
My rude devil mafia boyfriend

Mia who was sold to a local gangster by her father, was saved by the king of the underworld Zack husberg. But he makes a contract with her to marry him as he saved her life. What will happen will Mai agree to marry Zack, or is something else gonna happen. if you like you can follow us on Instagram. (mystery_author_)

Liz_Ara_ · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 20: Who are you?

Mia's pov

The party was amazing the music, food was do well arranged. everyone was having fun, there were only some close friends and family members were only invited. After some while the party was over all the guests went expect Zack's friends as they all decided to stay today and also granpa forced them to stay.

we all were sitting together in the hall after party, except Lucas as he had planned to go out with his friends so he went to the bed before us. while granpa shouted with fake tears in his eyes see Zack has finally married, but look at you all youngsters, including you may. who was trying to escape from there when she heard this topic. do you even know man how much pain I am in, Come on granpa I am still not ready and you should really get an Oscar for your acting everyone in the room agreed, what did you say I will ignore your stupid joke and may are you planning to get marry when you are in your 90s.

Yeah may be, we all giggled. now grandpa looked at Rick and said, you are oldest Rick did you even find a girl, But Rick didn't say anything. instead of him Rio replied yeah there is a girl that Rick is interested in but he is too scared to make a move, Rio you imbusle just shut your mouth you don't know what you are talking about. means you do like her? max questioned. no don't, and what in the world made you think that?

Cause just a second ago you agreed that you like her but not exactly but sort of adien explained. what! yes, you did and I completely agree with what adien said and everyone else agreed too. there was sparkel in grandpa's eyes so tell me about this girl Rick, granpa there is nothing to tell. so do you like this girl or not granpa asked, Rick remained silent for a sec then he replied maybe.

Rio shouted I knew it, you just didn't wanted to except it. So, who is this girl? granpa asked she is my secretary, she has worked under me for many years, I never saw her In an any kind of realitionship on my 7 years of my career. she is hardworking, kind, caring, smart, and beautiful. Do you have her photo granpa asked, yes I have and then he passed his phone and showed everyone her photo. yep she is definitely beautiful adien said, by the way Rick if she is not interested in you I think I would like to give it a chance Rick glared at adien and he grinned back.

So Rick is settled, and you will confess your love to her Rick. granpa, before Rick could completely his sentence. it's a request Rick it's an order, then the night passed by talking about everyone's life and how to find them a gf/bf. grandpa had made clear that in this year everyone had to get married it was 2am when we all headed to our room to get some sleep, I slept in few minutes as I was tried from the party. the next moring as I woke up I was in the arms of zack, first a moment I thought it was dream and I mumbled if this a dream then I don't wanna get up, it's paradise.

But after a while I realized that I was not dreaming I tried to move away from zack but I couldn't. and this made zack to get up from his sleep, but still he didn't leave me, what circus are you doing this early in the moring. I can't do the circus, cause unfortunately you have caught me so I can't so mister can you please leave me, he acted to think something and then he said I don't think so, I looked at him with confusion.

Two times you kicked me from the bed and three times you made me get up by punching me last night. and so I had to catch you in my arms and sleep like this, but after that I got preety much perfect sleep If I say honestly, I was embarrassed by what Zack told. I didn't Mean to kick you I was...., but couldn't say my futher words and Zack kept his fingers on my lips and stared deep in my eyes and said Its fine, and for few minutes we both gazed into eachother's eyes.

Then he left me go, there was a little disappointed but I just shook it off. and took a shower and as I came out Zack was not in the room. I was getting ready and when it was done I was ready to get out of the room while a message popped out on Zack's phone, I thought to take it down as he might have forgotten about it and didn't check as I was in this room. as I took his mobile while I saw a message which made my eyes widened. and then I got a call where the same name was coming on Aria, I tried to cancel the call but due to some issue in tye mobile I couldn't and the call was answered.

Hello, Zack actually I called you because I had some doubt about some documents and we can discuss this in your office if your busy right now, she said it in a seducing voice. my blood was Bolling hearing this, i am sorry to inform you that Zack is not here to pick up your call and he is preety busy in his work. the girl was shock and she asked directly who are you? Zack's girlfriend, I replied without hesitation she was stunned what! stop lying. why? In the world should I lie about something like this but tell me this who are you? to call him.

She went silent for a second and then replied I aria Personal staff of Zack's group management. and I am really close to Zack, not only as staff but my dad and he are quite good friends. and soon my dad will arrange his and my marriage, you are living a quite a long stupid dream. what did you say? she replied. and all of sudden and she ended the call I didn't care about the call was ending thing i was just really furious and upset for what she said in the call.