
Chapter 33

Bryan's Pov

The silver haired boy introduce himself as "Crest Morgan" and supposedly he was from Iceland, Class started after his introduction and he sat in the back corner of the room, it seems like everyone is really fond of him by the way they gossip about his looks.

The Class dismiss earlier than Usual because of the faculty meeting, I was heading to the bathroom when I arrived someone came in behind me locking the door, I turn around as fast as I could ready to beat the shit out of the intruder.

"Woah easy there, Little Mate" The man spoke which I recognize as the silver haired boy from earlier, what's his name again Trees?, Whitey?, Whatever his name was is not my problem, The only thing I'm interested in, is about why he lock the door.

Mate? That's a weird nickname "What do you want" I ask the boy that was leaning in the door, I was ready to punch him if his answer is wrong but to be honest there was never a correct answer so I'm gonna beat him up either way.

"Nothing much, I'm just here to claim you" Claim Me?, Like hell I would let you do that, "Fuck you!" I said before I pounce into him but he quickly held my had moving it from behind me than pushing my face in the door while he was locking my Hand from behind.

"Don't get violent or else I have no choice but to break a bone or two" the silver haired boy threaten, What the hell is this strength his not even making any effort pinning me down.

"I need to change you before we can mate, so that you would be able to handle me" He said rubbing his crotch behind me, Fuck I almost vomit at his action "I thought you were gonna be a cute boy, but you're quite the opposite of what I have in mind".

"Let me tell you how the procedure works" What procedure is he talking about, "Let go of me you Bastard" I said angrily, "We can only change people if their our Mates, but if the person is already a supernatural we don't need to change then, because they will be able to handle the mating unlike you weaklings" He inform while he held my Hair with his free hand.

"The only thing I need to do to change you is to Bite you, Easy right? But... Not quite you will experience great pain while your body undergo the change and let me tell you its gonna be hell for you" He whispered the last part in my ear, Did this bastard think He can intimidate me with his little threats.

"Bón Appetit" He said before his teeth sunk into my neck, He stayed there for about a minute before he Let go of my making me stumble on the floor, I held my chest, there was a burning sensation deep inside me "Don't worry my Venom will work in about a minute but before that happens, I need to take you to my place" He said before.

My vision got blurry and my head feels like exploding all my muscles are aching, It hurts so much all I can do is scream but He just covered my mouth muffling my voice 'shhh' the bastard said before, I lose my consciousness.

The next chapter is gonna be a bit Gore cuz there will be killing scene.

P.s Don't ship these two !!!

Leave a review if it isn't too much to ask, that would be really helpful. Enjoy the chapter <3

XyderHalecreators' thoughts
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