
chapter 1

I am an 16 yr old girl who has always followed the rules my mom set for me. and when she decided to have more children I was there to help her take care of them. and help her raise them right and now that she has health problems it's my job to watch over my little brothers and take care of them. to make sure they grow up right. as for me I have never been the type to rebel so when I got a boyfriend he would always ask if I would sneak out just to spend time with him. I ofcourse would always say no but he would always ask. so one night I was tired of being so perfect. I wanted to feel what it would be like to just go out not listen to my mom or have to take care of children just for one night. I wanted to feel something new and exciting so when I decided to say yes my boyfriend was so happy that I was doing something new. and completely different when I did sneak out my boyfriend was waiting for me. he took me in his car to this beautiful view that you would only see in movies. I was so happy that I got to see something that beautiful at night there was always a certain time I needed to be home so I never when out when it was dark. and I was so happy that I decided to stay the night with him we feel asleep in his car. the next morning when I arrived home i saw my angry mother I nerver seen her so angry before. I just wanted a little freedom but she wasn't onboard with that whole idea she told me that she knows what it's like out there and that I need to stay inside to be safe. but alredy felt what freedom was and I never want to go back to being locked in a house watching over children forever. so as weeks went by me and my boyfriend were planning on running away I know its sounded dumb. but I thought we would be fine as long as we has the money and he had a car we would be. ok so one night as my mom and brothers were sleeping that was the night we decided. to go and never look back little did I know what was going to happen not being at home for a while. 2 years later and I never would have know what the truth about our family and where we really are from or I should say what we really are. something unexpected happened when I left home I was slowly changing not just my attitude but also. my appearance I thought it was because I was just getting older like normal people but I was changing to fast. I didn't know what it was or why it was happening to me. my boyfriend was to weirded out by it that he left me and never looked back I was alone and abandoned. so with what little money I had left I decided to return home hoping for forgiveness.