
Third Entry

Dear Diary,

I fainted today. I think it's because I have been living on energy bars, fruits and tea the past few months. I'm still too fat though. I should stop eating, I'm getting too heavy. I might break the scale the next time I stand on it. Haven't been able to look at myself for the past few months, I don't want to either, I'm scared of myself now. The cuts on my wrist are growing... my wrist doesn't have any more space. I should stop doing in on my wrist...I need to get some anti-scar cream. Most other spots of my body are empty though. Should try doing it on thighs..... Update on bullies, they pushed me onto the lockers and almost caused me to fall off the roof. I really am worthless, aren't I? Only Jihoon-hyung has noticed so far, I told him some lies...I hope he believed them. I have to be more careful about this. I have to go to practice now. I'm messing up the choreo too much.


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