. Following us. Team Rocket, perhaps? At second thought, nah, they wouldn't follow us just for the likes of it. They would rather jump out and give us unnecessary troubles. Just as the thought crossed my mind an odd looking couple emerged from the bushes. These guys are so gullible to think how easily they fall for their premature tricks. I want to inform Ash and the others about the usual trouble makers, but I can't. I'm not allowed to rewrite the story that's playing off in front of my eyes. Me informing them about the couple's true identity would be doing just that. So I should just watch how it plays out. The region that I've vanished from doesn't know about the existence of the big R. A group of Pokémon thieves. "Excuse me young man, but is that a Pikachu on your shoulder?" Stupid question. Surely they couldn't be so blind. "A stroller! Mind if I take a peak?" Misty cooed at the idea of seeing a baby out here in the middle of nowhere. "But of course you may. Our darling needed to get out of that small apartment. We've decided on an afternoon stroll through the woods," the woman in the odd couple said. As Ash walked closer to take a look, one of them snatched Pikachu away. A pair of rubber gloves decorate the person's hands. They jumped backwards and pulled off their disguises.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: And make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation

James: To unite all people within our nation

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love

James: To extend our reach to the stars above

Jessie: JESSIE…!

James: And James

Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light

James: Surrender now, or, prepare to fight.

The talking Pokémon jumped out of the stroller and exclaimed: "Meowth, that's right!" Jessie's blue psychic friend jumped out of nowhere to finish their stupid motto. "Who are they?" I asked even though I already know, I might as well play the part. "They're Pokémon thieves, whose always trying to get my Pikachu," Ash hissed like a snake. "Not on my watch, they aren't! Sylveon, let's go," I said as I threw my ball into the air. "Use Magical Leaf on that container and set Pikachu free," I ordered her. Before they could even taste victory, Pikachu and Sylveon were standing side by side. "Sylveon!" I said. "Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed. "Use!" The both of use bellowed in unison. "Thunderbolt!" "Dazzling Gleam!" It combined into an explosive attack. "Team Rocket blasts off again…." Their screams disappeared into the distance.

Ash, Brock, Misty and I; crossed rivers. Climbed mountains. Walked for days on end. As our journey continued, three new Pokémon joined my team. Ninetales the evolution of Vulpix, Arcanine the evolution of Growlithe and my newest darling, Ponyta. After a lot of camped out nights, we've reached our destination. The Virulean Caves.