
My Story ❤️

Gabriela Diego, daughter of the famous CEO Luis Diego of Diego Companies in central Mexico. She a 18 years old young girl with long curly hair. Gabriela being the only daughter of her family was pampered but also well mannered. She got admitted to Hamilton College at Grand Canyon in America. She had to travel to American leaving her Mom, Dad and her favorite Nanny, Ma'am Lucia. Let's find out how her stay in Hamilton College turned out !!!!!!!!!

Munalisa223 · Fantasy
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First Time At Grand Canyon ☺️

Gabriela's POV✨

Oh my God!!!!! This is more beautiful than I thought, look at this beautiful flowers,and the feeling of the air, oh my gosh!!!!! there's even a pond!!! the fishes are beautiful 🥰🥰🥰!!!

Oops!! I forgot someone might be reading my story☺️, silly me 😂😂😂😂.

Hi, I'm Gabriela Diego, I just got admitted to Hamilton College at Grand Canyon ☺️!!!!!. I'm really excited, can't wait to make friends!!!! I never really had any friends at mexico. I was always indoors after school and in school everyone thinks I'm too rich to be associated with. But here no one knows my status and I'll try to be nicer I think I should. I've been walking around I should look for my room now. ( A man in his late thirties walked up to Gabriela ).

Mr Raven: You must be a green horn right???

Gabriela: Yes sir, where can I find my room pls?

Mr Raven: Take your right, you'll see a counter and a young lady tell her to give you your room card ok? (Turns around and leaves)

Gabriela: Sure sir (Looking around for the counter and sees it) Yep, that's her over there ( rushed to the counter). Good day ma'am I'm a green.... ( Cuts her out)

Miss Lalita: I know kid, here's your card, Gabriela Diego right??? (gives her a card)

Gabriela:Yes (takes the card)

Miss Lalita: Turn to your left, Room 12 is your room

Gabriela: Ok thank you ( Leaves) Ok that lady was rude, I'm so tired already😫.

************AT ROOM 12**************

Gabriela: oh God I'm finally here!!! ( Swipes the card and the door opens)

Charlotte: Thank Goodness I finally have a roommate. Let me help you with your bags(Helps her carry her bags inside).

Gabriela: Thank you so much ( Smiling)

Charlotte: No need I've been waiting for you even if I don't know it's you, nice having you here, Let's arrange your things.

Gabriela: Sure do (Started unpacking and arranging).

************TWO HOURS LATER***********

Gabriela: Thank you very much for your help... huh your name??

Charlotte: I'm Charlotte Roger and you??

Gabriela: Gabriela Diego

Charlotte: Diego??? you're from Mexico???

Gabriela: Yes I'm from Mexico

Charlotte: Mexico is the most awesome place I've ever been. well thank God I have an Mexican roommate now!!!

Gabriela: What department are you in???

Charlotte: Theater Arts and you??

Gabriela: Same!!!!!

Charlotte: What part actually??

Gabriela:Music and Hip-hop dance

Charlotte: I'm in acting

Gabriela: Wow, that's great!!!! Ain't you hungry??? I'm starving!

Charlotte: Let me take you to the cafeteria ( Stands up)

Gabriela: Let's go (they both left the room)

Chapter 2

coming up!!!!!!!!