
my sister is a artist

I became a light novelist while my twin sister is an artist for someone, but I never expected to get an offer at a famous writing company for a book I wrote 3 years ago. And my name is yui please read the book to find out what happens next.

yuki2022 · Urban
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In the brother's POV

One day, I walked to class when the student body president came.

"What are you doing out of class, Sieo," he said.

"Oh, nothing, just heading there now," I said with no worries at all.

Later in class.

"Oh, it's the same thing every day, nothing ever changes," said one of my classmates.

"What are you doing, Naumi," I said.

"Nothing," he said.

"I can't believe it's almost summer.

We'll be seniors," I said.

Summer came, and it was the last day and voting just finished and Naumi's sister got elected as president for the next school term.

Okay during the summer, I started to write light novels and my pen name is Isuka.

"Hey, did you hear that Yakumo sensei just released their cover to a new light novel series," called Naumi?

"Yeah, I did, it's coming out next month," I said.

"Hello, how much will the book cost when it is out," said Naumi.

"About 1669-yen sir".

There was less than a week before the 2nd term test first year only he didn't have to be there at all, well not until Tuesday, Sept 3rd.

Then the phone rings.

"Hello, who is this," I said.

"Hey isukau sensei, that light novel is due on the 2nd," my editor said.

"Okay, I'll get it done," I said.

Sept 3rd, 2019 I was selling ice cream for the Koua high's 2nd term greeting. When? Naumi took 4 ice cream cones.

A few weeks later, Naumi was talking with me about the Halloween event.

A new student was at school, and he was from England.

"Hello, how are you?

"How about I show you around," the president said.

She is a 1st-year student at Koua high and naumi's younger sister.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" he said.

"Hey, sensei, please don't punish me," said an unknown boy.

"I am very sorry, but you skipped class for a week," said sensei.

So that boy, whoever he is, I don't care what happens to him.

"Hey, it's me, your old friend from jr high, Nagoya roze," he said.

"Sensei wait it was not him who skipped it was me I was travelling with his family for the week," I said.

"Fine," said sensei.

It has been a few months since the Christmas party.

And Shibuya yuia was talking to me about the props for the closing ceremony.

"Hey senpai we need to get prepared for the closing ceremony and the graduation for our seniors, so please don't forget about it," she said.

Oh, right, I got to go to work now, so I quickly ran to my house and began typing the next volume of my light novel my little sister is annoying and cute.

That series has 3 volumes out right now, and I have no clue who Yakumo Sensei is, then riuchi came and kicked me in the gut.

"Why are you doing with my books I bought, wait aren't you isukau sensei," she said.

"Yes, I am riuchi and how did you know about my series riuchi Chan and how do you know who Yakumo sensei is," I said.

" Isukau sensei don't you know who draws the characters and the cover art, the person who does it is me," she told me.

A few weeks had passed, and she didn't send me any new artwork for the fourth volume of my little sister is annoying and cute.

Oh, right, it usually takes her a few weeks to finish the drawings.

Then my phone was going off, I answered it, "we need to set up for the opening ceremony," she said.

Later I arrived home and Naumi was there.

"Hey, I need to tell you the truth about your sister to you and her," he said.

"Okay, tell me," I said.

" I don't have any siblings at all and Yui is your sister riuchi wearing a high school uniform who's in middle school," he said.

" Nii San, I am home," riuchi said.

Hey, Yui aren't you done with the opening ceremony or are you lying to me, riuchi Chan," I said.

Riuchi POV.

I had arrived from being my twin sister Yui and sieo Nii San was in the living room with Naumi Kun.

"What are you doing here, Naumi Kun," I said.

" Riuchi Chan why did you dress up as yui tell me now," sieo said.

"I can explain the real Yui is right now somewhere far away and told me to pretend to be her, and she is my twin sister after all," I said.

"Wait, did you say, twin," he said.

"Yeah, I did Nii San," I said.

"Oh that's right, she told me before the new years' party that she would be leaving for other schools, so they can join our school and sorry," he said.

"So when will the Prez return iskuau Chan," Naumi Kun said.

I cannot tell him when sis will return home yet.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about that isukau Chan," Naumi Kun said.

"Huh, little sis, why are you not picking up," the phone said.

"Sorry Yui I forgot and big brother and Naumi Kun found out the truth," I said.

"Riuchi I am right now at the **** airport and will arrive in Japan in the morning and I got new students to join our schools then okay see you soon," Yui said and ended the call.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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