1 this is my final words to all of you

I've decided, I want to kill myself

I'm sorry, I just don't see the point of carrying on when there is constant barrages of negative feelings from anyone and everyone and I know they may not look like they hate me me but on the obvious side they do I've been bullied all my life from when I was born my siblings hated me ever since I was born and yet nobody stood up for me when my siblings would terrorise me

when I started school everybody hated me and started rumors about me it started to get me bullied... a lot

for all of those 12 years I was bullied I could not help it, no one would step up because no one cared

come to when I got employed I was the laughing stock of the whole workplace, I had no charisma, I could not handle any conversations with anyone, it was not like I wasn't doing the same job as everyone else

and now I'm here at the top of an 20 floored building writing this note.

I leave everything to my boss only he gave me anything,


sincerely the man who jumped of the building (Andrew Ryans)
