
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

What Will He Do?

"So, you that prodigy people are talking about." a handsome young man said as he walked up to Sora who was looking at a mission he could pick. Sora calmly turned to look at the young man, he was a blonde-haired man with bright golden eyes,

"I'm Han Yan. I'm the leader of the sword emperor guild." He said with a smile, those within the sect are able to come together to form their own organizations. the sword emperor guild is one of the strongest guilds within the sect, it also has a few elders in mid and late silver rank within. Sora was shocked that the leader himself made a move to see him

"I wanted to event you into the guild, I am willing to offer 10 high-grade copper stones a month until you break through to the iron rank, at each you will get 5 low-grade ironstones and will increase with every improvement to your cultivation." He said with a smile

"Sure, I will accept. is there a catch?" Sora asked with a smile. Han Yan shook his head, such talent joining their organization was for the best.

"what type of mission are you looking for?" He asked with a smile,

"a mission that could offer some techniques or a lot of sect points at least," Sora said softly as he looked at the mission listed in front of him.

"You knew to the sect, the best way to gain techniques is through the inheritance hall. there you will find the inheritance of the past elders, from techniques to even some resources they left behind." Han Yan said with a smile

"Thank you, I will go there right away. but I should first go collect my monthly resources." Sora said with a smile, Han Yan nodded slightly as he followed Sora to go collect his stuff. His monthly recourses were of 1 low iron rank stone, 5 qi refining pills, and some other kinds of pills. Sora was cultivating for a year, so he gained 12 iron rank pills and 60 qi refining pills.

it turned out that one could sell the recourses given to them back to the sect in exchange for sect credits. as they headed to the inheritance hall, Han Yan told Sora everything Sora needed to know, it didn't take long for them to arrive at the inheritance hall, at which Hour was given the chance to enter this once for free. ever inner disciple had this chance,

Sora entered the inheritance hall, and as he did he felt dizzy, it was like the world was spinning, he felt like throwing up. Sora suddenly found himself in the middle of a grassland, he turned around and saw that the door he came through had disappeared.

"This is a pocket space?" Sora asked in shock as he was about to take the first step, a face appeared in the sky as he calmly looked down at Sora. the face was see-through, but with what Sora could barely see, it was like he was looking at an immortal. Sora has never seen anyone so handsome

"For you to be brought here means you have reached level 7 with a bone age of under 20 years old, or that you hold more power within you which allows you to skip levels. and most importantly, your heart isn't filled with evil. I'm Ling Han, and this is the inheritance I have left. pass the trial, and you shall gain it. if you don't wish it, then speak now." Ling Han said, but Sora said nothing which made Ling Han nod slightly

"Then let the trial begin." He said as he disappeared Sora suddenly saw that a puppet had appeared in front of him with the same cultivation as him, the puppet rushed forward as it attacked Sora, but the puppet was easily destroyed with a simple punch.

the puppet reformed, but this time stronger than before as it had combat power at level 8 copper rank. Sora again destroyed the puppet with a simple punch, but the puppet reformed once more with combat strength at level 9,

Sora calmly threw another punch forward, destroying the puppet. to which the puppet reformed, and this time with combat strength at level 10. but it was destroyed with a simple punch once more, the puppet reformed with half step iron rank level of strength, then level 1 iron rank level of strength at reach point Sora had to get slightly seriously,

when it reformed with level 2 iron rank level of strength, Sora had to use Qi to one-shot it. and when it reached level 3 iron rank level of strength, Sora had to use the lightning techniques to win. but in the 4th level, He and the battle fought for 5 minutes straight until Sora won after understanding the puppet way of fighting

Sora was also shocked by his own combat strength, his body had really gone through huge improvement upon reaching level 7 copper rank, as he could not store not just more solar energy within his cells, but also store normal qi within his body.

but Like 4 iron rank seemed to be his limits, but another puppet with level 5 iron rank combat power appear. yet Sora didn't back down and welcomed it. the puppet rushed toward Sora with a brush od speed as Sora's hairpin flew out of his hair, making his hair fly crazily in the air.

the hairpin grew as it turned into a normal-sized staff which Sora took in hand before rushing towards the puppet. the puppet attacked Sora, but Sora suddenly pointed the staff at the puppet, at shocking speed, the staff shot forward, hitting the puppet and sending it flying into the sky with a hole in its chest.

Sora skillfully spun the staff in between his fingers, before looking at the puppet which was slowly forming. Sora's eyes brightened as he felt his blood boiling in excitement, he grew the fastest in combat.

Sora rushed forward as he fought with the puppet which had strength at level 6 iron rank, Sora swung the staff forward, but the puppet was too fast as he punched Sora in the face breaking Sora's nose. Sora was sent flying back, but the puppet didn't let up as he rained blows on Sora.

it was an absolute beat down as Sora was quickly covered in blood, but while in the middle of beating Sora, the puppet suddenly froze as the staff had wrapped around it, slowing it down for a split second for Sora to land a blow on the puppet chest with all his remaining strength,

the puppet was heavenly injured by the punch, but it quickly remove the staff as it broke it before it moved to attack Sora, but it froze as it disappeared when its punch was about to land on Sora.

"you're quite skilled," Ling Han's face appeared in the sky as he looked at Sora who was healing at a fast speed, Ling Han thought for some time before nodding slightly

"You have the potential to be able to fight those rank above your own cultivation, take my inherences, and come find me in the upper region in this lower realm, I will take you in as my disciple." Ling Han said as a ring floated from the sky and into Sora's hands,

Sora blinked but suddenly found himself standing within a hall that had many statues of the past elders of the sect. Sora looked with the storage at the pocket world within, and saw there was a cultivation technique, along with many sword techniques,

Sora looked at the cultivation art within, it was a Qi type cultivation art, something he planned to cultivate to the 7th level since his Qi was the weakest thing about him. Sora put the ring onto his ring finger before returning his hair back into place with the staff while walking off to see if he could find an elder he liked, soon he stopped before an old man who held a golden staff in hand

Sora's other weakness was his staff techniques, he didn't even know how to fight with the staff. Standing before this statue, Sora clasped his hands. as he did, the soul within the statue suddenly awakened as he eyed Sora.

a beam of light shot into Sora's mind before Sora appeared within a pocket space which was within his mind, Sora looked around and saw an old man who held a staff looking calmly at him

"You have the talent for the staff. but you must prove you're worthy." the old man said as Sora nodded in understanding as the old man took form and as a golden staff appeared in his hands.

"Learn this staff technique, I will only show it was." the old man said as he began dancing around with the staff. Sora watched as the old man stabbed forward with staff, the staff was quick, heavy at times, and light at times, a strange aura covered the staff, making the staff give off the aura that this staff will shatter heaven and earth. the old man was even able to shoot the aura off, making this world shake as if it would break

"... what's that aura?" Sora asked seeing as he had a hard time comprehending that aura, the old man calmly stabbed the staff into the ground while calmly looking at Sora.

"Staff Intent. It's a special aura once gained from comprehending the Great Dao of the staff. the staff can be straightforward, or it can be ever-changing. Each Aura from each Dao has its enough effect, the Dao of the sword sharpens the sword to an unbelievable level, the Dao of the fire makes your flames capable of burning anything," The Old man said calmly

"Similar to the Dao of the Hammer, The Dao of the staff increases a person's physical strength and the power within a power of one attack. with a simple swing, the heavens will shatter all defense will be pointless. to walk the path of the staff, you must be a body refiner and Qi refiner, a powerful body and powerful energy are needed. your body is strong... but your qi cultivation doesn't match. balance the two and your strength will reach a new level." He said calmly as he waved forward, sending his staff to Sora.

Sora took the staff while nodded before closing his eyes while going through the old man's movements, they were so profound, although he could copy them he couldn't copy the deeper meaning within each of the old man's movements. each staff had the Dao behind it,

after 1 month of just standing there in deep thought, Sora began moving with the staff in his hand. the old man's eyes widened, Sora's every movement was similar to his movements the Dao of the staff was behind each moment, though not as complex as his movement, this was shocking as it only took just 1 month.

"Your talent for the Staff Dao is shocking... what's your name?" the old man asked as his eyes brighten, the staff Dao was a rare Dao not many people walked, unlike the sword Dao which was extremely popular, thereby making the sword Dao a much easier path compared to other paths, the staff Dao was much harder.

the old man seeing someone so talented walking the path of the staff was of course happy. he quickly asked to take Sora in as his disciple, although he was long dead, he could pass down his true inheritance to Sora, allowing Sora to further spread the staff Dao. Sora nodded as he accepted the old man as his master, after paying his respect the old man gave Sora a storage ring holding his true inheritance

Sora reappeared outside the mind space he was in and found he was the same as he entered, meaning that the world was more like an illusion compared to the first world he entered which had Ling Han.

Sora looked at the statue and saw it slowly losing its glow as turned to dust, Sora looked at the name written on it, which was Elder Mo. he paid his respect once more as he watched the dust fly out of the hall, and went to another hall where the dust reformed into his statue once more, within this hall many of statues stood tall and mighty, all being elders of the sect which have left behind their true inherence.

Sora sighed seeing this before he walked deeper into the inheritance hall while looking for more elders which had stuff he liked. there were many elders, and he forced on elders who walked the path of the fist, and the staff.

Sora stayed within that hall for 3 more months before leaving, when he stepped out, he noticed that the elder in charge of the inheritance hall was looking at him weirdly. in the 4 months Sora was within the inheritance hall he had gained the true inheritance from 6 elders, such something thing was not just known by him but many elders who wanted to pay attention to this talent. even the sect elder know of this.

Sora ignored the elder as he went on to first see the old alchemist, the old man was still making pills, so he left behind a storage ring filled with many storage rings for the old man before returning back to his house to cultivate.

Sora first took out the inheritance he gained from within the inheritance, there were many weapons he gained, such as the golden staff which was a med grade silver rank item. there were also some gloves that enhanced a person's strength, which was a med grade silver rank. there were some clothing that also had an enhancement ability and many abilities.

Sora had to make the items see him as their master first, so he had to refine them, the fact that these items had such a high ranking will be much harder to do so. So, Sora had to hold it off and forced on the techniques which he gained

technique such as the Nine Dragons Mighty Fist. When mastered to the peak, a person's fist would hold the power of 9 dragons. this was only a silver rank technique, as one cultivation improves above the Silver rank, the effect of this cultivation art will of course weaken.

there was 9 level to this technique, and with each level, a person will gain 1 Silver Dragon level of power until the 9th level where they will have 9 dragons. each level also has its own minor techniques,

the strongest staff technique was called a Wave shattering Staff. this staff was simple, like the wave, this staff technique will come at you like an endless wave. there are 12 waves, each wave being strongest than the last. when one reaches the last wave, all 12 waves became one forming 1 powerful attack. this was a silver rank technique, the power from this technique will harm a person's body if overused. so, a person's body needed to strengthen their body or else a person's arms will explode from the power of this technique

Sora had already reached a good level within each technique, he could already reach the 3rd wave before his body could no longer handle the power. and his fist had the power of 1 dragon, there were many other techniques, not to mentation he had comprehended staff intent and even fist intent.

if Sora were to rechallenge that first level once more, then he would be able to defeat the puppet at level 7 iron rank when going all out. in other, words, Sora had gained the power needed to skip a ring. from level 7 copper rank, Sora power could now reach a level 7 iron rank experts, although it would be the weaker experts, it was still skipping ranks.

Sora left and went to find someone to challenge for a good fight, he didn't care to hide his power, so he challenged someone at level 7 iron rank. it was a middle-aged man who was not that talented, already over 200 years old.

a person's life span will improve as their cultivation improved, at the copper rank it was a lifespan of 100 at the early stages, but by the peak of the copper rank a person could live up to 150 years. of course, those who reached perfection at every level could live longer, up to 200 years.

in the iron rank, a person at the early stages could live up to 300 years, but why the peak of the iron stage, a person could live up to 500-year-old. a person who reached perfection could live even longer, as they could live up to 750 years.

This middle-aged man was already reaching the peak of his lifespan, in like 50 years or so he will have reached the peak of his lifespan. to get this guy to fight him, Sora of course enraged him to get some points.

Sora rushed forwards toward the middle-aged man who angrily looked at Sora before Qi gathered into his palm before he pushed the palm forward. a huge palm imprint appeared as it shot towards Sora.

Sora easily broke through the palm imprint as he went on to attack the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man seeing Sora was stronger than expect stopped holding back as he went all out to fight Sora. Sora was quickly pushed back as the middle-aged man overpowered him with palm attacks,

palm intent covered the middle-aged man as he sent Sora flying, Sora coughed some blood but quickly landed on his feet

"Haha, good, good. my blood is racing, this feeling," Sora laughed as he wrapped the blood from his mouth, the middle-aged man frowned slightly at Sora's action, Sora shot forward as a copper dragon image appeared behind him.

the middle-aged man seeing the dragon got was shocked as he knew of this technique, the 9 dragon's mighty fist. but Sora only had 1 dragon, the two quickly tried blows, but Sora was still no match for the middle-aged man. but the battle was not so one side anymore. since Sora adapted to the middle-aged combat style,

Sora was still given a huge beating, but not as bad as before as he could sometimes throw his own attacks every now and then, although the middle-aged was stronger he too was injured every now and then.

the battle went on for some time and many people came to watch, they were all shocked at Sora's durability, with such a battle he would still fight even with such injuries. it was like he was pushing himself to his limits and forcing himself to grow stronger. meanwhile, the middle-aged man was slowly reaching his limit.

Soon Sora screamed as he punched forward, a second copper dragon appeared as he punched the middle-aged man, the punch was twice as strong as before as it slammed into the middle-aged man, and he was punched flying.

Sora breathed heavily as he stood at the edge of the stage while looking at the bloody middle-aged man, a smile of satisfaction was on his face as he looked at that middle-aged man. The Middle-aged man was in shock while looking at Sora, Sora grew stronger as they fought, such a thing was just shocking, and him breaking through to the second level of the 9-dragon mighty fist was something he didn't expect.

'I reached med level 7 copper rank, I might even each late level 7 copper rank upon healing,' Sora thought as he felt his strength which was now equal to those at med level 7 copper rank, but thanks to the improvement with the 9 dragons' mighty fist, he could even match a late level 7 iron rank experts.

Sora looked at the middle-aged man who was looking at him with anger, the middle-aged man also improved during the battle, fighting for so long while going all out he would of course gain some improvement. although not his cultivation like Sora, but his techniques had improved during the battle.

"you're no longer my match,'" Sora said with a smile as he turned and went to return home to heal able, no one stopped him as everyone held a deep respect for him. who else will go to such length to improve their cultivation?

Sora turned home and went on to heal up, but as he healed, he began refining the clothing, trying to make them see him as their master. it took Sora 1 month for each clothing, loss robes, and shoes. upon putting these clothing on, the clothing changed as they shrank to fit Sora. Sora's strength more than doubled, from his defense and speed, he felt as if he was a completely new person.

but these were just the basic abilities of the clothing, if Sora was strong enough, he could use his Qi to boost the defense or power up from these clothing. Sora took out the staff and went on to refine the staff, a month later when he refined it, Sora took the staff.

But upon holding the staff Sora felt his power raise, although the monkey king staff boosted his power, it was nothing compared to this staff. the monkey king staff gave Sora a boost of power of 50%, and that will never change no matter how Strong Sora was. but this staff gave a boost of power which was more than 3 times better than that, although this boost will drop as Sora slowly reach the med stages of the silver rank, this was huge for him.

currently, Sora's cultivation was at the late level 7 copper rank, but with everything he had, he could match a peak-level 8 iron rank. with this power, Sora could be said to be current a strong expert in this cultivation world.

Sora left his house and went to go find ways to get rage points, and the best away was to find a clan. he currently had 5,391 rage points, he ended more than 94,609 rage points before he could spin the wheel.

So, he left the sect after finding all the clans which had experts at the iron rank. Sora didn't fear trouble and would happily face it head-on. Sora went on to travel to a city known as the Yan City, it was a bit far as it took a few hours even with Sora's top speed

Sora found a high-class restaurant where he went on to order some food and began eating while thing about this city. the city mayor was at level 8 iron rank and many powerful clans could be found here. Sora calmly look outside the window, the view here was amazing, it was breathtaking, the whole city could be overseen.

as the food arrived and Sora began eating, a young man entered the restaurant he looked for a place to seat, but every seat was filled. he frowned as he looked at the woman, he brought with him, his father told him to not displease her, and since she wanted to expert the city he thought the best place for this was to come to the best restaurant in the city, where they could overlook the whole city

suddenly the young man noticed that someone was eating here alone, he was stunned that someone had the monkey eat here all by themselves. just how lonely were they? he frowned before walking toward Sora,

"To eat here all by yourself is such a sad sight, scream for me," he said arrogantly, someone eating here all by themselves would not have a huge force behind them, or else they would be losing face by going out to eat by themselves. what a sad sight would that be?

Sora who was thinking of a way to cause trouble was speechless, he didn't do anything yet and trouble came knocking. was this the aura of an MC?

the young man who was by the young man's eyes widened slightly upon getting a good look at Sora, such a handsome man. wild yet heavenly, he was like an immortal.

"way I know fairy name?" Sora asked with a gentle smile as he looked at the young man by the young man side,

{successfully enraged Yan Yun, you have received 58 rage points.} the system said as the young man's face twisted seeing how Sora ignored him and began speaking to the woman he brought here. the young man's eyes flashed with a playful light seeing the young man was enraged by Sora's actions, maybe this trip will not be so boring after all.

"I'm Ling Yu," she said with a gentle smile, she was quite the beauty, the most beautiful woman Sora have ever seen. She had long black hair, which was a bit too hard. her eyes were also darker than normal, but this gave her a strange charm

"It's my pleasure to meet someone so beautiful... how about you join me for a meal, this restaurant has such an amazing view, it would be a shame to enjoy it alone," Sora said with a smile, Ling Yu was stunned at Sora's request, to ask this in front of Yan Yun, he truly got balls.

{successfully enraged Yan Yun, you have received 73 rage points.} the system said. just when Yan Yun was about to teach Sora a lesson, he froze when he saw Ling Yu take up Sora's offer and took a seat.

{successfully enraged Yan Yun, you have received 84 rage points.} the system said as Yan Yun's rage almost exploded, but he calmed down. since Ling Yu was alight with this, he swallowed his pride and went to take a seat

"And you all? are you one of the workers here? sir, have some manners, we are eating here." Sora asked with a frown seeing someone about to grab a seat,

{successfully enraged Yan Yun, you have received 90 rage points.} the system said. after all things, Yan Yun will not be able to rest until Sora is six feet under. Yan Yun's eyes turned bloodshot, when was the last time he was disrespected like this, and even in front of a beauty? this bastard wanted to still his date... I mean the person he was showing the city around to,

Ling Yun was also speechless, wasn't this a bit overboard? did he want to become enemies with the whole city? she didn't expect Sora to go this far... what an interesting guy. she should fan the flames a little

"... why don't you let him eat with us." She said with a gentle smile, Yan Yun was moved by her words, she did care for him. Sora on the other looked at her closely, he felt this girl was trouble... she wasn't too bad to have around.

"Sure, sit boy," Sora said making the whole restaurant go quiet. Ling Yun's beauty was eye-catching, and her being with Yan Yun, the son of the mayor, they of course were looking over to see what was going on.

they all looked at Sora, before looking at Yan Yun, what will he do? if he sits, he is a dog, bringing shame to his whole family. but if he doesn't, he would have to stand or leave, of course, he could fight, but they will be offending one of the largest clans within this city, which was already not on good terms with the mayor.

Ling Yu's dark eyes seemed to gain some light as they looked at the young man, what will he do?