
My Second Life in Another World

As night descends, a man sits alone, lost in thoughts of grief on his birthday, mourning the loss of his parents. Seeking solace, he turns to alcohol, hoping to numb the pain. But when he wakes the next day, he finds himself in a strange new world, gifted with powers he unknowingly acquired in his intoxicated state. Rather than succumbing to despair, he chooses to face the unknown with resilience and determination. Exploring this unfamiliar realm, he uncovers hidden truths about himself, unlocking a wellspring of abilities he never knew existed. Driven by an unwavering desire to be reunited with his parents, he embarks on a quest to understand his newfound powers and the world that now surrounds him. Throughout his journey, he forms alliances, overcomes adversaries, and lends a helping hand to those in need. If there are also those who pose a threat to his loved ones. He confronts these challenges head-on, employing diverse strategies beyond mere violence. From Solo Leveling to The Beginning After The End to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, follow this man's story as he tries to make sense of his new reality and find his way back to his loved ones. …. Before you begin reading the story, I'd like to share a few important points. The main character (MC) is a good-natured and cheerful person, so don't expect him to become excessively violent or aggressive from the start. However, he won't let others walk all over him and will deal with anyone he sees as a potential threat. How he handles these situations won't always involve violence, but you'll understand more about this as you progress into the second part of the story. The first part is meant to be uplifting and doesn't involve much danger because the MC is already powerful. Its purpose is mainly to introduce the MC's personality and the female characters who will develop romantic feelings for him. I did my best with my writing skills at the time, so I apologize if it's not as good as you'd like. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome, as I value your input. While this story can be enjoyed as a lighthearted harem fanfic commonly found in web novels, if you take the time to explore the sentences and scenarios, you'll find deeper meaning beneath the surface. Ultimately, it's up to you as the reader to interpret and decide whether it's a typical fanfic with an overpowered MC and a harem or something more meaningful when read with greater thought and investment. I've learned this through my writing experiences. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts after reading. I deeply appreciate all of my readers, and I am truly grateful to those who enjoy reading this story. Your support means a lot to me. At the same time, I want to apologize to those who didn't find it appealing or satisfying. Anyway thanks for taking the time to engage with my work, and I will try to improve and deliver content that you may like one day. That is all, Thank you for reading. Note: This story is a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters. For those interested, you can join the Discord link provided or check out my Patreon to read ahead. 1 extra chapter for 650 power stones https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

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451 Chs

Second Scenario Starts!

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"So aside from Myung-oh is there anyone else who wants to stay behind?" Haru asked and it made clear that he was going along with Dok-ja's plan.

"But Haru-ssi…." Hyun-sung was a little reluctant to comply even if Haru was following along but just then they got another reason to get out of there.


"W-What the hell?" With a loud sound accompanied by Myung-oh's scream, everyone looked at the door that led to another carriage.

Someone was trying to break into this carriage by force.

"We have to go," Dok-ja shouted getting the others out of their stupor.

Haru looked at Dok-ja and saw his expression clearly.

"B-But…" Hyun-sung tried to say something but Dok-ja beat him to it.

"If we don't leave now…. We will die before the next scenario," Dok-ja said.

'The only survivor of carriage 3707, The 'real' protagonist is about to finally show up.' Dok-ja thought with an urgent expression, he needed to get out of here or they will really get killed.

"Dok-ja-ssi, What if the person coming from that carriage isn't an enemy?" Hyun-sung asked.

"If they are from another carriage it is likely that they are a survivor….." Dok-ja stopped midway while looking at the carriage floor.

"….I was too careless, let's find a way out," Hyung-sung said as they all checked different doors trying to find an opening.

Everyone was aware that if that person has survived in another carriage they would've surely gone through the same thing as them but they surely weren't lucky enough to encounter bugs like them.

There were 8 exits in the carriage and 7 of them were a bust.

"I found a working switchgear," Queresha alerted everyone as she it to open the door but.

"N-No," Myung-oh cried out since the door opened about 1/5 before it was jammed.

"It seemed to be broken, what about the other door?" Hyun-sung said.

"This is the only door that we can use," Sang-ah spoke.

Maybe Gil-young can pass through the gap but it wasn't possible for the others.

"C'mon we need to push it apart, Hap," Haru said as he grabbed the doors and pushed them apart easily like it was nothing.

"W-What?" Myung-oh was terrified while the others looked surprised at how easily the door was opened, even Hyun-sung and Myung-oh weren't able to push them apart together.

'Did Haru-ssi already know how to use coins or did he use a skill? But that skill is better than Hyun-sung's,' Dok-ja thought while looking at the marks of Haru's fingers on the train's door and the frame.

"What was that Haru-ssi?" Hyun-sung asked with an awed look.

"That was a skill, they are quite easy to use you just need to think about it," Haru said as he jumped down on the tracks while Hyun-sung looked impressed.

Dok-ja used his skill on Haru since he wanted to find out more about his skills.

[The information of this person can't be read in 'Character List'.]

[This person isn't registered as a Character.]

'What? Does he have a mental barrier skill? No, it is too early for that, It worked properly on Hyun-sung and Nam-woon, is it something related to his Sponsor?' Dok-ja had many questions right but now wasn't the time for that…..

[…Ah, This is really, I knew this would happen, didn't I say it earlier? I told you to wait, the scenario hasn't been prepared yet,] The Dokkaebi seemed annoyed.

"I-I told you it was a bad move," Myung-oh shouted in fear holding his head.

"Stop screaming like a bitch at every turn," Nam-woon's annoyed tone shook Myung-h who shut up. He was feeling even more annoyed since he saw how Haru opened the Door.

[Sigh….it can't be helped. You really are lucky humans,]

'It is not like you'll kill people who are bringing you profit,' Haru scoffed in his mind looking at the Dokkaebi who snapped his fingers.

[The second scenario has arrived]


[Second Scenario - Escape]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: E

Clear Condition: Cross the broken bridge and enter Oksu station.

Time Limit: 20 minutes

Compensation: 200 coins

Failure: ???


"Something is strange, it says broken bridge but….." Sang-ah muttered.

"Don't worry about that run," Dok-ja shouted and everyone started to run.

'Sang-ah-ssi is correct the bridge isn't broken yet but it will be in a bit,' Dok-ja thought this was the main reason why he pushed breaking out of the compartment because if they did this the normal way it would be harder there were a few burdens with them.

"Pant* Pant* Hyun-sung-ssi and Haru-ssi have high stamina," Dok-ja spoke while running. Hyun-sung and Haru were running with Gil-young and the old lady on their backs without breaking a sweat. Nam-woon was just behind them with Myung-oh then there was Sang-ah and him at the back along with…

"Don't talk while running, You'll get tired faster," Queresha said as she caught up to them without breaking a sweat.

"Queresha-ssi is also quite fast," Sang-ah said while running.

"I am just lucky that I didn't wear heels today," Queresha said and Sang-ah agreed as they made their way forward they were close to reaching their target.

"Hey what is that?" Myung-oh's scream brought everyone's attention to the big whirlpool in the middle of the Han river.

Letting out splashes of water, a giant monster was at the center of the whirlpool, it was the same as the monster that they had seen from the carriage but the problem was that this monster was twice the size of that one.

'It isn't a sea serpent, an ichthyosaur that big has got to be a sea commander. A general sea serpent is a Grade 7 monster given how it is hard for humans to survive against Ground Rats who are grade 9 monsters, only death awaits if one faces a grade 7 monster,' Dok-ja thought.

In other words, the guy coming now wasn't a monster that could be caught in the early stages, Of Course, there was no need to catch it. It wasn't there to get caught. The Han River surged like there was a tsunami and the ichthyosaur moved. It was chewing at the legs of the bridge.

"It is trying to break the bridge," Hyun-sung shouted.

"Run at full speed we need to make it across," Dok-ja said as they all tried to run as their lives depended on it, because it did.

Queresha was already near Haru while leaving others behind.

There were only about 200 meters left till they reach the target, at their current speed it shouldn't be a problem. But it is not like everything will go according to their plan.

[There is no fun if the game is too easy after all.]

[The scenario difficulty has been adjusted]

[Scenario difficulty E -> D]

[Is there any fun if you just run away? Let's create an atmosphere befitting the name Scenario shall we?] The Dokkaebi laughed loudly while everyone that something bad was about to happen.

[The evil thoughts of the dead have returned]

[The surrounding earth is filled with black ether.]

[The demonic people have woken up!]

Dok-ja heard footsteps behind him but he didn't look back because he could already guess what it was, it sounded like a horde was chasing after them.

"Z-Zombies," Sang-ah muttered after taking a peek behind her.

The Zombie-like bodies were coming in huge waves, some of them were people from the carriage they came from.

'That guy is pulling all the stops trying to impress the constellations, there should be a hierarchy among them, The constellations are after Incarnation but the reason is unknown, and the Dokkaebi are the middlemen who carry out the scenarios but what they achieve is also unknown aside from them getting coins, Damn some ice cream would do wonders right about now,' Haru thought with a frown.

[Some Constellations are happy with the expression you are making.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

[Many constellations are happy seeing you get angry for others' sake.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is losing interest in you.]

'...Whatever,' Haru shrugged as it seemed like he has been misunderstood somehow.

The distance to the station was only 100 meters, fortunately, Hyung-sung along with Gil-young and Haru along with the old lady, and Queresha crossed the safe line.

'The problem is us,' Dok-ja thought while looking at Sang-ah and Myung-oh. The number of demonic humans were a lot and the ichthyosaur also closed in.

"…..Everyone get down," Dok-ja shouted since he thought they were too late to cross the bridge.