

"can we just absorb her cultivation and leave? I also sense she has a good bloodline." Elise said calmly,

"Yeah, let's send her into the black tower. But before we kill her, there is something I want to make sure of." Ling Han said as he looked at the sky,

in the heavenly realm,

All the gods turned to Odin with deep frowns. Odin calmly opened his eye as he looked at everyone.

"I have nothing to say to you all. I locked up Brunhild and Threw her in a black hole, which sent her a few thousand years ago in the past in the immortal realm." Odin said calmly

"you didn't tell her we all came on the agreement that souls will be stopped going to Valhalla. the number of warriors we have is enough, anymore are useless." Zeus said with a frown

"Hela had her plans to take over the nine realms. Hela is only second to Lucifer when it comes to lying. Brunhild had become her layer chess piece, so I left her in his hands to touch some sense into her. He has a weird way of speaking. She would be able to see through the lies soon." Odin said calmly

"Odin, out of every god here, you are the only one who has the most chaotic children," Zeus said mockingly

"how about your son Kratos? I see that the rage towards you is pure hatred. My children all just want the throne or are hunger war. none of them truly hate me." Odin said coldly

Lightning flashed across Zeus for a second when he heard of Kratos. He angrily looked at Odin for bringing up that ungrateful child.

Kratos was his son and the mother of a mortal. From a young age, Kratos was born with misfortune. When born, Hera got new of his birth.

She wanted him died, yet Zeus went against her. for his safety, Zeus sent Kratos and his mother to a mortal realm where they could live their lives in peace.

Kratos's mother went on to marry and give birth to another child. When the two brothers grew, they joined the army.

But Kratos little brother grew jealous of Kratos talent for cultivation. He went on to sell his own soul to Ares for a chance to suppress Kratos and from their own. Kratos began to lose loves left alright.

He threw all of these blames upon the gods, and mostly Zeus. Zeus, of course, was enraged, he went against Hera just to save this bray, and this is how he repaid him.

But Kratos was talented. He was ranked first as the most talented genius in this universe. Above the lives of Thor, so he didn't kill him but instead went on to use Kratos hatred as a way to tamper and help him grow.

Just as Zeus was about to throw Odin a stern look, Odin had one of his ravens to fly down to speak to Ling Han.

back to Ling Han

Ling Han, who looked up, suddenly saw a raven fly out of now where.

"what's with her being in the lower realm?" Ling Han asked calmly,

"snort. Odin kicked her out of the immortal realm if you wish. you can absorb all of your cultivation." The raven said as it coldly looked at Brunhild.

"you can't." Brunhild faced turned slightly pale, billions of years worth of cultivation. How could she stand and watch as it was absorbed?

"Who are you? What is your connection to Odin?" She yelled as she tried to get out of the chins when she saw Elise looking at her. She felt like a chicken that was prepared for someone.

"say less." Ling Han said with a smile

"All I did was for the safety of the world. Don't let Odin bring you down with him, don't be a fool." She said in a panic

"if the world is destroyed, that had nothing to do with me. Ragnarok is something that only affects Asgard. It being destroyed has nothing to do with me." Ling Han said with a shrug

"You fool. Ragnarock is the destruction of the whole universe. Every Pangu created will be destroyed, even if you leave this universe. if you were from it, you would be destroyed through karma." She yelled angrily, which made Ling Han frown

'system, find the person who is lying.' Ling Han said to the system with a slight frown

*host, no one is lying to you. Only the raven is not telling the complete truth.*

'is something that could destroy this universe able to destroy the spirit farm.' Ling Han asked

*yes, host. With the system's current level, it could forcefully make its way into the spirit farm. and something of that level of strength might not need to draw strength from the world.* the system said as Ling Han node

"interesting. Ragnarok and the destruction of the world. I wonder if it's a cycle of its own. Once this universe is destroyed, another being like Pangu would be born. who would go on to create another universe, and the cycle continues," Ling Han said softly

The raven and Brunhild were stunned by Ling Han, but Brunhild snorted

"so what if it's a cycle. All cycles can be broken. Ragnarok is not different." She said, but Ling Han shrugged.

"I'm not a person who does things I might end up regretting in the future. My death is nothing I would regret, but the world being destroyed will be really a pain in the ass. And there is something's I don't want to see be destroyed." Ling Han said calmly as a sword Sky immortal grade sword appeared in his hands.

Brunhild gritted her teeth as she looked at Ling Han,

"worry not. I will not kill you." Ling Han said as his sword shot out, stabbing towards her stomach.

"But you are too foolish to be considered a leader. I will take this blood and cultivation of yours. And put it to good use." Ling Han said coldly. Brunhild's eyes widened as she sensed her blood and cultivation being absorbed

"but everything I did was for the universe. you are just sending everyone to the gave with you." She said softly

"that you may think, but it's clear you are just a puppet. A puppet used to try to kill Odin, to live so long and unable to see through people. I honestly see no reason for you to stay alive." Ling Han said calmly

"... no, Hela will never do... she wouldn't." Brunhild's face paled as things that didn't add up began to play over and over in her mind.

As for Ling Han, he was using her energy to heal up the black tower. He also used her energy to open the remaining floors the black tower had forcefully.

Of course, had the black tower not use all of it, storing some of it for his and Elise's cultivation. But sadly, no matter how he tried. her blood couldn't be absorbed

"She wouldn't." Brunhild's world seemed to shatter, as the very meaning to her being was destroyed. from birth, Odin raided her and Hela at the battlefield.

With Odin's father, they took many lives. They were raised on the battlefield, and the only thing on their mind was who to kill, the best way to kill, and the party after the war.

One day, Odin's father went on to create his Asgard. He made his own cycle of death, which would be a warrior ground to train warriors.

Most primordial's and Titans agreed with this, as a vision of Ragnarok could be seen by a few people. Odin selected her to be the leader of the Valkyries and allowed her to travel around the 9 realms to pick the best female warrior, who she would soon call her sisters

These female warriors would be summoned to any battlefield across the nine realms. gathering the souls of talented and worthy warriors to enter Valhalla

These billions of years she knew Hela, Brunhild knew that she was good at manipulating people. Sometimes she would even use some lies, which were hard to see through.

Hela would always comfort her with a few words, which she easily believed without much thought. It was at this moment. She realized she was a puppet. And was on the wrong side,

"I'm a puppet," Brunhild said in a low voice as she lowered her head. Ling Han ignored her, but he suddenly realized he couldn't absorb her remaining cultivation.

Her cultivation dropped all the way to peak Sky immortal. Ling Han frowned as he pulled his palm back while look at golden runes which appeared around Brunhild

'Odin was right. you really have a way with wrongs.' The raven voice entered Ling Han's mind as it disappeared.

"..." Ling Han frowned, seeing he felled into Odin's plans; he now just realized that Odin seemed to throw his problems towards him to fix.

First Thor and now Brunhild. Ling Han thought for a moment before shrugging. Why worry about stuff you can't control?

"now that I think of it. I will big you a second chance." Ling Han said calmly

"... just kill me. the sins are too great. They are unforgivable," Brunhild said in a low voice.

"trying to take the easy route out of this. what a coward." Ling Han said disdainfully. Brunhild angrily looked at him. She went against her people and home. she caused the death of thousands of her sisters. How could she live with herself?

"from now on, you will be a side of teacher of mine. While you slowly regain your cultivation, you will work to clear your sins. I could help you along the way. once Thor take the throne, this would be much easier," Ling Han said as Brunhild eyes widened slightly

"Thor is going to take thrown after Odin and not Baldur?" Brunhild said in shock

Baldur, son of Odin, was known throughout the nine realms as the man who any weapons couldn't harm. Since his death is said to bring forth Ragnarok, Odin using his Rune power, had erased the concept of damage and death from Baldur.

Making any weapons from fist and wrong unable to injure him.

"... how will teaching you clear my sins?" She asked calmly,

"simple, because I just helped you take the first step and second step to achieving forgiveness. You have realized that you committed a sin, which was the first step. and now you seek forgiveness which is the second step." Ling Han said with a smile

"I will not just help you clear your sins. I could even help you rebuild the Valkyries." Ling Han said with a smile

"... I will be your teacher then, but I put Asgard first before anything. if it ever needs my help, even with my low cultivation, I will rush forward to protect it." She said seriously

"I have too ill thoughts of Asgard," Ling Han said as he looked towards Elise, who was just looking at the formation

"I have nothing to say. she would be a good training partner." Elise said with a shrug

"Good." Ling Han said as he waved his hands a sent some Qi into Elise, which caused the formation to shake unstable

"you already saw the weakness of this formation," Brunhild said in shock,

thus formation had one weakness, it was made to drain energy, not give. Ling Han's actions but the formation in a unbalanced state, which weakened.

Ling Han sent a few more energies, Brunhild exploded with Qi. Allowing her to break out of the formation, but just as she took a step. She fell to the ground, feeling her numb legs.

"you have been trapped here for so long that her legs went numb. These years of your cultivation being absorbed over and over only further weakened you. I wouldn't set you free without knowing all of this." Ling Han said with a smile as he picked her up

"We went back on your words," Brunhild said with shock and hatred.

"Nope, I'm a man of my word. I just didn't know if you were a woman of your words." Ling Han said calmly

"I'm a warrior of my words. You dare assume I will go back on my words." She said frown

"yes. yes, I did." Ling Han said with a node, which made her at a loss for words.

Ling Han and Elise left the pocket dimension. Just as they did, they saw six souls from the treasures looking at them in shock and rage.

Even after death, they sat here to guard this place. But this destroyed all of their hard work by setting that woman free.

"no need to be angry. She only has the cultivation of sky immortal, even if she wants to fight. She is in a weakened state." Ling Han said with a smile as he patted Brunhild head

"snort. I didn't even what to fight them. I was in a bloodthirsty state. If they just left me alone, I would have calmed down and left this immortal realm. they brought trouble upon themselves." She said coldly,

"Whatever, let's leave this pocket world. You can pass on and reincarnate or whatever you plan on doing. but I do believe these items are mine, right?" Ling Han said with a smile

"boy, see you sure you haven't fallen under her lies?" Fire immortal Lu asked seriously

"she is too foolish to even know when she is being lied to, much less to a lie of her own. right." Ling Han asked as he looked at Brunhild mockingly

Brunhild's face twisted in rage, and humiliation. She weakly fought to get out of Ling Han's hands, but she was too weak.

"such faster recovery speed." Ling Han said with a slight smile seeing how she could already fight back.

"big me back my cultivation, and I will show you how fast I am." She growled, but Ling Han ignored her.

"anyways, we will be leaving. You need not worry about this little thing. even if she had her fool strength, she couldn't kill me." Ling Han said with a smile as he threw her into the black tower and turned to look at the stunned immortals

"... it seems like we have underestimated, we thought we will have to wait for millions to even hundreds of millions of years. Yet only a few years. You clearly don't have a simple background. I wish you the best of luck." the middle-aged man made out of sword intent said with a smile before disappearing.

"someone as bright as you wouldn't fall for the looks of some woman... I wish the both of you luck." The ice woman's voice sounded before the fog slowly disappeared

Slowly the other wished said their good by before the items flew into Ling Han's hands. Ling Han smiled slightly as he looked at the treasures.

"... the space is slowly weakening. let's go kill those heaven immortal demon beast before we are sent back," Elise said calmly as she shot off

"you know you are no match for a heaven immortal demon beast without me. and I don't like sharing my kills." Ling Han said with a smile as he followed

"snort, who said I needed your help? just stand and watch as I show you the power of a dragon... oh, take this map before I lose it," Elise said as she gave the map to Ling Han

"a dragon inheritance map? A bit far. Berry, how far is this place marked on the map." Ling Han asked calmly

"Master, that's more than a hundred light-years away. and it's through some dangerous forbidden star areas." Berry said as Ling Han nodded

"it a fun place but a few hundreds of light year's away. let's go there when we are at least Sky immortal." Ling Han said as he threw the map into the black tower.

"sure... you almost 20, right? what are you doing on your birthday?" Elise asked suddenly

"nothing. I don't feel like holding a birthday party. I don't know anyone here." Ling Han said with a shrug

"snort. you think I don't know you and Yin Hong had done it few times, to me, I think you know her very well." Elise said with a snort

"The first time we did, I was not even awake. She did it to save my life. The second time, her soul was poisoned because she took an attack for me. I did it to save her life. I'm am not someone who is ungrateful." Ling Han said with a shrug

"you are careless. what if she ends up getting pregnant with the amount you shot into her." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"that's almost impossible, we have done that for months, yet we haven't gotten one." Ling Han said with a shrug

"that's because you don't want to have a child," Elise said with a pout,

"I'm not ready to be a father. If one day I feel like having one, we can spend 1 thousand years trying." Ling Han said with a shrug

"I will just wrap my legs around you each time, so you do pull out," Elise said with a snort, to which Ling Han shrugged.

With his strength, plus his bloodline. Having a child was almost impossible. And his pull-out game was trash, and he could care less about it.

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