
Chapter 755: Field Play*

Jumping from the window of the building I had inhabited, I made my way towards Jahi and the others, who were all gathering around the still alive humans and preparing to question them.

Seeing me approach, Jahi gave me a smile before nodding as I began to speak, informing everyone of what I had learned as quickly as I could so that I might find myself in a position that I preferred very much to just standing up and talking.

"That building back there, that I came from, had two humans in it; I interrogated one after killing the other, and he was a nice wellspring of information about everything. They are apart of the Cult of Ambition, which is both relieving and worrying."

Satanya frowned at that, waiting for me to elaborate - everyone else wearing similar expressions as they stared at me curiously, clearly not understanding what I was getting at.

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