

I felt my heart pound so fast that it felt like it was riding a treadmill in a turbo boost mode! He heard my heart pound and asked "hey, did you hear that? It sounds like a jackhammer pounding into the school floor" and I said "wait what? no you got it wrong it was my... I mean I don't know..." What was I thinking! I just embarrassed myself in front of him! Why am I so clumsy! He is Jake! Anyways, I decided to forget that and concentrate on the present. Then we agreed that we should keep this a secret among us because if people hears about this... they would gossip again and again. And another catastrophe happened! I was eating in the cafeteria when the Queen of everything is here! she spilled my milk on me by purpose! "Hey newbie, don't spill your milk on purpose next time!"

(*girls chuckling) ARRGGHH! She is super annoying! That little sneaky mouse is getting her payment when I see her again! Now I had to go to the bathroom to change my clothes when... Bang! I hit the floor.

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