
When It All Begins

Raven quietly enters class and looking around he notices that the Cool Beauty, the Ice Cold Idol, the Princess and Prince, the Berserker, and the Reaper are all in his class.

{Well now, this is quite an interesting class.} Raven thinks as he walks over to his seat and sits down.

"Don't look, the Silent Scavenger is in our class." Several students whisper to each other as the teacher enters the classroom and everyone goes quiet.

"Well, I'm sure you're all excited for the beginning of the school year, but you entered my class this year, so prepare for it to be very different from other classes." Noah says and smiles as he looks around the class. "We have quite an interesting class this year!" He says brightly. "I've prepared a class trip for the next seven days, so I would like you all to head home now, get permission from your family and come in fully prepared by tomorrow at 10:00." Noah explains. "Make sure to grab a permission packet from my desk on the way out." Noah says and smiles as he exits the class. A lot of the class start bickering amongst each other wondering if this is even allowed. Raven walks up to the teachers desk and grabs a packet as he exits the class then heads toward the teachers office. The rest of the class bicker as the Cool Beauty, Ice Cold Idol along with the Reaper walk up and grab a packet then exit the class.

"Sounds like fun if I'm being honest." The Princess says as she walks up and grabs a packet, then smiles as the class quiets down and looks at her as she exits. The majority of the class nod and agree to head on the trip.

"We might be partnered up with several of the famous people in class, so I'll take that chance!" One of the students says as she grabs the packet and rushes home. Raven enters the teachers office, then walks over to Noah.

"Excuse me, can I use the school phone to call my parents since I have no way to contact them myself?" Raven asks as he looks down at the packet.

" Sure I don't see why not." Noah says as he turns the phone on his desk toward Raven. Raven calls his family. The Ice Cold Idol enters the office, and walks over to Noah.

"Violet, so I'm guessing you want me to sign your papers in place of your parents, right?" Noah says as he looks over at her. Violet nods as she notices Raven using the phone.

"Okay, I'll contact your mother first to see if she's okay with that." Noah says as he quickly sends a text, then notices Violet looking at Raven.

"Are you curious about him?" Noah asks and smiles.

"Well, it's just more like I've never seen him in school before." Violet questions trying to remember if she's ever seen him before.

"Well I can't blame you there, this is what he looked like when he first entered the school before becoming known as the 'Scavenger.'" Noah says as he hands her the student profile image. Violet looks at the image and immediately looks back at Noah.

"Father, how could this possibly be Him? They don't even have the same figure." She questions looking at him.

"You must be very shocked if you're calling me father." Noah says and chuckles.

"Well you're dating my mother and will probably be my father soon, but anyways, can you explain?" Violet requests.

"I can never tell if you're cracking a joke or being genuine." Noah says as he looks over at Raven. "Have you finished calling your family?" Noah asks.

"They gave their full permission, but they would like to speak with you." Raven says as he hands the phone over to Noah and he begins chatting on the phone. Looking at the desk he spots an image of himself from two years ago.

"Oh, I haven't seen such a cleaned up image of myself in a while." Raven says and smiles. "I should probably clean myself up at some point." He thinks out loud and sighs.

"Can I ask why your uniform looks so ripped up?" Violet questions.

"Well, I was walking home and ended up sliding down a slanted cliffside to save a girl who fell down there and my clothes got ripped up from the rocks and tree branches I ran into, and I don't have the money to repair it, so I've just kept it clean since then." Raven explains and smiles as he looks at his uniform.

"You do realize that because of your uniform people in the school call you 'The Scavenger,' right?" Violet wonders as she looks at him.

"Not really, they can call me whatever they want, it's not like it really affects my life miss Ice Cold Idol." Raven says happily.

"Is that really what people call me?" Viollet questions and sighs.

"Yeah, although I believe they call your sister the Reaper if I'm correct." Raven explains.

"I don't have a sister?" Violet questions as she tilts her head slightly in confusion.

"I mean, she's Noah's daughter, and you said he might as well be your father." Raven says as he points at Noah.

"So you're saying that they call Sakura the Reaper?" Violet questions.

"Yup, pretty much." Raven remarks and smiles.

"Well now, I didn't know that my daughter was called the Reaper." Noah says as he sets down the phone.

"Well they actually call her that because anyone who approaches her with bad intentions will immediately get punished, so I believe you're the cause of that nickname." Raven explains to Noah.

"Ah, so that would explain why I've never heard anyone call her that…" Noah says as he goes into deep thought. "Well your parents have given complete permission, though I would still take the packet home with you since it tells you what to bring. Make sure to bring whatever you're able to, okay." Noah says and smiles.

"Will do! See you later Violet." Raven says as he heads toward the door.

"See you later." Violet says as Raven exits then heads home. "Can I ask why you said to bring whatever he can?" Violet questions as she looks at Noah.

"Simple, because he lives alone in his house. His family fully pays for the house and bills, but he doesn't want his family to waste too much money so he told them to stop sending him a weekly allowance. So he has almost no money while his house is being fully paid for." Noah explains and grins. "However, that was the longest I've ever heard you chat with someone apart from Sakura. I thought you disliked chatting with people you don't really know." Noah remarks happily.

"You know how I am, my curiosity got the better of me, so I forgot that I don't like chatting with people." Violet says and explains as Noah signs the permission packet after receiving the text from her mother.

"Normally you don't allow your curiosity get the better of you though, that's why almost no one but Sakura knows what you're really like at school." Noah says and smiles as he hands her the packet.

"Who knows, that might all change at some point in the future." Violet says as she talkies the packet and heads home.

{This makes me even more glad that I prepared the trip because of the princess and prince. Seems like they're not the only two I should pay attention to.} Noah thinks to himself and smiles as he turns around and looks outside at the morning sky. Raven enters his house and begins packing everything that the class trip requires from the packet along with some extra stuff. After eating dinner he looks up at the moon and smiles. He yawns as he walks over to his couch and falls asleep in his uniform.

Waking up he notices that there is nothing but grass and trees around him. Raven gets up and notices that he's in his uniform. He looks up at the sky and sighs.

"How did I end up in a different world?" Raven questions as he looks around confirming that everything is real. As he wanders the area to see if he can find anything useful, he comes across a phone on the ground covered in mud. Picking up the phone, he wipes off the mud and looks closely to see that it's a model he's never seen before. "What the?" Raven questions as he looks around and sees a few other phones that look to be the same model lying around. Holding the on button the phone begins turning on.

"[New User Detected, deleting old contact information and rebooting system…]"

Raven reads from his phone. The phone finishes deleting the old files and instantly reboots itself.

"What a strange homescreen." He remarks as he looks at his phone to only see the applications of Scanner, Virus and Infection Identifier, Human Population, Status and Contacts circling around a locked application in the center. He opens the status application as a bright light appears from the phone and it immediately begins scanning him.

"[Scanning has been completed, the Human Population, and Status applications have been updated.]"

Raven reads then he slides the notification away. He looks at his Status.

"[Raven Darkbride Crow: Living High-Human, Healthy with no abnormalities.]"

Raven reads and smiles.

"Glad to know that I'm healthy with no abnormalities." He says happily and begins exploring a bit more with the phone. "The identifier works with the scanner to see if anything that I scan has been infected with anything, and the Human Population app is a bit concerning." Raven says to himself as he looks down at his phone.

"[Human Population: 1, You are the last surviving member of the human population, please make sure to survive at all cost since humans will become extinct if you die.]"

He reads then puts the phone in his pocket.

"So I'm the only human left alive in this world. Huh, what should I do then?" Raven questions as he begins walking through the forest randomly. He comes across a house that has some vegetables growing in front of it. Raven goes in with his phone and scans for any infections and diseases. After fully searching the house seeing that it has no infections he smiles. "Good, that means I can stay here for a bit, now let's see if the vegetables are safe to eat as well." Raven says as he exits the building and begins scanning the different types of vegetables. "Okay so most of them are safe to eat, though they do seem to be mutated." Raven says as he takes out a purple carrot with green light pulsing through it. "What happened here to turn the world into this state?" He questions as he heads inside and begins washing the carrot. "Let's scan it again to see if there are any specific details while I was scanning it earlier." Raven says as he scans the carrot.

"[Pulse Carrot: A carrot that has been mutated by the Azfel. This carrot is safe for most species except humans who are allergic to the chemical inside the carrot that causes their skin to melt if they even touch it. Since you are a High-Human, you are unaffected by such a chemical essentially making this a normal carrot for you.]"

"So I'm what's considered a High-Human?" He questions after reading the description. He goes over to his status to see if there is anything that specifies what a High-Human is.

"[Raven Darkbride Crow: Living High-Human, Healthy with no abnormalities. -High-Human: This is a terminology that the system has automatically come up with to describe you. Your body has tougher skin and a higher powered immune system compared to the normal humans of this world. While still human you are classified as a higher being than regular humans, thus the name High-Human. Not much else is known about you.]"

Raven reads and smiles.

"So I'm a High-Human since I'm different from the normal humans of this world." Raven remarks as he smiles and puts the phone down. He cooks up a salad using several of the different vegetables of the world and eats it for breakfast. Finishing his breakfast, he decides to look around the house. Entering the bathroom, he notices a shaver and some skin care products. Raven goes over and grabs the phone and scans the skincare products in order to see how to use them. After he finishes shaving his face and using the skincare products, he takes a shower and brushes his hair.

"I wonder if there is anything else I could wear?" Raven questions as he finishes drying himself with a towel. He looks through several of the bedrooms and eventually finds a plain black uniform. He scans the uniform and finds that it's bulletproof, cut and stab proof. "Perfect." Raven thinks as he gets dressed, then walks over to the mirror in the room and smiles. "I look better than I did in that photo from when I first entered the school." Raven remarks as he admires himself in the mirror for a little bit. He spends the rest of the day organizing everything and getting used to the house and the surrounding area a bit. As he finishes memorizing the placement of the different vegetables Raven smiles as he looks up at the sky to see the sunset. The beautiful Violet Sunset makes him smile as he admires it for a little bit, then heads inside. He makes himself another salad for dinner, brushes his teeth then heads to bed. Waking up he looks around and sees that nothing has changed and that he's still in the other world. He spends the morning after breakfast to finish exploring the house. He finds a laboratory in the basement. "I better not touch any of this." Raven says as he immediately turns around and heads back upstairs. Entering the weapons room he found earlier, he grabs a waistband along with a few knives and puts them on for ease of access. Raven exits the house and walks around away from the house spotting a fence that seems to have been broken from wear and tear over the years. "I don't know what this fence was used for, but I'm going to fix it anyway." Raven says as he looks in the shed by the house and finds some spare wood to fix the fences. After finishing the fences by lunch time he notices a small creature moving out of the corner of his eye. He readies his knife as it slowly approaches his house. A small scaly rabbit jumps in front of him and tries to bite him but he dodges it and stabs the rabbit in its eye. "What the hell is this? A rabbit covered in scales with pointy teeth?" He questions as he holds up the dead rabbit. He scans it with his phone.

"[Hellein: A Rabbit that is covered in dragon scales and has dragon blood flowing through it. They tend to be territorial and travel in packs, though there will be a straggler from time to time. Fairly aggressive compared to a normal rabbit. Is Edible.]"

Raven reads and smiles as he brings the rabbit inside and begins cutting and cooking it up. He eats his rabbit stew lunch.

"Tastes like chicken soup." He says as he scarfs it down. Raven looks around and spends the rest of the day working out to get himself into better shape. He finishes getting himself ready for the night and falls asleep in his new clothes with a smile on his face. He wakes up and yawns. "That was a good night's sleep." Raven says as he looks around to find himself back in his bedroom "Was it all just a dream?" He questions as he gets up and walks over to the mirror…

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