

Kiran was staring at her. he was also the host of the event. He made the first host of the event and it went well with opening dance, music and small introduction of the event.

It was time for breakfast, Kiran announced all the attenders to go to the below hall for breakfast.

She also came to the hall, but she had not collected her token for breakfast. she was asking the server, then Kiran appeared. He asked what is the issue, the server informed him that she has not collected the coupon and how could they server the breakfast to her.

Kiran asked he will help her and asked her name. She said her name is Laksh. he checked in the list and ordered the server to give her breakfast. She replied thank you. he said he will give her the coupons after breakfast.

He also took his breakfast and had with everyone. one it was done everyone arrived back to hall. the first speaker spoke on his topic and to entertain people he asked for 2 volunteers . Kiran and Laksh arrived and he gave them a thread and tired there hand they had to come out of it without removing the knot.

Kiran had no clue to come out of it. then she suggested the solution and helped both of them come out of it. he was astonished by her. talent.

Kiran then took a flower from the decoration and gave her and said " l Love You".

she was shocked with that. that too in front of everyone on the stage he proposed.

She denied it. and was about to leave.

Next chapter