
My Sisters Husband Is Now My Husband

When Hua Jing was still in her youth, she had fallen in love with a man, Alexander Sterling. He had captured her heart and right at the bottom, she had written all sorts of sweet nothings hoping that one day he would dig deep and find them but then one day all of her dreams of being with him were shattered after he announced that he was going to marry her elder sister, Carmen Richards. She gave up on this love and when she turned twenty, right after the wedding, she asked her parents to send her abroad to further her studies but this was only a pretext. The only truth was that she wanted to take care of her broken heart. After three years, she received a call from her sister in which Carmen Richards told her that she was dying of cancer and the only wish she had on her deathbed was for Cindy Richards to get married to her husband Alexander Sterling. Cindy Richards refuses but she does not know there are more reasons to this... Read to find out more...

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Alexander Sterling was pacing around making Cindy Richards very nervous. As soon as they entered his office, he quickly locked it and he had not stopped pacing until now

Cindy Richards wanted to say something, "CEO Alex…I-…"

"Why?" Alexander Sterling cut her off with a question. He had stopped pacing around and was now looking at her. His eyes were somewhat heavy and there was resignation in them. He walked slowly towards Cindy and asked again,

"Why did you give them to him?"

He had sent the flowers with his whole heart yet this was how he was being repaid?

Seeing the flowers in someone else's arms that were not hers made him lose all of his reasoning. His voice was laced with a whole lot of hurt feelings, "Why?"

Cindy Richards found this very ironic. He had gifted his mistress the same flowers yet he was asking her what she did with hers?

What sort of man was this?

Alexan Sterling walked towards her in slow, wavering steps. There was something very unsettling with the way he walked.

Cindy Richards saw him and said, "I don't think I need my sister's money anymore so we can decide to donate it all to charity. The condition did not say the duration of the marriage so how about we go our separate ways and pursue what our hearts desires? We can meet up a year later and sign the divorce papers!

Alexand Sterling's steps faltered and his face became as white as a sheet of paper, "What?"

Cindy Richards laughed, "I thought about it after a while. All we do is fight with each other. We are always at odds and it is not something good. We are obviously locking each other from pursuing the people we truly want so how about we give each other some time apart? You don't have to worry about me and…"

She felt like crying. Something was stabbing her heart painfully. She did not dare look up at Lu Fang's expression because it would make her heart break more.

She wondered how Hua Ming stayed with him. This man…he was very formidable but why was it when she looked at him all she felt was pain?

Lu Fang did not say a word.

He stared at her face for a very long time. Every time they had an argument, she would bring up the divorce. It was as if she was reminding him of how feeble this relationship of theirs was.

It was hanging on a thin thread that could snap anytime and they only had a year to make it work but ever since they got married, there had been no progress at all!

She did not know about his feelings nor did she seem to care.

The image of her smiling at Benjamin Clark back then resurfaced in his mind and he felt like collapsing.

He knew he was being weird but he felt very overprotective of her because Cindy Richards only belonged to him and him alone!

When they were young, her smile and laugh were always reserved for him and him only. She was a very friendly person but there were some things that she only did to him.

She would always wear bright clothes and hang around him all day. They would be very tired after and would fall asleep in the living room with her head on his lap.

He looked like he did not like it but every day, he found himself wanting to see her, wanting her head on his lap, wanting to hear her voice chirp from a distance, "Brother Alex…you are so handsome today!"

Alexander desperately wanted to go back to those days so that he would feel all those things he felt one more time!

He thought about those days and shook his head and then he simply walked towards her and held her cheeks in his hands. He could see the tears brewing inside her eyes.

"Why are you so cruel to me, Cindy? Why are you so cruel?"

She was cruel but he could not let her go…not anymore. He had to fight for her.

This love, he had to fight for it!

Cindy Richards' tears fell, "Alex…"

Alexander Sterling wiped her tears slowly, "Is that what you really want, Cindy Richards?"

Cindy nodded slowly, "We don't really love each other Alex. Isn't it pointless to have such a marriage? We are only living waiting for the day we will separate so why wait when we can do it sooner…right?"

Alexander Sterling's steady eyes wavered a bit but he soon gained his clarity, "Is there anything that I don't know about? Cindy please tell me so that we can fix these issues together?"

Alexander bent down a placed a soft kiss on Cindy's lips.

Cindy was a bit surprised but he did not push him away. Alexander looked at her, "I would have accepted it already but I don't think I can!"

Cindy's tears started again, "Why Alex? You don't even love me! Why did you give her the same flowers as me then?"

Alexander Sterling did not know what she was talking about, "What? Cindy, I think we have many misunderstandings between us so how about we try to solve them before anything else? Give me some time and I will make everything right!"

Alexander Sterling suddenly hugged her, "Cindy, please wait for me. Let us have dinner together on the weekend. How about that? We can talk through everything then so that we can figure out all of thins things between us and solve them so please…"

Alexander was begging. He never really begged before but she was worth it. The only reason he would never agree to the divorce was because he had some hope. Every time she talked about divorcing him she would look very sad.

He did not know if it was his own imagination or not but he felt as if Cindy Richards might also…like him back.

Something must have happened today and all those days when she was sad. She had never once reacted the way she did so he needed to find out whatever was happening so that he could resolve it before all the issues piled up into something greater than even he could handle.

Cindy's tiny hands wrapped around his broad back. They stayed like this for a while before Alexander promised to pick her up later so they could go home together.

Once she was out of his office, Alexander called Daniel Owens, "Check everything that happened in the office ever since my wife came in. Leave no stone unturned!"