

Just give me ten minutes, I'll be there. You said which hospital is it again? Benzyl asked his other hand on the starring wheel.

' Five Star Hospital Sir,' the doctor said as the call ends.

The fear and anger that were seen in Benzyl's eyes, no one could have come closer to him. It was as if the road was his when he was driving, he didn't want to know the causes that might occur. The speed limit was more than the one required to be used. The moment he reached at the gate of the hospital, thank God it was already opened cause it could be into pieces right there. He stopped his car immediately throwing his keys to the gate man running inside without a word.

' Room number? He forgot even to ask the patient's name but again the nurse was already informed about his wherebouts.'

' Block two, room number 47.' she replied quickly and as she lifts her head, he had already vanished in her eyes. She just shook her head then went back to business.

' Where's he? Is he okay? He asked even before reaching near the room.'

' Benzyl calm down, he's okay now.' Benny replied standing. They were sitting on a bench outside Bean's room both in silence. When Benzyl checked at the beeping machine, his head almost exploded.

' What did you do to him? Why is he on a supporting life machine huh? He asked furiously gripping both Benny and Bailey's neck pushing them to the wall.'

' Brother, sorry. We didn't mean to hurt him.' Bailey cried his eyes staring down.

' What do you mean you didn't mean to hurt him? Did you made him do what l assigned you to do? He asked furiously, his eyes were more than the burning fire. It was as if he had turned into a Satan's real face.'

' We.... Were....were... We just.....

' Speak or else l twist your necks with my bear hands,' he shouted cutting Benny, again even scaring the passing doctors with his horror voice.'

' We didn't mean to. Am sorry it was all my fault big brother. We didn't mean to make him like this. What we wanted was.... Was....to....to play with him but he just felled down suddenly unable to breath then he....he....pass....he passed out. We didn't do anything to hurt him, l swear.' Benny cried tears falling down swearing with his throat.'

' You.....you idiots.... You are lucky that you are also my brothers. You would be dead and get burried twenty feet underground right now. Pray he wakes up. Just pray or else you'll know my true colours.' he threatened leaving them as they whine in pain. He glanced around scratching at the back of his head, then moved to where Bean was lying as the doctor comes out of the room.

' How's he? That's the first question he asked.'

' Are you his family? The doctor asked.'

' Yes, yes. What's wrong.' he trembled.

' Okay, follow me to my office. We need to discuss something serious.'

' Okay, you two stay here and check him, I'll be back.' he said as they nod walking away.

' Huh! Once bitten twice shy? Benny retorted as Bailey stares at him.'

' What do you mean by your proverb?'

' Huh! Didn't you see? I almost lost my life for fuck sake Bailey. Brother's eyes were like a devil with his real face. He was burning like fire, wanting to rip every living thing in our body? Didn't you see that, Ghosh!' he replied standing.

' Yeah l understand him and he has every right to scold and punish us. We forgot about Bean's health.'

' Jeez! I'd rather play with smoke but not with fire. Smoke can't burn me alive...

' But it can suffocate you Benny.' I'd rather you play with future life.' he said entering inside the room him following from behind.'

After few minutes Benzyl burged in with a paper in his hand looking as if he wanna cry.

' What's wrong? Benny asked.

' He..... He..... He has..... He has a heart failure brothers. He needs to be done a surgery? He said sitting down on the floor his eyes almost dropping tears. They were red no one could have denied that he wanted to cry.

' But,' he continued. But now is not the right time cause all people with heart failures have been sent home till further notice. There's no heart surgeries today, they finished yesterday. Now the hospital is waiting for a call that they don't know when they gonna arrive those who went to bring the hearts. I gause we should wait till we receive a call.' he explained slowly not even his eyes blinking leaving them with no word to utter other than being silence too.

' When he wakes up call me, we'll be going back with him when he wakes up. Let's try another Hospital.' Benzyl said calmly standing and within a jiffy, he walked out.


' Jake, Jake! Will your father like this fruits that we've bought? Alin asked as they enter inside Jake's compound.

' He will for sure. He does like fruits more than any other thing. He does says that fruits are good for his age.' Jake replied with a laugh.

' Ahhh! Pheww! The day has been long and tiresome. You need water too? She asked going towards the kitchen as Jake nods dropping the bags.

' My sweet Alin, you've come..... What did you bring for me from the markets? Benard, Jakes dad asked coming downstairs as she gulped more water.'

' Heey uncle. I was so thirsty. Anyway how are you?

' Am good my sweet Alin. Anything good?

' Uhhhhh! Jake and l bought sweet and fresh fruits only for you. He said you love them so l bought as many as l could.

' Woooow! Oooh nooo, all this. I can't even finished in two months time. Thank you so much.'

' Ahhhh! That's nothing. Let me help you to peel this banana.' she said putting the glass down.

' Alin.' Benard called after taking a bit on the banana.

' Yes uncle.'

' Have you ever asked yourself, this few days why Jake somehow looks like your late father even though he had married a black lady?' he seriously asked making Alin to look at him confusingly.

' Stop staring at me as if am an imposter. Am just asking you.'

' Daad!....' Jake tried to speak but by the show of his finger he kept quiet.

' Alin, there are so many things you don't know about your family and even yourself.'

' Uncle, l....l... artilist make me understand you. You're making me nervous and to over think, Haahh!' she nervously laughed looking at Jake then to uncle Benard.

' Ohhooh! Okay l don't like leaving people in the dark nor keeping secrets from those l care. I just wanna be sincere and open to you so that you won't blame me one day. This Jake, is your father's first son whom people thought that he died during his birth?

' Whaaa..... Whaaaa.....' she couldn't even said a word staring at Jake who kept his head down.

' You can be angry as you wish but don't blame anyone. Your father was the oldest and also the best tycoon in the whole world that's why they murdered him. They didn't want him to have a son who will take over him that's why they planned his dead to look like as if it was just an accident, but in real sense as someone like me who understands how business works, could have known this wasn't just a car accident. This Jake here let's say by God's mercy l saved him. Right now he could have been buried long time ago. His mother was a white lady and she was the one who died after giving birth to him and l adopted him as my son. But as the days went on, l decided to tell him the truth.

' And..... Alin asked curiously moving closer to uncle Benard surprising them.

Next chapter