
My Servant System

Katherine Zara, a single middle aged office worker, went about her day as she always had; wake up, go to work, come home and read or play games. However, today would be different. Before she left for work, her ex broke into her apartment and killed her. When she woke up, she was given many choices. She could pick her new world, pick her starting point, and pick her system among many other things. And so Katherine decided to become a servant to a villainess. Follow Katherine as she serves her petty, demanding mistress in a world of swords and magic. Additional: The Female Lead (Katherine) will be submissive to her mistress, but will be cold towards others. I plan on having some action, but mainly this will be a story about Katherine serving her mistress and leveling up her system.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1123 Chs

Chapter 337: Supplies For a Long Journey

Kat PoV

Taking a deep breath, I looked down at the table laden with items, before turning to see the few measly Silvers that I managed to retain after spending almost everything.

The former, almost broke woman inside me wanted to cry out at the sight of so much money being spent in a single day, but I knew that now was not the time to be pinching every single last Copper that I had; whatever I needed, I needed to buy now.

Which, I did... even as my heart bled at the amount of coin spent...

Sighing, I picked up the map and unfurled it once again, deciding to take the time to study it for just a little longer as I took stock of my newly purchased supplies.

The first leg of the journey - from here to the tip of Nevrokopi State - will be a straight shot up the road that connected the entirety of the State together, so I don't need much for that segment.