1 The First Crack

When I first started college I was not ready in any way. Somehow I had went throughout all of my years of school up to then without a boyfriend. I was alway the quiet kid you saw looking down in the halls never really drawing attention to myself, although for some reason the popular kids always seemed to notice when someone is trying to be invisible. Sure I had the occasional crush but it's not like I ever had the guts to say anything to any of them. But a soon as I got to college everything changed.

It all started my first day of class there was a guy I met, Jack. He was really nice to me but then again I didn't exactly have friends. Jack and I soon became friends along with two other really nice girls Hazle and Lexi.

We all had one thing in common, and that was Harry Potter we were all OBSESSED! We sometimes saw each other and just randomly out of nowhere just said a random line of any of the movies.

As a group of crazy fans we came up with the bright idea to start a fan club called HPFC which was the acronym for Harry Potter Fan Club.

We all had the same classes and talked all the time, and at some point in time one of us thought it was a good idea to plan a trip to Harry Potter World in universal studios in Orlando. We ended up changing it to London because of where the story takes place.

But then my stupid feelings got in the way of my friendship with Jack. All of us came from the same small town of Walla Walla, WA but we had all went to different schools. When we found this out we decided to all go back to visit our family's. Along the way however we decided to take a stop at Palouse falls and that was where everything changed.

While we where there by some unnatural occasion I mustered up the courage to tell Jack I like him and let me just say that that did not go well for me. He said he liked me as a friend and nothing more. The rest of the ride was really awkward one of us sat in the back and the other in the front but from that point forward we just stopped hanging out he even went as far as to get his classes changed and I pummeled in to a deep state of emotional chaos and heavy depression. This was how I got the first crack of my shattered heart.
