


                             Light rays were falling my face making me groan ughhh again I forgot to shut the blinds. To block the rays I burried my head in the pillow . My pillow was hard but surprisingly comfortable I make self comfortable around all the pillows around my body between my legs getting close to my pillow . and surprisingly pillow was also making me come close me making his grip on waist strong . what pillow don't have hands this woke me up immediately.

                 Opening my eyes with confusion I come in contact with hard chest I was afraid to see who was the owner of the chest . First I made sure I was clothed thank god I was still wearing my clothes. I removed my face from his chest looked at his face ' oh thank god it's Aroon ' then yesterday's event come back to me . 'Oh god Dream you to stop sleeping like this , I always woke up forgeting everything . 

               I tried to make my self free from his death trap . Key word tried  . he wouldn't even budge , even in his sleep his grip was so strong. Now I don't have any option to but to wake him up , he was sleeping like a baby looking so cute I don't have heart to wake him up so I decided to wait for him wake up by himself.

                      I take this time to look at his face , everything was so perfect . Perfect brows , kissable lips , pointed nose , jawline with I can cut anything . 'Staring at someone when they are sleeping is kinda creepy you know .' He said making me come out of my dream . 

Oh shit shit he saw me looking at him . shit Dream think about something before you embarase your self more ' I was not looking at you I was looking at the wall behind , ya the wall ' I said hurriedly not looking in his eyes .

'The wall behind me is plain white Dream , you can admit you were looking at me thinking how perfect I am ' . He says with his well known smirk . 

'Your plain white wall is more intrested then you sir .' I fired back to his cockiness .

'Ya sure they are ' he says with rolling his eyes.

' I'm going to leave now sir  , I have to get ready for office . ' as I got up from bed towards the door . ' wait you can go but not before breakfast , have breakfast with me .' 

'No sir , its fine I'll have something on my to home .' ' I said you are having breakfast with me that's final . bathroom is that side if you want you can use it ,till that i'll make breakfast .' ' ok sir '

We were having our breakfast with utter silence not a single voice coming out from anyone . 'Arooooooon' someone shouted his name making us both turn towards the voice . ' Oh hey Dream didn't know you are here ' said Damien coming towards the dining table . 'Hey ' ' What are you doing here Damien' that was Aroon not me . ' welll i'm happy today soo we are going to celebrate my happiness tonight .' ' So you came all the way here to tell me this in the morning ?' 

'of course ye I don't have time you know as i'm very busy and now I have a fiancee to whom I have to give my majority of time .' ' You could have just call me than you idiot .' ' whats fun in then . Well I have to leave see you tonight .' 'Byee Dream .' 'Byee Damien.'

'He's funny' 'He's idiot ' we both said at the same time and bursted into laughter .

After breakfast his driver dropped me at my apartment . I was only 15 mins late for my work . When I reached there Aroon was already at work doing his work . God is this man know how to rest . I have never seen him missing one day of work he even works on sunday . Now you how I know that's because i'm his P.A . 

It was lunch time , I was seating eating my lunch when someone seat front of me . ' Hey , you didn't call me for lunch .' said Nick with his usual wide smile . ' Hey Nick , I thought you are busy with your work as you know it's month end.' ' Me and busy never .' he said waving his hand . 'ok Drama queen can we have our lunch now.'

We were laughing hard on some joke Nick said when suddenly his laughter died suddenly hes face became pale . I turned around to see who was the reason , I came face to face with furious looking Aroon . But why was he angry so much ?

'Ar.. sir do you want anything ?.' ' Yes my office now .' I followed him towards office mouthing Nick I'll tell him everything tomorrow .

'What were you doing there Dream? ' He asked as soon we entered in offfice not in calm way but still angry . ' I was having my lunch Aroon .' ' Your lunch time was over half hour before if you didn't notice because you were busy with that little boyfriend of yours .' he says slaming his hand on table making me flinch . 

'I'm sorry sir I didn't notice the time .' ' I don't pay you so you can come here and chat with your boyfriend .' ' I'm sorry sir it won't happen again.' 'better not , you can go now ' he said with so much anger in his voice and eyes . I immediately left his office .

I don't understand why was he angry so much it was just half n hour what is big deal in that. Maybe he was just having bad day but seeing anger in his eyes for me hurt me . I can't understand my feeling towards him . why I feel low when hes not happy with me . 

I had promised my self not to fall for another man , I am to broken for anyone . Especially Aroon he deserve so much better then me , someone who is not broken to no end .

 My thought were ended by ringing of my phone , I saw it was Nick .' Hey ' ' Hey what happened are you okay ?' 'ya I'm fine ' ' what did he said to you ' 'Nothing he was just angry that i took half hour extra for my lunch break .' ' are you sure that was only reason for him being this much angry ??' 

 'Yes of course .' 'Tell me everything in detail girl ' So I said everything to him that Aroon said to me .' hmm , oh Dream you are so innocent . He was not angry because you took extra 30 mins he was angry because you were with . He was just jealous ' he was laughing at the end .

 'What rubbish are you talking Nick , why would he jealous of us .' ' clearly because he likes you , you dumb women !!!' ' Stop talking nonsence Nick he would never like me I'm not his type .' Now I was getting angry .

'Okay women no need to get angry but just think about it he have so much work to do why would he keep time track of you , he never says sorry to anyone but he said to you. He never greats morning to anyone but you . even blind man can also see he have some feeling towards you Dream .' 

 ' There is nothing like this he does this things because I'm his P.A '  ' You are the only P.A that has lasted more than 1 month so think about it Dream , and stop denying the obvious . I have to go I'll talk to latter byee.' and he hangup on me without waiting for my reply . 

 Again hearing all this things from Nick I started thinking .

 There is no chance that Aroon will like me ever . He could have any model , any girl he like then why would he like someone like me with old fashioned clothes , glasses . No way in the hell he would like me . Nick is just making things in his my . Yes he is wrong Aroon will never like me . I don't know whom I was trying to prove that he'll never like me . me or Nick ?


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