
Chapter 1 Talented boy

In the village of Shanghai they was a boy

who just ended his high school,He was known

as the genius of his school. He was very talented in everything he touches it could turn into magic.The problem was he was coming

from very poor family his name is Izoth Storm

he was only living with her mother, her name is Lyla storm.

Izoth used to work part time jobs to help her

mother to buy groceries and also to buy her pills.The problem is Izoth just ended his high school, he doesn't know if he could continue with going to varsity or to find a full time job because what he earn When he was doing part time jobs was to little , food could end in

the middle of the night that is the reason he needed full time job.

It was Saturday night when Izoth was at one of famous bars around Shanghai, He was working as a bar man maxing drinks for the customers. Izoth met a rich old man who was in their town town for business, his name is Raymond Charter.

The rich old man was sitting in his chair drinking and he was also trying to call his grandchild but his phone was giving him problems. The old man asked the bar man which is izoth if he knows a place we're they fix cellphone,he needed to call her granddaughter asap.

Consident Izoth knew a thing or two about cellphones, He told the old man and helped him to fix his cellphone. The old man was so happy that finally he could call her granddaughter. The old man expressed his gratitude to Izoth and gifted him ¥500.

unfortunately Izoth refused his money saying his gratitude was enough but the old man insisted that it would be an honour if he could take the money.

Izoth ended up accepting the money .

In the streets of Shanghai a young man could be seen dancing with a lot of smiles on his face . He was happy that today he managed to make a lot of tips and he met an old man who gifted him ¥500 truly today was one of the best days of his life ever.Izoth I arrived home.

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