6 Examination

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

It was already very late when the wall was repaired, and Bai Ye had to attend classes the next day. Therefore, he returned to his bedroom to rest.

The timing of the college entrance examination was different from the middle school entrance examination's. The college entrance examination required a separate school admission examination, but this did not apply to the middle school entrance examination.

The middle school entrance examination would only test one's culture and meditation levels.

Moreover, the timing of the middle school entrance examination would differ in each base city. Unlike the college entrance examination, which was a unified national examination across the entire federation, the middle school entrance examination was held separately by each base city.

The 36th Base City middle school entrance examination was scheduled one month after the college entrance examination. As of today, there were only six days left until the middle school entrance examination of the 36th Base City.

Although Fang Luolin was already preparing to transfer Bai Ye to her university after this semester, she still hoped Bai Ye would get good results in the middle school entrance examination.

Bai Ye usually fared quite well when it came to culture subjects.

He was usually in the top 30 students of the cohort. In addition, his meditation results were amongst the best.

The only thing he lacked was a tamed beast.

After having breakfast and declining his sister's suggestion to take him to school, Bai Ye arrived at the school 20 minutes earlier than usual.

He opened his school bag and took out three books, each of them as thick as a dictionary.

The middle school entrance examination would test only three culture subjects—"Studying Monsters on the Obsidian Planet—Middle School Edition", "Elementary Science", and "Integrated Curriculum for Beginner Beast Tamers".

In addition to culture subjects, there was also a meditation assessment.

Also, the last subject, Social Practice, was not considered compulsory in the examination, but a student could earn additional credits from it.

Elementary Science was a subject inclined toward accounting.

As the name suggested, "Studying Monsters on the Obsidian Planet—Middle School Edition" consisted of 10 books, each as thick as a dictionary. 95% of the content was about information on common monsters, including their habits, family species, grade, combat style, weaknesses, character traits, common knowledge, and so on, on the Obsidian Planet. The remaining 5% of the content was the various data of rare or famous monsters with distinctive traits on the Obsidian Planet.

Of course, some monsters were too rare and the information recorded in the books was incomplete.

The number of students in the classroom gradually increased.

The quiet classroom began to turn noisy.

The class bell rang 10 minutes later.

Then, footsteps were heard outside the classroom.

Someone yelled, "The form teacher is here!" The classroom quickly quietened down.

In a moment, Zhou Xia, the form teacher, walked into the classroom through the front door, holding onto a stack of papers and a thermos flask.

Standing on Zhou Xia's shoulder was a gray parrot. The parrot was about two feet tall, its grayish-brown feathers were very fluffy, and its goose-yellow beak was broad and thick. Its orange eyes rolled nimbly, and it was clad in a small tailored suit.

This parrot was one of Zhou Xia's tamed beasts and had been nicknamed Little Teacher Assistant by the students in the class.

"Although meditation is very important, culture subjects cannot be neglected. I know some of the students in the class have been recently having strange thoughts. You have to know that there is only a minority of geniuses. Most students have to go through the difficult, competitive path. The aggregate score for the three culture subjects is 450. I don't know how many of you believe these 450 points are not important. Not everyone is Dong Shentong, and not everyone is a genius. Therefore, we'll continue with the papers this morning. Don't relax until it's over," Zhou Xia said as she put down the papers on the podium.

The Little Teacher Assistant standing on her shoulder jumped down. Its two claws stepped on the steel podium, making tapping sounds.

With a gentle leap, it landed on the podium.

"Take notes! Take notes!" the parrot yelled, imitating Zhou Xia's voice and stepping on the podium with its claws, making clunking noises in the process.

The score of the mediation assessment was dependent on one's mediation level. For iron five-stars, the basic passing score was 60 points. The passing score would increase by 20 points with each additional star. There was no upper limit for extra credit.

However, human potential was limited. Generally speaking, a genius would only be 15 or 16 years old when they graduated from high school. The highest meditation score in the history of the 36th Base City was 360 for a silver ten-star.

This record had been set 15 years ago by a student called Dong Shentong. He was also the big boss behind Dong's Private Kitchen business now.

Dong Shentong's culture subject score had been only slightly over 100 points. Nevertheless, because of his excellent meditation score, an exception had been made and he had been admitted to the No. 1 High School of the 36th Base City.

The No. 1 High School had dozens to hundreds of special enrollment slots every year. Some of these slots catered to geniuses such as Dong Shentong, who had extraordinary meditation talent, and some were reserved for certain households.

As for the last subject, Social Practice, it was very easy to gain extra credit.

For example, 100 credits would be added when one attained the adventure-level Beast Tamer qualification certificate, and 60 credits would be added when one attained the beginner Medical Practitioner certificate.

The school was a place that groomed talent, and the ultimate goal was to transform knowledge into practical ability.

If one could achieve certain results during their schooling period, the school and conglomerates would also be pleased.

One after another, the papers were distributed.

"Study of Monsters on the Obsidian Planet Mock Examination Paper (23)"

Bai Ye quickly scanned the main questions, which were multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, and then began writing quickly as soon as he got the gist.

Multiple-choice questions (20 questions in total, 2 points for each question)

1. Xiao Ming was exploring in the wild when he saw a five-meter-wide translucent spider web in a dry cave. Which monster cannot spin this web?

A. The Gray-Disc-Striped Spider; B. The Cave Horn Spider; C. The Jumping Dead Evil Spider; D. The Long-Haired Brown Spider

Bai Ye took a glance and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

This is such a dead giveaway.

Out of the four kinds of spiders, only the Gray-Disc-Striped Spider could not spin webs. He decisively selected "A".

2. The four advanced forms of the Six-Faced Congregation Beast do not include…

The content of the paper was not complicated.

Bai Ye barely paused before he finished all the questions in 40 minutes.

After checking once to ensure he had not made any careless mistakes, he put down the pen, closed his eyes, and began meditating in his seat.

Meditation was akin to a harvest that accumulated over time, and there was no shortcut to it.

Bai Ye closed his eyes and meditated but did not use the official meditation technique of the Obsidian Federal Government. He adopted another method instead.

This meditation technique had been passed down to him by his father when he was a child.

Bai Ye's Sea of Consciousness was a starry sky.

At the center of the starry sky was a planetary ring formed by pieces of stardust.

The huge planetary ring formed a complex celestial body.

The celestial body was rotating slowly on its own. As it rotated, it devoured beams of white light spots in the surrounding void, merging them with its body.

When Bai Ye took the initiative to meditate, the speed of the celestial body increased, and so did the absorbing and devouring efficiency.

As the planetary ring grew, Bai Ye's mental strength also became stronger and stronger.

Bai Ye didn't know what his current mental strength was. He had not measured it in a long time.

However, he had measured his mental strength during his final examination six months ago, and it had been a silver two-star then.

Six months had passed, so it should have made a lot of progress.

This meditation method was truly extraordinary. He and his sister used the same meditation method. Undoubtedly, the reason she had surpassed her peers was mostly thanks to this.

The bell rang for the third time and the two lessons ended. Zhou Xia began to collect the papers.

"Hand in the papers! Stop writing! Chen Mingrui, you're still writing. Deduct points! Deduct points!" The Little Teacher Assistant danced and called out to a student who was still writing. The student was sitting in the second to last row of the classroom.

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