
Chapter 1- Reincarnation

I was once just a normal human, I lived a very casual life…well, that's a lie. The life I lived on earth was cruel, but I always told myself to look at the bright side and never think negatively. When I was a kid I always watched superhero movies and shows and I was inspired by them and kept thinking to myself that one day I will be like them. So, whenever I got the chance, I would do something great, and I would always look at the people who beat innocent people up with disgust and whatever they did couldn't be justified with just words.

To be honest, I don't know how I became like this because the household I lived in was pure torture. My father left my mother and me when I was only 4 months old. He said he was going out of town for a while because of work, at least that's what mom kept telling me but after a month or so he never called or texted my mother. This led my mother to go into denial and me being the dumb child I ruined my entire life by saying "I don't think daddy is coming back mom". And to my surprise, a sandal made contact with my face the second I finished my sentence and was catching her fist with my face the entire rest of the day. And that behavior continued for the rest of my life until I was seventeen. The only thing that kept me from committing suicide was superheroes, for some reason it just amazed me of how confident they were and how they always stayed positive, no matter what happened.

Now even though I said, "And that behavior continued for the rest of my life until I was seventeen" I didn't die at the age of seventeen, I died at the age of 23. The way I died wasn't really the way I imagined like how in novels and manga the main characters got struck by lightning or got hit by a very famous truck, but I'm not saying I was the main character of my world but…anyway I was killed by a stray bullet and that led to me being reincarnated into this 5-year-old body.

I've been in this world for over 2 months and I got this kid's memories one week ago, and I finally completed looking through all of them. I've reincarnated to a planet called Kaslier and this is a world full of superpowers and heroes, and that also comes with villains. Everyone is born with 2 powers if you're unlucky then only 1 power or none and If you're super lucky then 3 or more. This planet supplies never-ending amounts of mana allowing people to use their powers and to grow stronger. And that's all the important information and the basics shit is my name which is-.

"Ash Kuare hurry up and come downstairs to eat dinner!" I heard my "mother" call my name from downstairs. Because of my traumatic pass with my previous parents, I haven't really tried to bond with current "parents". Now some would say "why don't you just accept your current parents and put the past behind you" well…you'll be right, I can't argue against something like that. I closed my journal and put my pencil on my desk and slowly made my way downstairs.

"Now what took you so long to come down this time, huh?" My dad said with a look of disappointment. I sat down at the table and started eating, "Hey boy are you ignoring me!?".

[Ash Kuare

Power: <Fire manipulation>, <Pressure wind>]

[Mana: 5/5

Rank: Human

Race: Half Vampire

Title: None

Strength: 3

Agility: 2

Endurance: 1

Reaction speed: 1

Intelligence: 5

Skills: None

Transformations: None]

"The reason I took so long was because I was using the bathroom and there is no reason to yell so early in the morning" I got off the chair and immediately started walking towards my room.


Now that the door is locked, lets try out these powers. Even though almost everyone in this world has powers, and it's no secret, I would like to keep my powers a secret for a couple of years and suddenly make a debut by killing a strong monster or villain and become a mysterious hero on the news. That has always been my dream in my previous life and I have a chance of accomplishing this dream. But what's weird is that my race is half vampire, doesn't that mean one of my parents is a vampire? Now that I think about it my mom has crimson red eyes long white hair with very pale skin, I have almost everything she has except the hair. My hair is very dark, so dark even that it looks purple. I never complained a single time about my looks, but I wonder where I got this hair color from because my father has normal brown hair.

But anyway I came in my room to try out my powers, but I only have 5 mana, so I have to be careful not to exhaust myself because I could possibly pass out or something. First, I need to try fire manipulation.

I began with trying to feel the mana circulating throughout my body which was actually effortless its somewhat like being in a hushed room, and you can hear your heartbeat. Now it's time to try the- "Ah fuck!"…oh, it wasn't even hot. When I tried to imagine fire circulating through my body and creating a fireball in my hand I felt something hot in my arm more specifically my elbow and I never felt something like that, so it surprised me. Again I imagined fire circulating through my body and creating a fireball in my right hand and felt something hot around my elbow, but this time I let it flow. I opened my eyes to see a fire the size of a ping-pong ball, but for some reason the color of the fire was purple.

[3/5 mana]

(3rd person POV)

Ash kept staring at the purple fire, full of excitement that his dream of becoming a hero was finally coming true. "Now to try something risky" Ash raised his left hand and extended his right arm while his palm and his left hand was aimed at the fire. Unlike fire manipulation where he had to focus to feel it, Ash could naturally feel the pressure of the wind surrounding his body. Obviously, it was a feeble pressure, but he felt as if he could easily use pressure wind…and he was correct, with barely any thought he felt a sudden gust of wind around his room which made him get his hair in his eye and couldn't see anything.

(1st person POV)

[1/5 mana]

I hurriedly moved my hair out of the way to see if I had caused a mess and "holy shit! Wait-" the fire was on my window curtains and it's spreading fast but out of "instinct" I reached my hand out and into the fire and tried calling it back. The fire starting coming up my arm, and it slowly disappeared, leaving me confused but relieved it stopped. Why did that happen? How did I lose control over pressure wind? wait, matter of fact why was it so strong I expected it to be a little gust that came out of hand, but it came out of my entire body…."that's so cool! Just wait until I can control it I'll be super strong with fire and wind that is just too lucky what a fantastic combo…man I'm kind of tired from that though".

*Knock Knock*

Dammit, I forgot about them. I hurriedly unlock the door and open it "baby are you ok I just heard you yell from downstairs?" my mom immediately started looking around the room, but I had to create a lie on the spot, so she wouldn't figure out I had awakened my powers "I was finally successful in doing 7 push-ups after so long". I took off my shirt, and she saw I was sweating bullets "oh…well, if that's what you were yelling about then" she started walking out of my room and slowly started closing my door awkwardly "wait but mother I have an important question!". She peeked her head in my room full of curiosity, "can I learn martial arts?" her eyes went wide in surprise.

To Be Continued~~~

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