
A proposal

With everything said and done, everyone was cheering. Turned out despite Gale's rampage it just wanted to play. Duelle gave a good run, and Gale was happy. "So you guys saved the day?" Mary was sitting by a fire and in new clothes. Apparently she fell into the water when Duelle was swimming away. Christoph was keeping the fire up muttering to himself. All the Aroth people were reveling and talking. Gale had been spinning around Duelle harassing him. "Ye-yeah mostly Nick though he frozen the water into a glacier down stream." Nick was looking around, "Wheres the gecko?" Bruni popped out of the fire and nodded, Nick began to laugh as Liz and Mary talked.

"So what now? Any plans?" "I-i don't know i might stay here, i might just... i don't know really." "Why not stay at Arendelle? I mean we can always hang out right?" Liz was looking down, "I think I want more adventure." The conversation went silent for a second, Nick pushed into the silence. "Welp, Christoph now would be the time Liz gets and adventure, Mary gets Liz to stick around a little longer and I get to Cake." The sisters looked at Nick then turned to Christoph. "uhhhhh, I don't..."

"Whats happening, what are you guys talking about?" Duelle walked over and sat down next to Nick. "Christoph has something to say to Mary, and i put him on the spot." "Spot?" "It means to be the center of attention." Duelle still looked clueless, "You know how Gale is picking on you, its show its attention to you." "Would you to shut up?" Mary looked at Christoph again, "Are you finally gonna propaose or you gonna chicken out?" "W-what? Proposal?" Christoph shutter, "You knew?" "Yeah pretty sure Liz was the only one who didn't." Christoph took out a ring and showed it to Mary. "W-wait i'm still lost here, you guys are gonna get married!" Liz was freaking out and Mary kissed Christoph. Nick got up, "Welp, i don't do...love, i am gonna go to sleep i need some rest."

Before Nick went to sleep he had opened up the book of destiny and opened the book to the artificial spirit. he began to read the story. |Raiders of the The Dragon burrow sink deep into the dark depths.

Raider 1:This will make us rich!

Raider 2: That's if we can find something we can sell, the stuff down here is ancient.

Raider Leader: Trust me you two, this stuff down here is highly advanced stuff.

In a deep part of the burrows worked a a man made of metal, he was full filling his only task. He was repairing various damaged structures. The mimics often ignored him, he wasn't living so many thought he was undead. They couldn't eat the undead. So he repaired the things they broke, they didn't understand him. He didn't understand them. He heard screams, through the caverns. More raiders he supposed, more cleaning he had to do. The mimics wouldn't clean up the blood or rust. So as he must he worked away.|

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