
Chapter 1: Graduation

“Mandy! Hurry up! You’re going to make us late for our own graduation!” Jackie calls from downstairs and I groan. My graduation gown looks horrible but there isn’t anything I can do. On the plus side, everyone else will be wearing the same hideous robe. I grab my bag and shove all my stuff into it then grab the cap off my dresser, the tassel on the cap whips my wrist on my way out the door.

“I’m coming!” I shout back at her then clunk noisily down the stairs in my new hiking boots. Jackie is waiting for me in the kitchen, she looks restless and slightly annoyed that I took so long to get down here.

“Really? You’re wearing hiking boots for graduation?” Jackie gives me a look, eyeing the shoes but she ushers me out the door, not allowing me to change either way.

“Yeah! They literally just got here this morning and I have to break them in for our trip.” I remind her as we jump into her car. Jackie rolls her eyes but pulls out of the driveway, cutting off an oncoming car. She ignores the honking as she speeds off.

“I’m so excited to go back to London! I can’t believe you’ve never been,” Jackie looks over at me like she mockingly feels bad for me. I laugh and gesture for her to look back at the road. She pulls up next to a police car and is halfway in the grass.

“I know, I can’t wait. You can’t park here, Jackie.”

“Ugh, who cares,” Jackie throws her car in park and we both hop out. “My dad like owns this school, they’re not gonna do anything. Plus we’ll go across the stage, grab our diplomas, and then we’re out of here. We have big plans tonight, or did you forget?”

“Oh, I did not forget, trust me. Joey’s parties are always the worst so we desperately need to pregame in order to handle it,” I say and Jackie nods in agreement then slides her arm through mine and we walk into the building together, our hips bumping.

“Ladies, you’re late,” Ms. Frazle says, looking quite frazzled. Jackie and I give each other a look and we stifle our laughter.

“Sorry, Ms. Frazle,” I say and we let her direct us into the room with the rest of our graduating class. Everyone is talking loudly and we join our friend group when we find them.

“Of course, you two are late. We should have bet on it,” Margot says, teasing us, and Natalie nods.

“I told you! I would have made bank.” Natalie comments and I roll my eyes but smile at their banter. They may complain sometimes but are usually not too annoyed that we’re late. Before I can respond to defend myself, Ms. Frazle whistles to get everyone’s attention. Once she has our attention she steps aside to let Mr. Fernando address us.

“Alright, graduates! Everyone get lined up so we can get this thing moving!” Mr. Fernando calls out to all of us and gestures for us to line up. I shove myself between Jackie and Natalie with Margot right behind her. We are all in the same college so luckily we were able to sit together. Our college is the first to get diplomas and we all plan to leave right after instead of returning to our seats. I have friends in other colleges too but I’ll see everyone after at Joey’s party, and some at the pregame too.

“I’m so excited!” I squeal as we start moving out of the room and into the gym. My boots make my approach noisy but the gym is even louder so the second we step into the gym, my noisy boots are easily lost in the crowd. When we make it to our seats, my feet are already starting to hurt. This might not have been the smartest idea to wear them.

When it’s time for our row to head to the front of the gym to receive our diplomas, I get up and my feet ache. I have to hobble for a bit before Jackie takes pity on me and we link arms so I can lean on her a little. We shuffle forward each time they call a new name.

“Jackie Meredith Lindsey!” I cheer loudly when Jackie’s name gets called. She groans because she has always hated her middle name and I laugh and then shoo her up the steps to the stage. I cheer wildly for her then I hear what I’ve spent four years waiting for.

“Amanda Lynn Carnegy!” My name is shouted over the sound system and everything around me goes silent. I make my way across the stage, take my diploma, shake someone’s hand then run off the stage into the waiting arms of my best friend. Only then does all the sound come rushing back, the gym is going wild with cheers and applause.

“We did it!” We all shout when Natalie and Margot join us at the side of the stage.

“Now let’s get out of here!” Natalie whisper-shouts at all of us and we giggle and sneak out with a few other seniors and guests.

When we get back to the car, Jackie takes the parking ticket off her windshield and crumples it up. She notices my face and rolls her eyes but tosses the ticket into her car instead of out on the street.

“I’ll deal with this later. Your parents show up?” Jackie asks as we wave a quick goodbye to Natalie and Margot from across the parking lot.

“I don’t know but honestly, I don’t think I care. They’re too busy with my brother and his new baby,” I sigh and slide into the passenger seat.

Jackie rolls her eyes and snorts, “I wish my parents paid that much attention to my siblings rather than me. But I’m the only one who decided to attend their alma mater so of course, I am their favorite for the time being. You know Kitty got rejected? My parents were so mad. I think she botched the application to make sure she didn’t get in, but that’s just my opinion,” Jackie keeps going on about her family until we’ve pulled into the driveway. “Honestly, I’m surprised they even agreed to let me go What are you going to wear tonight? I’m sure some people will still be in their graduation dresses but I don’t want to wear this beautiful white dress to Joey’s place. Hell, no.”

I laugh and nod in agreement. “Agreed, but it is always so hot in there. Remind me again, why we are going to Joey’s?”

“Tradition, duh,” Jackie rolls her eyes but grins.

It’s going to be a long, fun night.

Next chapter