
My rude devil mafia boyfriend

Mia who was sold to a local gangster by her father, was saved by the king of the underworld Zack husberg. But he makes a contract with her to marry him as he saved her life. What will happen will Mai agree to marry Zack, or is something else gonna happen. if you like you can follow us on Instagram. (mystery_author_)

Liz_Ara_ · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 15: Mafia king

Zack's pov

I was cleaning the blood from my hands, When someone knocked on the door of the bathroom. come in, a guy walked in it was Chris. sir, we have sent the body to the owner by a note as you said. Hmm, how is Mia? I asked. she has some injuries but doctors said it is not serious, and before Chris could complete his sentence. I said I want more security appointed to her, I still can't believe the stupidness of my men's.

Lucky I came right at the time to save her otherwise who knows what would have happened to her. I want all the people who are appointed to Mia should be doubled and I want some new more responsible men's to protect her. as you say sir, Then Chris left. I can't, I can't lose you again Mia, Not this time at that time I was unable to protect but not this time I will save you no matter what, I will not let my father do again thus to you mia. you have suffered more in your life I will never ever let anyone hurt you again, not especially by my father.




Mia's pov

I was in the car tired after all the work. And now finally I was aheading back to mansion, Everything was going smoothly in these few days, but as says what you think is always not true. all of sudden There was a gunshots and before I could possibly understand the car was hit by the another car and everything went blank for a moment the car got into a preety bad accident. and as I opened my eyes after few seconds there was blood all over and as I saw the driver, he was dead he was shot by three bullets two on chest and one on head.

I felt bad For the driver, but now it was not time for this I had to save my life. I tried to get out of the car, I got some injuries on my hands and shoulder but it was not that bad. it was something at the 11:00 at night but as nobody used to come at this side of the area of the city, it was all preety much silent. expect the sound of some people who tried to kill us a few seconds ago.

I didn't knew what I was gonna do I was scared but I picked up the gun which was with me Zack gave me this gun inorder to protect myself. cause he thought some thing like this would happen so, for the emergency he gave me this. but at that time I didn't take him that seriously because I never thought something like this would ever happen to me. when I raised my head and looked at the other direction I saw two other men walked at me.

I saw towards them and said. dont move and as they saw the gun in my hand thay stood there for a second and saw eachother for a while and then they shook there head. I asked them who are you? what do you what from me? Why did you tried to kill me? but they ignored my questions and walked towards Me. don't move I said I shouted when I saw them walking towards me again. oh come on if you really can shoot us then try girl. The first guy said, and do you really think we are gonna let you kill us after coming this far, because of your stupid bodyguards almost our whole crew who came to kill you was killed we are the only survivors left and we will finish our task given by our boss.

My bodyguards? I mumbled I think Zack have appointed them for my safety. But I said don't move I saw towards those guys and said loudly once again, but they didn't listen so, I shot a bullet on a first guy on his leg he shouted the another guy saw and ran towards and punched me. but I dojed it and punched him back but he blocked it, so you know kung-fu the man asked, yes I learned it. you are full of surprises young lady but unfortunately today you are gonna die.

Oh really I don't think so sir. as I was red blet in kung fu he lost and was lying on the ground the other man was shocked to see it. now it's your turn I saw the other man and said, but then itself I saw a two cars and some people getting out of the car and as they looked they didn't look like Zack's men and there was a another label on the car which was different it was not Zack's the label used by the men of Zack's crew so at the moment I said to myself.

This is gonna be tough. I fought them but as they were more men in numbers was unable to defeat them all, I didn't knew what to I at the time they were a loud gunshots. and some of the men's fell to the ground and as I saw from where these gunshots came I was reliefed to see it was Zack and his people. In few minutes all the members of dragons V were down it was the name of their gang, and they were enemies of zack and they knew about me so inorder to hurt Zack they were targeting me.

I knew all this information because these people thought that I was gonna die so gave me the information before I die and what are the reason they are targeting me. So, finally I was safe as Zack saw me he walked towards and saw me asked are you fine? you look really hurt I could see concern in eyes, It made happy that Zack cared about me. but I didn't wanted him to get worried because of me.

I am totally fine these are small scratches and it will heal fast you don't have to worry. Are you sure? he asked again, I am totally fine if you say so he said and then he looked at Chris and said him take his guys and dump them to his boss and send him a card for him from my side by saying.


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