
Painful Blaze

The Sound Of Rain and the sight of light slowly envelop a room of darkness where a young man sits in front of his computer with an exhausted look on his face till his door abruptly opens startling him.

"RENO?! Tell me you weren't on the game all night You look like hell! Hurry up and take me to the Airport"

The young man Reno Looks at his older sister with an annoyed expression on his face but begins to dress up as she closed the door.

"Kana, what time is your flight again?" Reno yells out as he brushes his teeth.

"An hour from now! How can you forget!?" Yelled kana as she storms out of the apartment to wait for Reno.

Reno quickly puts on a pair of sweatpants with a hoodie that had A design of his favorite video game and rushes to the front yard where his sister waits with a disappointed expression.

As Reno drives to the Airport he thinks to himself about how much fun he had during spring break but also how happy he would ill be once his sister goes home and he can grind GrimSky without a care in the world.

"Honestly sis I'm going to miss you! we had a lot of fun but shouldn't you have traveled to see mom and dad instead of me? I can't imagine mom being happy her golden child spent her vacation with me"

Kana looks at Reno seemingly being careful to not respond in an over caring manner.

"I had a lot of fun as well little twig despite the fact half the time you were on that dusty computer, and don't worry about our parents they think I'm spending my time overseas elevating my career".

Reno raises the car radio despite being close too the airport and responded with silence as he felt very disappointed with Kana's words but he wasn't surprised either.

"Now that I think about it dad hasn't contacted me once threw out break and kana seems to visit out of pity rather out of genuine worry or care for me" Reno thinks to himself.

As the drive to the Airport comes to an end Kana asked Reno if he will ever mend his relationship with their family but Reno begins to get aggravated and raised the radio volume even more before kana abruptly lowers it completely expecting an answer.

"You keep asking me the same thing over and over threw out your stay here… I thought by now you'd realize I have no intention too, it's like you came here for completely different reasons then just hanging out with your brother".

"And Why in the hell should I!? You all shunned me just for being regular and now that you've gotten bored and grown a sympathetic bone you want to be comfortable with me?! From where I sit I would rather things stay as they always has, you three looking at me as nothing more but a loser while you all step on me when you feel like it"

Kana looks down at her palms with a shameful look on her face knowing that reno's feelings are completely justified given how he's always been treated wrongfully by there parents including kana herself.

Reno sighs in relief finally getting some of his frustrations out as they've finally arrived to the airport and proceeded to unload Kana's bags for her.

Before parting ways kana thanks her little brother for having her and simultaneously apologizes for the things she said during her stay but Reno interrupts Kana with a I'm unexpected hug.

"look I'm not mad at you or anything, I appreciate you visiting me regardless if it's for pity or something else I just don't like being reminded of my circumstances I'm faced with but it doesn't change the fact your the only family that even bothers to talk to me and for that I am truly grateful".

A smile appears on Kanas face knowing that her younger brother still cares about her despite the relationship Reno has with her and there parents. The two part ways waving bye too each other, each having more to say to one another but with no time to do so.

Reno drives back home as he has immediately switched his mind to an event that he must be on time for. A special raid event that will be held on his favorite game Grimsky.

Grimsky is A MMORPG game using the new high-tier Vr system called Klokis which stimulates the nerves of the player using attachments to certain parts of the body meaning in-game pain can be felt by the user at a minimum. Due to the fact that pain and others aspects such as extream fear can be felt the vr system Klokis isn't used by average gamers only hardcore players and pros play with it and Reno is considered one of those hardcore players ranked third on the leaderboards.

"Wonder what special item I will receive!hopefully a rare item that can help me become number 1 on the leaderboards once dungeon events start back up".

Arriving home Reno looks at the time and panics realizing that the event starts in only a few minutes added to the fact that he's been hungry since he woke up but since Reno is a dedicated player with the third-ranking on Grimsky he can't afford to chance a delay.

"Crap I'm so hungry… ah whatever ill just eat after Kicking some ass!"

Reno proceeds to rush into his room and equip his Vr Setup preparing to enter the world of Grimsky. Before going in Reno notices the sky getting ominously darker than normal considering it's the afternoon now but assumes that it's going to rain and proceeds to enter the game.

"Welcome Back Akuma! Are you ready for Carnage?" says the in-game voice AI.

Reno is surprised to hear an in-game welcome since it's not something he's ever heard before thinking that it might be a new addition to the game. Ignoring the sudden surprise he proceeds to accept the spring event only to be met with a Join grimsky alert plastered all over his screen till he press join suddenly finding himself in the event that he intended to join originally.

"What the hell is going on? Is the new event so out of wack that Its messing with the system? Ugh and where am I there's literally nothing here but endless sand with not even a single player or monster around, it's called the spring event so this spawn point literally makes no sense".

Reno stands in confusion as he doesn't understand where he is nor what's going on. Usually during these events a powerful monster would appear but suddenly a massively Bright red Magic circle would appear above and below Reno burning him as he starts to feel it outside of the game even more then he should be.


yells Reno struggling to unequip his Vr setup but not being able to properly due to the overwhelming pain he is under till his body gives out and everything goes Dark.

Next chapter