


[Initializing System #E...15%...50%..100%. Welcome Host to System #E]

'Wha..What? whats that sound, its ringing in my head wait, where am i, hey..what are you doing, hey HEY don't touch me there argh... STOP THAT


wait...why can't i talk...what are you? a giant? No...Its me that's small...am i a baby?!

Owh right... I died. what was it again? suicide bombing, yeah. I guess this is my body now, make sense that i am born as a baby first , it's really uncomfortable though not able to talk or walk, jump or run...this sucks, at least i still have my memories...right some parts are locked, nevermind, lets see what i remember

My name is Vulop Nomad, Died after preventing a suicide bombing, met "God", got a ball shoved inside me by "God", and now my soul reside in a new body, but, where am i?


[Answering to host, You are currently in Lowest Realm, Planet #379, Continent Vulcan, Flame Kingdom, Nomad Manor]

'Owh, Thank you... WAIT WHO ARE YOU?!


[Answering to host, I am System#E designed to help host cultivate to the peak of Godhood and i am "that" ball that was shoved inside you]

'cultivate to Godhood? isn't that too much to ask for me who only prevented a suicide bombing? Rather than that, why would i need to cultivate to the peak of Godhood?


[Answering to host, Combat Power not enough, unable to answer]

'really? i need to cultivate to know my past life and know the answer to some questions? well, whatever i am kinda interested in this cultivation anyway...its kinda like in the Xianxia novels right? yeah it should be. Back to the baby problem.'

'It seems that the 2 people in front of me are my parents, my mother looks to be in the early 30s and my father is in his early 40s. its kinda weird having new parents, you know? My mother looks really pretty, she's so gorgeous and my father is handsome too and his beard makes him really cool. With these two gorgeous people being my parents, i should be really handsome too right...WAIT LET ME CHECK... (looks down to my you know what) Ok, i still have it, thank God i'm born as a boy, i don't wanna go loving another boy if i'm a girl when i knew that i'm a male in my previous life. It'll be so disgusting..eew.' From the clothes that my parents are wearing , i'm guessing that my family is a noble or some sort, and from where this is i guess the family name is Nomad? Same as my name HUh

'they look so happy having me... well i guess every parent would when their baby is born...i wonder what happened to my parents when they know that i was dead, i can't quite remember them though, i only remember some vague things...i do remember their parental love... now i really miss them.. no point in reminiscing my past life..its the present that matters. Right.' as i was thinking to myself to help me, a sound resounded in my head


[Due to the success on synchronizing Host with System #E, Congratulations on receiving System #E's Gift Pack x1]


[Due to the success of Rebirth, Congratulations on receiving Rebirth Gift Pack x1]

'Gift packs? Nice some head start...now a problem...how to open these gifts?'

[Answering to host, Say Tutorial in host's head to access System #E's Tutorial]

'Shouldn't you tell me that first when you finished synchronizing with me? nevermind'


[Heyoo, welcome to the system tutorial, my name is Edelyn I'm your Tutor]

..... after i said the word tutorial in my head a ....gyaru (?) appeared in front of me, of course its a hologram just for me but a GYARU?! IN A TUTORIAL?! not that i'm complaining... (and she's quite developed in you know where area ehem...) she's wearing a Pink Crop top T-Shirt and jean, her face has a black star tattoo on it, she used long fake eyelashes and a light makeup while wearing many bracelets on both of her hands and another tattoo in the form of a red dragon right above her Belly Button... i was wondering about why there is a gyaru here and not an old looking old man with his long-ass beard and silky white hair down to his waist wearing a pure white robe, but nevertheless i must say... she's really pretty. She is even more gorgeous than my new mother...and i must say... i am begining to get attracted to her.

[First of all congratulations on obtaining one of the 26 systems in this whole universe, you're quite the lucky boy eh? Lets get started. Your System whether it is system #A - #Z have almost the same purpose with each having its own special ability...For example one of the 26 system have an ability to Stop Time, literally but with a big cost, but we are not going into that direction, my job here is to explain your system's general use]

[First is your stats, every system changes the host's body to act in a RPG-Like way to make it easier to measure your own capabilities. But you can't see other people's stats except their own level of power. There are 5 main stats, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Resilience (STR, AGI, INT, WIS & RES) with 1 additional stats , Luck, this are special stat and is hard to increase, to access your Stats, just exclaim "Status" in your head]

[Second is Shop, every good System need a shop to help the host to get items anywhere and whenever...you cheater *wink*]

'at this point i still can understand, a standard RPG system but damn that wink...i want her to do that again to me...so cute'

[There are 6 shop options, Weapon, Armor, Skills, Pet, Items and System. The 5 first shop is self-explanatory so i won't get into that but System shop is where you upgrade your system for example, the system has an inventory option but it is limited and you need to upgrade it first to store more items and that's where you upgrade it, but remember the currency used to upgrade the system is hard to get so don't wantonly use it *wink*]

'....i think i just forgot everything she just said with that unimaginably cute Wink'

[to access the shop just exclaim "Shop" in your mind]

[Third is the Inventory System, nothing to explain there, just exclaim "Inventory" to open it}

[And last but not the least and probably the most frustrating place to a System owner...Gacha!!!]

as Edelyn exclaimed "Gacha" her you know what juggles a lot....am i drolling right now?

[Gacha is the place where you use your Gacha Tikets to open a Gacha and randomly get items...with a little bit of luck you can also get system points, but don't get your hopes up too much because you need a lot of luck to win there, which is why it is so frustrating in there, to access the Gacha option, same as the other 2 you need to exclaim "Gacha" in your head]

'gacha huh.. i think i'm actually really into gambling.. i don't know why. i may be a gambler in my past life, i don't know'

[That concludes the tutorial, for your system's special ability you need to discover that yourself, good luck on finding it.]

[and one more thing, don't let those evil old foggies in the high realm knew that you have the system, or you'll be dead before you know it. If you have anymore questions just ask your System, it's a living being and can answer almost all of your questions, every system's age is at least 500 million years old, so its pretty knowledgeable. Ciao!]

after Edelyn said that Ciao, she disappeared from my plain of sight, i didn't even get to say anything to her before she leave...her alluring smile and winking has already invaded my mind. She should be a part of the system so i should've been able to meet her again as i unlock the parts of the system..right?

No use thinking about that now i will just unlock every part of the system and see her and her unimaginably cute wink again even if thats the last thing i do

as i made my first resolve in my new body, suddenly a feeling of sleepiness surge inside my body, i was trying to access my newfound System #E and explore the things that "my" sweet Edelyn said and open my gift packets.

'Great, thanks baby body' sigh myself before i fell asleep


"Milord, a new host had been found for System #E, it seems that the host resides in a lower realm, should we try tracking the host down?"

"No need, it will take too long of a time and waste a lot of resources to find a single soul in the lower realm, just let him grow to middle realm and we will begin our search then..."

"Yes Milord" said the butler as he left the chamber

"A new host for the disgrace of the 26 system huh...this will be interesting"

this chapter probably has a lot of mistakes and will probably be changed alot later in the future or idk, depends on how it compliments the future chapters

don't roast me too hard on my shitty novel

btw when i saw novel writers saying "this novel is 1.5k words" i thought, whats so hard about writing 1.5k words...and when i wrote this 1558 words novel, i realized their hard work

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