

Man, I hate that girl...She interrupts my life 😡I look bad already like more than ugly or more than awful now, so I tried to stand up back but my legs hurt like so badly that I was ready to kill her.

Then , Jake came and helped me up and I didn't really feel like blushing that time but then, he was blushing making me blush too! makes no sense right? So he said "so, b-bye" it felt so embarrassing for us AGAIN! and my heart was pounding super fast again when I reached back to my table that forgot about the queen and Jessica was starring at me saying "you felt in love with him did you?" I said "maybe I did, wait a minute, am I in... l-love?" Jessica was screaming so loud that it was hurting everyone's ear drums by now because she was thinking that Jake would be my boyfriend or whatever and I closed her mouth by stuffing a sandwich in her mouth (it was not easy to do cause her mouth was bigger than the sandwich so I placed 5 sandwiches in her mouth) and I skipped the afternoon classes and my excuse was saying I was sick.