
I Love Only Jiao

"...Let the red string of fate tie us together. I love you, my Meihui."

Weisheng awoke with tears in his eyes.

For as long as he can remember he had the same dream once a month, since he turned eight. Memories that were his, but not really his own. He could never remember how the dream ended nor could he remember how it began. But he always vividly remember the body of that woman with bruises and cuts all over her and her torn clothes. She was so lifeless in his arms, so fragile. He was helpless.

Weisheng grimaced, these feelings were not his, he never met this woman before! It was just a stupid dream.

'I don't love this girl, I already have the love of my life, her name is Jiao not Meihui!'

Knocks came from the door, "Weisheng? Get ready for school, you'll be late on your first day!"

"I'm awake, Dad. I'll come down soon." Weisheng rushed out of his bed.

He ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Weisheng washed his face and applied lotion that was meant to moisturize his skin. After finger combing out his tangles, he put on his uniform. A white button up with black slacks and a black blazer with red trim and a red tie.

Weisheng grabbed his bag and ran downstairs, "Sorry, I'll go without breakfast today. Bye, Dad have a good day at work!"

Dad hollered, "Wait-"

He was already out the door...

The truth was he didn't want to eat with that woman. She just moved in, yet she erased all memories of Mom by using the excuse that they should redo the place's decorations!

Weisheng cared about his dad's happiness; he tried to like her, but she tried to replace Mom. No one could his replace his mom.

"Great, first that stupid dream and now that stupid woman!" he muttered.

Hands covered his eyes, "Turn that frown upside down and put a smile on your face!"

He smiled and held those small delicate hands, "Thanks, Jiao, I feel better."

Weisheng turned around to see his girlfriend, Chen Jiao. She had long dark brown hair that reached her lower black and dark chocolate eyes that had warmth in them. She was 160 cm. They had a 27 cm difference, he was 187 cm.

She pouted, "You're no fun! Weiwei you never act surprise when I try to scare you!'

"Ah! You got me." his voice was montone.

Jiao glared, "Weisheng! I'm going to school without you!"

His mood brightened up with her there, Weisheng sighed, "Okay, bye."

Weisheng took long strides in front of her and could hear her scrambling to catch up.

'How cute', he held back his laughter.

She huffed, "Wei..Weiwei, wait. I'm sorry, I don't hate you. I love you, let's go to school together."

Weisheng stuck his hand out.

Jiao grabbed it, "Heehee, let's go!"

They walked to school together.


The lovely couple reached the entrance.

"Ew, gross! Stop spreading those lovey dovey vibes!" Gui teased.

Gui, Jiao, and Weisheng were all childhood friends. In their first year of middle school, Jiao confessed to him. They started dating ever since then.

"Gui! Stop bothering us and get your own girlfriend!" Jiao stuck her tongue out.

Gui glared, "Why you, little rascal!"

He started tickling her.

Weisheng sighed, "Both of you stop being kids, we need to check our classes."

"See, Jiao! Now you made Weisheng jealous!" Gui complained.

'Ah, these kiddos. I am not jealous, no way. I'm going to go by myself.' he walked away.

"Weiwei!"Jiao grabbed his hand, "Don't be jealous, I love you only."

He rubbed her hair with his free hand, "I love you, too, Jiao."

Jiao blushed, "No fair, you can't sneak an attack like that on me!"

Behind them, Gui made gagging noises.

They all burst into laughter.

"I'm so thankful I met you guys that day." Weisheng smiled.

They both blushed, Gui shouted, "Where is my Weisheng!? What did you do to him?"

He ignored the question, "I see the papers. Oh."

"What happened? What are our classes?" Jiao asked.

Weisheng looked at them, "Gui and Jiao are in Class 1-B, but I'm in Class 1-A."

Jiao hugged him, "It's okay! We might not be in the same classroom, but we're next door to each other! We can hang out during break and lunch. I promise!"

Weisheng stuck his left pinky out, "Promise."

Their pinkies intertwined, "Promise"

He looked at Gui menacingly, "You better watch out for Jiao."

Gui laughed, "I'm her best friend and yours. Of course I will watch out for her."