
Chapter 7 I Really Don't Want to Be a Cross-Dressing Boss!

"Actually, this is Elysian Pure Land." Hastur picked up a cola and drank it all in one go, making Chen Ze's stomach ache.

That was a 2-liter bottle of cola, and finishing it in one gulp was simply terrifying. Chen Ze felt that drinking too much cola could cause bloating, given all that fizzy drink.

"Elysian Pure Land, huh..." Chen Ze scratched his head. Of course, he had heard that song, the Divine Comedy that had once swept through Bilibili, its presence ubiquitous on the site to an almost demonic degree.

"Right, I meant to just translate it directly, but then I realized there's no such name as Elysian Pure Land where I'm from, so I had to translate it like this." Hastur rubbed his belly contentedly.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a computer appeared in His grasp.