
My Twin Mates! [BL]

Meet Caelan he is a 18 year old boy who has a troubled and depressing life that he just wants to escape from. One day is all it took for his life to be turned around for the best. But is he ready for his Two Strong Alpha Mates that is willing to fights for the love that they think he deserve. But first what's an omega?

eboneyk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Meet our mom!

My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. As I couldn't believe that Malcom would do something like that and thought he would get alway with it. I mean what was he thinking, not that it matters. But i'm so happy that the twins showed up when they did because things were about to get really ugly.

    I guess I wasn't paying attention because I didn't notice how far we drove into the forest and we were now pulled up to the a magnificent estate.

      The grandeur of the place was overwhelming, resembling a small palace rather than a mere house.  I was so enthralled with the house I didn't notice when Rafi, ever the bold one, opened my door and gestured for me to step out. My heart raced with nerves as I got out and followed him, my shaky legs betraying my anxiety.

As we approached the imposing front door, an aura of power emanated from within. And then, she appeared. A formidable yet breathtakingly beautiful woman greeted us. "Hello Caelan how are you doing and nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too ummm..?"

" You can call me Imara"

"Nice to meet you Ms. Imara and I'm ok... I guess?"

"That's good and I don't want to keep you standing here is this horrible heat please come in."

She steps back and welcoming me into her abode with an elegance befitting royalty. Her poise and grace were awe-inspiring, leaving me both intimidated and captivated.

We settled into the comfort of the living room, the twins and I finding ourselves seated across from their formidable mother. The tension in the air was tangible, a heavy silence enveloping us.

Finally, Rafi broke the silence, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "Mother, we felt it was necessary to bring Caelan here." He said look at his mother. "He is our mate, and we believe it is time to reveal the truth to him, the truth about our world." He told his mother through the family pack link.

A hint of surprise and curiosity flickered in their mother's eyes as she listened intently. She leaned forward, her gaze fixed upon me, as if trying to unravel the mysteries hidden within my soul. It was as if she possessed an uncanny ability to see through the facade I had carefully constructed.

"  Is there something that I should know about because this is the first time you brought one of your friends home." with that the room got quiet once again, since neither the three of them knew where to start about what happens at school in the parking lot.

The tension was broken as a servant appeared, carrying a tray of ice cold sweet lemon tea. The aromatic scent filled the room as she passed by were we are sitting. " I wonder what kind of sweet tea do they use because I've never smelled something like that.  It kind of weirds me out because for some reason It's calming my frayed nerves." The twins' mother extended her hand, accepting a cup with practiced grace. The exchange seemed almost ritualistic, a significant moment in our gathering.

And then, the floodgates opened. The twins began recounting the tale of our encounter with the bully, their words flowing with fervor and determination. They spoke of protection, of rage, and of their unyielding desire to keep me safe. The room seemed to pulse with the power of their anger a force that could move mountains and defy fate itself.   It kind of confused me a little bit. I didn't think that they were this angry about what happened. They seem so calm?  No. Not really calm but not as angry as they seem to be right now.  I wonder where this new anger seem to come from?

As they finished their tale, their mother's eyes softened with an understanding that went beyond words. She had gleaned a glimpse into the bond we will one day form, recognizing the depths of our connection is quickly comingtogether. A moment of silence enveloped us once more, as if the universe itself held its breath, waiting for her response.

With a smile gracing her lips, the twins' mother spoke, her voice filled with a mix of reassurance and foreboding.

"  I'm so sorry that that happened to you Caelan. It's unfortunate that we still have biggets out in the world. But I'm happy that my boys were able to help their friend out."

" Thank you ma'am. Yeah they really came at the right time because I don't think I was strong enough to be able to fight Malcolm off by myself. He is pretty big and he kind of scared me a little bit. But I'm  Not work because I think I would have been able to do some damage, I might be small but I do know how to put up a fight."

Nico turned his head and covered his mouth chuckling. " what's so funny Nico?" I said  with a curious but annoyed look on my face.

"Nothing.  You're just so cute and tiny." He said with a small smile.

" I'm not small or cute!" I said with a pout!

We started going back and forth noticing  The Rafi and his mother were watching us with a fawning look.