
A Quick Check Up

After a few days, Seth finally made his way back to his home in Japan. He may be a battle-hardened underground hero but nothing could ever prepare him for the struggle of looking after a child. It was just one problem after another, first Terry was hungry but refused to eat from a spoon so Seth had to feed him using his driving license and the constant crying it almost made Seth glad he never had a child of his own despite not being in a real relationship for a couple of years.

Seth was infinitely grateful for the metal guard dog Patch as it looked after the majority of Terry's needs taking a major burden off of his back, but he was back home now and that's all that mattered. He lives in a large home for someone who lives alone it was very clean but dusty, which is given since he probably spends more time in the office or on patrol rather his own home. Looking at the state of his dusty abode Seth thought to hire a maid since there's going to be more than himself living here, but as if reading his thoughts Patch went about his home sucking in all the dust like a vacuum and blew it all outside.

'Well that was convenient' Seth thought to himself before looking at the bumbling Terry who was slumped on top of his robot steed.

Seth had mixed emotions towards Terry as he was the son as his most trusted friends but Seth himself had no idea how to take care of him, he's only 21 for goodness sake. Thank god Patch was here or he would be completely hopeless. Seth walked over and picked up Terry into his embrace who began to giggle while in his arms, his innocent eyes smiled at Seth. Letting out a small sigh he called up his office to ask for some time off.

5 years later...

Terry was in his room idling lying on Patch while tinkering with some bits of scrap, his fingers moved with the grace of a professional, each movement held purpose and was not wasted. After a couple more changes he was done and what lay in his hand was a small mechanical bird, Terry inspected it a bit before holding his finger to the battery. The bracer on his arms lit up then his finger glowed blue and a small spark was sent from Terry to the bird which suddenly whirred into life and began to flap around his room.

Terry and Patch idly watched as weakly flapped in his rooms airspace. It managed a few more laps before exploding, bits of scrap was sent flying while making a large ruckus as well. Terry cringed at his exploding creation while Patch barked at it,

"Terry, what the hell was that?"

"Nothing Seth!"

"The hell do you mean nothing! You blew something up again didn't you?"

"Maybe!" Terry said as he smiled to himself. 'This brat' Seth thought to himself, ever since he became Terry's guardian his life has been anything but calm. First, he had to step down as an underground hero to becoming a regular patrol hero even though he only had the position for a year also he went from a 21-year-old bachelor who's in his golden years to a single parent. This lead to him slowly becoming estranged from his usual friends but he also made some new ones, especially with other mothers in the office who were a massive help when it came to looking after a baby. It was hard but given the chance, he would do it all again. Smiling to himself he called out to Terry again,

"Whatever clean up and come downstairs, we have guests coming soon!"

"Kayyyyy!" After replying Terry took out a large metal plate on a stick that had some copper wires wrapped around it. His began glowing blue again, Terry swung the stick about and the scattered scrap bits of the bird was picked up by the magnet. He collected all of the bits and walked to the metal dog,

"Patch say ahhhhhh," Patch opened it's maw and swallowed all of the bits of metal in one go. After cleaning his room the boy and his dog raced downstairs towards Seth, he was tidying up in the living room in a shirt and jeans as well as his signature blindfold.

"Seth, Seth, Seth!"Terry joyfully called out, Seth rolled his eyes under his blindfold then replied,

"What, what, what,"

"Who's coming? Is Ryuko-nee coming?" Terry asked with shining eyes,

"No Tatsuma-san is not coming it's actually Majima-san who's coming, also why is Tatsuma-san always first guess?"

"Because Ryuko-nee likes you and you're always lonely - OW" To his cheekiness Seth flicked Terry hard on his head.

"Silly brat Tatsuma-san is my junior, she doesn't see me that way," Seth said exasperated. To that Terry just stuck his tongue out, at that moment there was a knock at the door. Terry rushed to open the door but due to being a small child he couldn't reach the locks so Seth picked him up so could open the door.

"HIGAA!" Terry screamed as he jumped at the small man at the door. Majima, or Powerloader, could barely react before a toddler landed on his face. Majima managed to pry off the child before groaning,

"Ugh, kid why couldn't you give me a nicer nickname?" Terry just giggled more to avoid answering his question. Shaking his head Majima just tucked Terry under his arm like he was carrying a sack of flour. Seth smiled at the duo's antics,

"Higa-chan nice to see that you've made it," Majima gave Seth a stink eye after he said that,

"Don't you start!" No respect, every single time Majima visits these two it's always the same rudeness.

After Terry settled down they went inside to the sitting room and made some small talk before Terry asked,

"Higa how come you came today?"

"I've come to check on your containment bracers to see if it needs any changes."

"Oh, it doesn't hurtie no more and I don't go BZZZT" Terry explained with dramatic arm movements.

"Alright kid just come here and let me take a look at it." After a couple minutes of tinkering with his bracers, Majima was done and so he set Terry who went back up to his as he said both Seth and Majima were 'stinky and boring'.

The two of them smiled at the kid's antics before Majima spoke up,

"He might need a higher storage bracer in the future if he doesn't learn to control his quirk."

"I thought so his discharges have been becoming stringer, thank god for the limiter or else he would've blown the house up in plasma fire on multiple occasions."

"Hah, that would be sight." Seth gave a small glare at Majima before sighing to himself. They remained quiet for a few moments before Seth said,

"I don't understand where his quirk comes from, his father was quirkless and his mother had an analysis type quirk. Where does his Battery quirk come from?"

"I don't know but I'm sure if he doesn't get some training on controlling it, he'll become a danger to himself as well as others. Speaking of, what is his old man up to now?" Seth shook his head before replying,

"I dunno, ever since I left with Terry, Viktor's been off the grid. I don't even think his father-in-law knows where he is but I know he's hell-bent on taking down that organisation."

"Hmm, he's never been the same ever since Maria died," Seth silently agreed. Seeing the atmosphere become too heavy Majima grinned and asked,

"How about you Seth, any girl you've got your eye on?"

"Haha," Seth deadpanned, "No woman at their age wants to tie themselves down with a man who has a kid."

"Really? What about that Tatsuma that you're mentoring? She definitely has a thing for you." Seth's face went bright just like his blindfold,

"Why has everyone been saying that? We have a pure teacher-student relationship okay."

"Haha sure," Majima laughed whereas Seth grumbled under his breath 'it's not like she would think about an older guy like me' although it would make Seth happy that a cute girl like Tatsuma would consider being in a relationship with him. 'No, no bad Seth, she's your junior. no impure thoughts!" Seth mentally berated himself.

The two of them continued their light banter before Majima had to go back to his new job at UA academy.

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