
Important Message Please Do Not Skip (Involves the future of the novel)

So, aw, hehehe Hello there, dear readers. I know you probably clicked this Aux chp expecting I was going to go on break or that I was going to drop this series, right? Well NO! To be honest, it might be both good and bad news, depending on how you interpret it.

Originally, I used to post every day, but it's taking a significant toll on me; now, I can sit here all day explaining why I don't want to post every day. But I didn't come here to do that; this is a confession as well as advice to anyone who wants to write a webnovel and become an author.

So here I am, pouring my heart and soul out and attempting to communicate what I want to say. So, to be honest, this novel is my brain baby; it is the first time I have produced a novel that has been taken seriously, and it is the first time I have had this much exposure on an international scale. Although I do not believe I deserve this much attention for a project in which I am starting to lose interest in.

Yes, you heard me correctly. I am losing interest in this work. I knew it was inevitable, especially given the unjust consequences a webnovel imposes on its author if they want to qualify for MGS, which I have yet to meet. There is a proverb that you must feel to learn, and I have felt this powerfully. To be honest, I am rather dissatisfied with my experience with webnovel; some individuals are toxic here, but not as horrible as an RR reader.

But, in all honesty, an RR reader is vividly honest—toxic, but honest. And I like it. On the other side, some users on this site are trolls or just hostile to the author as a whole. Do you know what I despise? It's when someone reviews your work and, because they don't like yuri, harem, cliches, face slapping, you name it, they will endlessly irritate you by giving it one rating and saying something like, "Yuri, as such, it deserves one star." or something like "Oh no! he is simping, you could tell the author has never had a gf in his life lololoz... as such do not read this book- one star blud". "Why is the main character so down bad for a chick who for all we know, doesn't even like him?" Like, my god, read the fucking title, Sherlock." So anyways, that is just some review I have deleted over the course of 6 months; it is hostile, disrespectful, and overall just negative. like do I need to give you a dictionary to define what a yandere is?

Like, right, this book contains yuri; it is inspired in part by the Monster Girl Quest series, so for those who like it, excellent for you; for those who don't, I respect your opinion; if you want to read, please do so; if you don't, please leave.

But I'm aware that trolls and toxic people are omnipresent on the internet, and it's impossible to avoid them. The internet is that bad. But, in any case, let's get to the essential stuff. So, you want to be a webnovel author? Well, congratulations! You can if you're prepared to write every day until some random editor notices your work and offers you a contract.

Now, I wanted this to be a full-time thing in the hopes of quitting my job because, in all honesty, I detest my current job. I won't disclose what I do for a profession, but working 13 hours a day, one day a week for a single day off, and only making $8.50 an hour is not worth it. I'm not sure how things operate in the US or bigger nations, but 8.50 an hour is considered beyond acceptable in my home country, where the minimum salary is $4.50 an hour.

Everything else just gets way too pricey, with some items doubling in price after COVID-19. But enough about my personal issues; what I'm trying to say is that being a webnovel author is wonderful and all, but it's not worth it; do it as a hobby, not a full-time job, because a webnovel contract is just a slavery contract with extra steps.

However, if you still want to work it out, go ahead and give it your all. Personally, I am rooting for you. But becoming a novelist isn't for me—at least not professionally. I write better when it's just a hobby, something I do because I enjoy it rather than because I want to make more money, which, in all honesty, I do. Who isn't a bag chaser? Overall, there's no stress, no expectation, and even if someone reviews your work or your creation, you don't really care because it's just a hobby and nothing more.

No, there is either good news or terrible news here. I'm leaving this slave job on a professional level, not personally; however, I won't be posting as frequently as I used to. I just want you all to know that I genuinely enjoy this work too much to give up after expending so much mental energy on writing 100+ chapters. And it's the first thing I've written that I've gotten others to read that genuinely belongs to me and is not a fanfic.

In a way, I no longer own this book. Yes, if you sign a contract, you sign away the rights to it. Pure nonsense, but you know I learned my lesson, and strangely, I'm glad I did, despite all the disappointment I underwent these past six months, I felt extremely happy, even knowing the thing that I am going to do and say next.

So, I'm not going to publish as frequently as I used to, and to be honest, I wish I could offer you this work for free, but I've already signed a contract, which I can't change even if I wanted to. Who knows, maybe someone will steal it and post it on another website. So, if someone does pirate it, don't be afraid to give a link to it so that those who are less fortunate can enjoy it without having to pay for it. If I find a site on my own, I'll have Xanderbot connect you to it. Yeah, lol. I'm a human after all; I'm not greedy, well maybe I am, but I have consideration nonethelesss, and besides who doesn't like free things lol I do?

But here's some good news if you're a paid user: starting on 11/01/2023, all prices on this work will be permanently reduced to a single price for one super bundle, known as the Yan-Xan all-in-one deal, which is a package consisting of 20 chapters for as little as 100 coins, or $2.00 USD, but I wanted to give you this for 50 coins, or a single dollar. However, according to the contract, Webnovel takes 50% of my earnings, thus the price to generate at least a dollar when I get my share of it as such it is 100 coins.

This is my final offer to you all; consider it my way of saying "Thank you for all your support thus far." I will finish this work, as promised, but on my own time, as I normally write when I am bored, have free time, or am artistically motivated, either way, enjoy, and thank you for all the support, and if you wish to support me further, you can always make a small donation to me on ko-fi, link can be found below, enjoy my fellow Yandere sect brothers. "Live strong," a blond-haired loli once said.

Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/iamhastur98827

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