
The Betrayal

"The Sith Empire has burnt brightly, like a supernova, dwarfing the complacent Republic. We could've held the entire galaxy in our grasp," wheezed a black cloaked figure with rugged brown hair and blazing redskin.

"Your ambition and hubris has led to your downfall! Rest in the black void of the force Daragon, my apprentice, …my disappointment!

As the black cloaked man looked down at a pale skinned and dark-raven haired man, a flurry of emotions could be scene in his eyes.

A burning Fury, A speck of sadness and grief, but mainly a feeling of loss like he lost his prized toy. He winces once and looks down to see his waist and a purplish fluid permeating his hands, and chuckles sadistically.

"Well it looks like you weren't such a disappointment after all, but you should've gone for the head, the man says as he leaves what appears to be a dim lit room filled with wisps of black energy and a scarlet red hue lining the walls.

As he walks along the corridors, he comes to 2 double doors that open up as he comes near. He peers at the navigation console and looks out at his home, a purplish planet surrounded by golden clouds and hidden in the deepest recesses of the known universe.

"Empress Teta your Lord has returned and I'm in need of a place to stay, he whispers, as the ship descends upon the planet, breaking through the golden atmosphere before docking at a grand mining city over looking spacious caverns and caves of the surrounding landscape.

He leaves the ship and starts walking down the dock when suddenly he is quickly surrounded by hordes of armed soldiers. As a red skinned man dressed in golden robes and carrying a red sword brimming with black whisky energy.


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