
Some Silent guy's true story

If a guy is silent in the society. People think so much about that guy and assumes whatever they want.

Some feel he is shy, some feel he is cunning. They may be true but there is also one more reason for a guy to be silent i.e., may be because he is used to be silent especially because of the surroundings from his childhood.

The first two cases people will never think of what society thinks about them and they don't give a fuck.

But the third type people usually will be very sensitive and they usually gets very hurted when people misunderstands them thinking he is cunning or he is innocent or shy which he actually not.

So my main point is about the third type of silent guys which we find them very rarely but I feel they are most truthfull souls of this generation in particular.

I don't no why people don't like this kind of people. Some feel they are boring but they never understand they are the ones who love genuinely from their heart because they don't no how to fake.

I think this kind of people live the toughest life. Because some underestimate this type of people saying they are innocent but if that guy does a normal mischievous thing which everyone do then the same people consider him in the cunning people category.

Poor guy, that is his problem and he will be going through a lot with that problem but people in this world will be judging them according to their mind. How cruel the world is for this kind of people?

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