

One day, I decided to make a story named "Frozen Heart" oh wait... Sorry my name is Hanna Luck, and this is my story.

I am so tired from doing my homework that I think that I am climbing on a place I call "Mt. So Many Homework to do."And I feel like I have a sickness called "Boring Symptoms" which makes me feel sleepy, bored, and crazy. My friends that I have right now is Me, Myself, and I, Oh don't forget Mr. Ritzy. He is my favorite pet dog. Anyways, I tried to make paper airplanes, continue my story, and eat cereal to fight my boring symptoms away, but it failed and I slept. I woke up in broad daylight to check the time when it was already 8:15! So I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, eat some granola bars, said bye to mom, and rushed to my bicycle. Trust me, it was really hard to do those things in 5 minutes and when I came down off my bike, I ran and I hit into what they say the most handsome man in school (but not for me) and people stared at me and I ran away again and I noticed, IT WAS ALL USELESS! because class didn't start yet cause my clock was wrong! Maybe it was because I slept on it! Oh how clumsy am I? This is my worst day ever!

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