
D Rank Mission

"Look guys! The Orphan Trio is gathering at the village gate. Are they leaving for a mission?"

"I wonder, what mission did they choose? They're carrying lots of old sacks and 3 are bulging full. What do you think are those stuffs? Maybe they will sell stolen goods? Or are they doing a clean up service?"

"NO! I heard they took a D Rank Mission and it's the cursed garden! Hehehe, Sure they know how to pick a mission suitable for them. Those greedy scums were now doomed!"

"Koga-kun, please tell us why they're doomed and what's that cursed garden?"

That mission was posted by Lady Aira, the daughter of Daimyo Mansion's owner.

According to the rumors, some of our seniors took that mission when they were still Genins.

5 out of 5 teams who took the mission, they all failed! No one told the others what's lurking in that garden. The academy send a Chunin team, but they didn't see any shadow or anything.

Some said, it's a ghost! some said a scary Beast! a cursed spirit! or other wicked existences who torments Genins like us!

Don't warn them! Let those fool orphans consumed by their greed.

"Let's go get some easy pissy mission so we can kill some time and let's wait tomorrow for the funny outcome of their mission. Hahahaha" then Koga's team went to the academy.

Few minutes earlier,

"Koji-san, here's the stones you've asked me to gather. I filled 2 sacks, I also improved my Water walk and Wall walk technique by gathering those stones. I can now run in water and walls without falling."

"Really? I didn't know that it will help you in that way Riku! I will try it tomorrow after we're done with our mission."

"Koji-san is really a genius! He's just being humble by saying he doesn't know it, even though he knew that it can improve our wall and water walking techniques. I'm sure he knew it all this time but he really care about us and he doesn't want to boast!" (Kurara blushed when she spoke those words)

'He speaks too highly of me. I really don't know it will help to improve the water and wall walking techniques. But I will just take their compliments, I'm sure they will not believe me even if I told them that it's just a coincidence and I only need these stones. '

(Koji steps his right foot on top of the sack full of stones and looked up) "Hahaha, you got me Kurara-san. I just don't want leave you both behind. I'm really a genius and I'm not used to showing how I care to others. I really knew it, I discovered it alone! Haha, I'm such a genius! Right? Right Kurara? Riku? Hey don't just leave me behind when I'm not yet done talking!"

(Kurara and Riku is already far when he finished boasting)

'There he goes again. Maybe he really don't know it can help us improve.'

"Kurara-san, you're just thinking too highly of him. He's an idiot! We both knew that from the beginning!" (Riku whispered to Kurara)

"Maybe, you're right." (answered by Kurara in a low voice)

"Stop with your blabbing! We'll be late Koji-san"

"Shut up! You ungrateful pile of a sh*t! If I discovered some new training method, you'll never hear anything from me even if you beg with your knees on the floor!"

"As if you're a genius! Let's go Kurara-san, it's your fault for mistaking him for a genius. Now his head is empty and just full of airs."

The trio headed to the Daimyo Mansion.

"Knock knock!"

"Mister strong and good looking Guard, we're looking for Lady Aira. We're Ninjas from the academy, can you show us the way to her garden?" 'you fart and ugly guard, you better show us the way or I'll make you pay for making me lie to compliment you!'

"What? You brats are Ninjas? But you don't look like one. Besides, you may not know what happened to those Ninjas who tried that mission before. I'm sure you brats were blinded by the huge amount of money, but you better go back while you can. I'm not discouraging you, but it will be a lost for our Village if promising Ninjas like you youngsters will be gone just for this mission." 'I'm too lazy tending to you fools, you better go back and be thankful that I warned you! I'm just returning the favor for your compliments.'

"Excuse us for our manners, but we'll be straight to the point! No matter what you will say, we'll not back down for this mission. Don't judge us by our looks, but we have a genius on our team so you better show us the way!". (Kurara snapped, she's too soft and overpraising when it comes to Koji but she's not to be messed with, her temper is too short)

'this girl is really insane. A 180 degrees turn if you angered her. I wonder if I can withstand 3 slaps from her left hand when she's pissed? Lucky me, I'm fast and nimble. If I find a lightning based jutsu, I'll be as fast as that Legendary Ninja who can fight toe to toe with the Legendary 7th Hokage!' (Riku didn't speak the whole time but he's thinking deeply. He's daydreaming and hoping that he will surpass or become as strong as Uchiha Clan' s Sasuke.

"Here we are, please show respect to our Lady Aira"

"Knock Knock!"

"You have guests milady" (the Guard bowed and left)

"oh, come in! Are you guys the Ninjas I requested?"

"Yes we are. We'll work hard to finish the task you've posted. Please show us where's that beast so we can deal with it."

"Sorry, that's also my problem. It only shows when it wants to run amok and it will never show if it wants to..

Roar!!! Grrrhh!!!

"Speaking of the devil! Shall we get started?"

"Let's go! 50000 ryo here we go! Hahaha!"

The trio switched to hunting mode. Lady Aira felt something different with the trio, their aura is different to what they show before. It suddenly become fierce and wild, wilder than any beast she saw before.

The D Rank mission begin!

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