
My students will become the strongest.

Sam crosses to a new planet that is completely magical. He discovers that humans can have superpowers, and monsters also inhabit the planet. Humans continuously fight these monsters to protect themselves and their world. Unfortunately, Sam, who just arrived on the planet, lacks the potential to become powerful and doesn't possess any shortcuts to gain strength quickly. As a result, he resigns himself to living an average life and tries to avoid danger. However, everything changes when he graduates from the academy. He receives an invitation from his former academy to become a teacher, and simultaneously, he awakens the Teacher system. Now, on this perilous planet, if he desires to become powerful, he must accept students and empower them. Only when his students become strong will he gain strength himself. Join his journey to become the greatest teacher. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Hey guys, English is not my first language. I hope you all enjoy this and if you have any suggestions, please comment. -------------------------------------------------------- [https://discord.gg/5zaUFwv5 My discord link. Join guys and if you have any suggestions, tell me.] You can also support me in PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/SmallOtaku ____________________________ # 50 Power stone = 1 extra chapter # 100 Power stone = 2 extra chapter # 20 Golden ticket = 1 extra chapter # 50 Golden ticket = 2 extra chapters

Small_Otaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Chapter 60 - Spirit Body

Around 3:00 p.m. when the class was over Veena and Lara left the classroom. Lara will be going to meet her teacher while Veena is going to meet her junior brother Aryan. She needed to ask for the direction of the training ground of teacher Sam.

Also, Lara did not have any problem when she heard teacher Sam accepted Veena as a student. First of all, he is a two-star teacher. Also, he is very close to becoming a 3-star teacher.

Not only that but with the guidance of teacher Sam, Aryan junior from the first year was even able to become strong enough to defeat a student from class 2D. Even though that person from class 2D was an initial Mortal grade warrior. But still, if you look at the report about that junior brother, then it is a huge achievement for him.

Sometime later,

Both of them went their separate path. Veena directly went toward class D to meet her junior brother. It did not take her that much time to reach that place. She already noticed Aryan who was present inside the classroom. On the other hand, most of the students have already started leaving the classroom.

Wasting no time, Veena directly entered the classroom and began to approach Aryan. Naturally, it attracts the attention of all the students present in the corridor and the classroom. Everybody already recognized her. Even though she isn't as powerful as those other students from class 2A. But she is one of the top beauties from 2nd year.

Because of this, most of the students already recognized her and everyone was very surprised to see Veena inside their classroom. Not only that, they also notice that senior Veena is currently approaching Aryan.

This instantly makes them more surprised. Naturally, everybody also became curious to know the reason. Some of them even thought that because Aryan previously defeated that second-year student, senior Veena approached Aryan.


Aryan, who wasn't paying attention to his classmates, also became surprised. He can see most of the students looking behind him. That makes him curious and he looks behind him. The moment he did that, he was surprised.

Instantly, he saw that girl from 2nd year. Not only that, but that senior from 2nd year looks like approaching his direction. Instantly he thought she was going to ask those useless questions once again.

Just thinking about those questions makes him release a deep breath. But this time naturally Veena did not come there to ask those useless questions.

"What do you want, senior Veena?"

Aryan directly asked her when she came in front of his desk.

"Hmm… it is good to see you, junior Aryan. Don't worry I did not come here this time to ask you those useless questions. I just wanted to know the location of the training ground of teacher Sam. He told me to ask you about this."

Veena smiled a little after looking at the frustrated look of Aryan. But then she directly told him the reason why she came to that place. This time Aryan is the one who became completely shocked.

He becomes completely shocked after hearing those words from senior Veena. Did teacher Sam, really accept her as a student? Instantly he began to think about that question. But, he did not know anything about this.

Sometime later, finally Aryan calmed down. Aryan also agrees with Veena to show her the training ground. Even if she did not get accepted by teacher Sam, there is no problem showing her the training ground. But at the same time, he already decided to talk to teacher Sam about this.


"Is this really true? Is senior Veena accepted by teacher Sam?"

All this time both of them did not notice but all the students present in the classroom also heard their words and many of them became surprised after hearing what they were discussing. First of all, after the elimination round, teacher Sam also became quite famous among all the students.

Not only that, many second-year students wanted to become his students, but due to none of them meeting the criteria, nobody was able to become a student of teacher Sam. So this is naturally surprising that senior Veena from 2nd year got accepted as a student by teacher Sam.


Finally, around 6:00 p.m., Veena came inside Sam's house. After that, she went directly to the training ground. Before leading her to that place Aryan also talks to teacher Sam and only after getting confirmation from teacher Sam, Aryan brings her into the training round.

Tina is already present in the training ground. Naturally, she was also very surprised when she saw Veena. For a second, she thought Venna was her brother's girlfriend. Fortunately, Aryan clarified the misunderstanding.

Sometime later,

Teacher Sam still did not come to the training area. Because of this, Veena is currently waiting for him while Aryan and Tina start their training. Both of them did not have to wait for teacher Sam as teacher Sam already prepared their training program.

Currently, Veena is observing both brother and sister. One thing she was able to tell about Aryan is that he already became more powerful compared to before when he fought in the elimination round. On the other hand, Tina is close to becoming a mortal-grade Warrior.

Veena did not notice but teacher Sam already came inside the training ground and he observed all of his students. Sam saw Veena present in the training ground and it looked like she was observing Tina and Aryan.

" Name:- Veena Hance

Bloodline:- Normal human,

Level - 16 (0,000 / 32,000 exp)

Grade - Initial mortal grade

Health - (1,000 / 1,000)

[System remarks:- Due to her damaged foundation, she didn't have full health.]

Body type:- Spirit Body (Locked)

Spiritual energy - (16,000 / 16,000)

Potential - S+ - grade (suppressed)

Strength - 150

Agility -130

Physique (Stamina + Body defense) - 50

Int (mental power) - 300

[ System remarks:- Due to the evolution of spiritual energy, all humans in normal human life can also have 90 stat points.]

Stats points - 00

Exp - 00


Absorbing technique -

Gallen Deviour (Mortal grade) (level 1) (00/1k)

Active technique -

Energy control (Mortal grade) (level 2) (00/2k)

Energy Blast (Mortal grade) (level - 2) (00/2k)

Fireball (Mortal grade) (level - 1) (00/1k)

Passive technique - None."

This is the status of Veena. Sam can see Veena has a damaged foundation. Now this is a big question: how did her foundation get damaged? Due to her foundation getting damaged she also did not have full health. Sam also notices the new option Body type appears on her status.

It shows him that Veena has a spirit body. Unfortunately, it is locked right now. This could be a reason her potential is in a suppressed state.

Naturally, he wanted to ask her many questions about these but he could not directly ask her how her foundation got damaged. There could be a chance that she damages her foundation due to overwork. As from childhood, she had an average potential and because of this, there is a chance she overworked to make herself powerful and get her parent's mementos.

Sam releases a deep breath and finally begins to approach Veena. Both Aryan and Tina focused on their training, so they did not notice teacher Sam. But, Veena already noticed him.

She instantly tried to get up to greet him. But Sam told her not to do that and stay in her place. Only then did Aryan and Tina notice teacher Sam. Both of them stopped their training and came toward teacher Sam.


"You don't have to become that tense. I think you already met my other students. Both of them are your little brother and sister. So you also don't have to feel pressure from them.

Now back to the main topic, from tomorrow we will be starting our training. So before anything tell me about the techniques that you have learned. Other than that, tell me about your experience in fighting Monsters."

Sam told that to Veena. Hearing those words, she gained confidence once again and lifted her head to look at teacher Sam. She begins to tell him about her experience.

Most of the time with the help of Lara, she was able to hunt Monsters. She would always go inside the Dungeon with Lara. But they will also not go that Deep inside the dungeon. Other than that, she also told me all the details about her techniques.

After hearing all those explanations Sam concluded that even though Veena knew about her large spiritual energy resource. But she did not know about her mental power. It is also quite good compared to her other stats. None of those stats can reach close to the limit of Level 16.

But still, even in that condition, she can become a level 16 warrior. Naturally, this could be a reason that she is still present in class 2A.