
Uneasy feel

As Kim Jung Soo went into his car and kept thinking about the last night dream which was uncertain to him and was wondering who that could be who asked him to hold her hand. But his secretary Kim Shin noticed and asked him what was bothering him. Kim Jung Soo replied "nothing really, open the door", so she opened the door without asking further. On the way to the office, the CEO's car hit a lady on a bicycle. Kim Jung Soo panicked and started yelling to the driver, they took the lady to the hospital bleeding on the leg and having a normal bone dislocation. The doctor said to Kim Jung Soo "don't worry, she is fine", but he had a fear in him about the incidence and about the lady, so he wanted to see the lady but when he went and saw the lady with various hospital equipments was terrified and started to panic but the lady hold his hand and said "hold on to me don't worry am okay", Kim Jung Soo looked at her with a surprised face and kept thinking "that was exactly what a lady on my dream said to me" as they were holding hands the lady fainted that is when the CEO called the doctor, paid the bill and left her at the hospital and went to the office.

Secretary Shin went inside the CEO 'office to inform him about the meeting but found the CEO on the floor, she was so confused and called the doctor where by they took him in his house to rest. When he woke up and saw the secretary and that he was at home, he asked "where i'm I? Secretary Shin replied" at home sir, you fainted ". Kim Jung Soo looked surprised and told the secretary to go away, so she went. That night Kim Jung Soo had a nightmare which was more like a past memory of a murder of his brother and a man who was trying to save his brother, he was panting alot and woke up sweating then went to have some water but he kept thinking who that man was and also in that dream he also saw a little girl crying. But he said to himself "I even don't know them why worry", then went back to bed.

The lady's mother went to the hospital and found her daughter fine, she thanked God then asked who caused all the damage but the lady did not say anything as she remembered how that boy seemed worried. Both the CEO and that lady had the same dream that night, she also kept wondering who that boy was!. Gil-O Soi was discharged and went back home but on the way home, she insisted on going to look for a job because that day of the accident, she wanted to look for a job to help her mother but her mother disagreed with her and argued that she was unwell to even walk up straight and that she should rest. Gil-O Soi insisted and went away, she reached to the furniture company to asked for any interviews available for any job so she was told that all job vacancies have been filled in but the company needs the gardener, Gil-O Soi didn't want that job but kept thinking about her mother, so she agreed to that work. The next day as a gardener, Gil-O Soi kept doing the work while singing and as the CEO was entering the office and heard the sound that has been on his head ever since he was little, he couldn't control himself but started searching for it but when he reached in the garden and saw no one there was very disappointed. The feeling of various incidents kept bothering him when heading back to the office he received a call "come to the police station, we have an important information to share" Kim Jung Soo was filled with anger as he headed back into the car.

Gil-O Soi went to the washroom but heard the rumor about a co-worker dumped by a CEO driver Sung Lee, when she was out the washroom, Gil-O Soi bumped on a man who didn't know who he was but was the same driver. Sung Lee loved Gil-O Soi on spot and wanted to talk to her but as arrogant as she was started yelling at him causing a gathering. People started laughing at Sung Lee as she was yelled by a woman but Gil-O Soi didn't care and went away. On the door, Gil-O Soi saw a man that helped him yesterday at the accident and approached him "hello, do you remember me?", Kim Jung Soo looked at her and replied "hospital girl!, why are you on uniform? Do you work here?", "yes, I do" she replied. "who hired you without my permission, I don't want to see you tomorrow" Kim Jung Soo replied and left Gil-O Soi wondering why suddenly mean to her. And also wondered " is he a CEO?! "

Kim Jung Soo went in the office and found his mother in there and asked "what brings you here, just go" Kim Jung Soo hates his mother because she left them when him and his brother were young and only came when his brother died. Mother replied "wanted to see you", "go away and pretend you killed me too" Kim Jung Soo replied and called secretary Shin to escort his mother out. In the office, he remembered the officer's words "the Culprit of your brother's murder is in the city so be alert", Kim Jung Soo desperately wanted to avenge his brother's death no matter what it costs. "I will find you and kill you myself" he whispered.

It was the time to go back home and Gil-O Soi was on her way home when she suddenly started crying without knowing the reason, her heart was beating fast when suddenly started seeing blur pictures in her mind and these pictures led her back to the office and saw doctors carrying the CEO out of the building.

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