
Prologue: No Is The Best Answer (2)

A well lit room, spacious, but seems empty. Countless of empty beds fill the room, except for one. On top of one of the empty beds, lies someone. Long black hair decorates the head of the beautiful woman lying on the bed.

The lamp is focused on her as if a spotlight, highlighting her every otherworldly features. She has a sharp jaw, a rather thin cheeks, spotless face skin, and a beautiful sharp nose. One would not dare to argue she is one of the beautiful women ever born on earth.

She lies motionlessly on the bed, and her body is bereft of any clothes. One can see countless of scars taint her otherworldly body, along with bruises that are apparent on her pale skin. Just a glance is enough to tell that she has been violated.

One might ask why she has no clothes on her. The answer is simple. It is because she doesn't need it anymore. The dead hold no importance to clothes. The dead will rot away, leaving the living ones to remember them.

Looking at the woman with an incomprehensible gaze is no other than me. I know who the woman was. She was extremely close to me. Yes, she was no other than my sister, or to be precise, my late sister, Christine.

Moving my feet over her bed, my mind is still in denial. Doing the first thing that any curious human like me does, I touch the body.

"Cold. She has never been this cold. She had always made sure her body was well heated."

Holding her hand tightly in my hand, I can feel the lack of body warmth. Looking at her face, I can't believe the idiot is not sleeping. She made the same face whenever she slept, peaceful, and at ease.

Caressing her cold forehead tenderly, I observe the circular bruise mark on her neck. She must have been choked with a rope. I can't imagine how much pain she must have endured before finally dying in asphyxiation.

"Hmm... You say you want to perform an autopsy on her?" I ask the police forensic pathologist, who is standing behind, observing me quietly. "Yes," he says simply. Humming to myself, I move my feet toward him.

"Can I witness it with my own eyes?" I look at him in expectation. He shakes his head faintly, before saying, "I am sorry, sir. You are not allowed to." Rubbing my fingers, I say, "I have money." Still, he shakes his head. "Money is not the problem, sir."

I look at the man's face for a while, before deciding to do what I have intended.


That is, of course, asking him at gun point. The man is trembling in front of my baby — Glock 19C Gen 4.

"Sir, you know you are doing the wrong thing here, right? Threatening an officer is punishable by law."

I guess, he doesn't spend his time in the police for naught. He regained his composure pretty quick. Still...

"No, no. You don't have to worry about that. An enough sum of money is enough to cover for my crime." I lean forward and whisper to his ears, "A couple of millions is enough to rest the case of me blowing your head off."

Ah, yes. That's it! That's how you suppose to react, Forensic Pathologist! Quiver in fright, and stare at me in horror!

"It has been three days since I got the phone call, and I only get to see her body today. I thought something was off, therefore I made sure to do my own investigation... toward you people."

His eyes widened in surprise. He must be afraid I have dug a lot of dirt out of his history. Guess what? You are right, dude!

"Let's see... Drugs embezzlement, illegal evidence demolition, receiving bribery from drug cartels, and also—"

"Stop! Please, I will let you join the autopsy. So, please, don't leak the evidence!"

Hm? This man is sure a coward. I thought I had to fly one or two bullets to his feet before he agreed. Well, it's good that he knows his situation well. I haven't even mentioned how I got the evidence.

I'm not being petty to demand for it. The 3 days of waiting is weird enough. I can't let this guy fucks up the autopsy, and destroys any evidence that points towards the culprit. Judging by this motherfucker's history, he will definitely do that.

With my baby still pointing behind his head, he proceeds to do his job. Surely, I have to disarm him beforehand. This idiot was too panic to realize he had a gun on him. I pretty much enjoy the look of devastation on his face.

Needless to say, even if he realized it, it wouldn't change a thing. I didn't spend ten years in the shooting field for nothing.

The autopsy is officially started. The coward starts to examine every parts of Christine's visible body parts. Everytime he sees something, he will write it down his note.

"Just a reminder. If you got a boner, I would blow your head off, and search for a new pathologist."

The reaction is quick enough. The coward turns his body, and looks at me incredulously. "What kind of psycho would do that?" I shrug. "Your friends."

He was likely to stare at me like that forever if I hadn't slapped the back of his head. Then, the part which I am a bit reluctant to see comes. He begins to open Christine's body.

The first cut is called 'Y' incision, whereas he cuts open the flesh, starting from the shoulder to the bottom end of the breastbone of each side, then resuming to cutt open the flesh of the sternum to the pubic bone. With that, a 'Y' shape can be perfectly seen.

Right after that, he peels back the skin of the abdomen, with the top flap pulled over the face. He proceeds to saw off the ribs, so he can examine the organs underneath. I can only watch this gruesome scene quietly.

Looking at the peaceful face of Christine, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I knew I had to watch this scene, when I agreed to perform an autopsy on her. Still, I hardly can feel anything.

The current Christine is nothing more than a mass of muscle and bones. No matter how good she had been, no matter how beautiful was, when she's dead, that's the end. Cold, but true.

I know, I am aware that's not how I suppose to think of my dead sister, which I had loved. Still, I have said my sorry for being her brother everytime I could, when she was alive. Therefore, I have no remorse.

I am doing this for my peace of mind. My sister had suffered, but she's already dead. She can't feel anything anymore. However, I can. Therefore, I need this autopsy to be done.

"Saw the cranium neatly motherfucker, or I'll put a hole to yours!"


I don't even know why am I getting so angry the more the autopsy is progressing. Maybe, because I can plainly see the abuse she had endured? Or maybe, her cum filled cervix?

She was raped!!!

"Make sure to keep the sperm. I will have a DNA check on it later."

"But, sir—"

"Don't tell me what not to do. I can end your entire life literally."

Good, be a good dog, and follow my words. I don't know how much I can hold myself back from blowing this motherfucker's head off. I keep calming down myself to prevent the anger to bubble.

Finally, I can't endure it anymore. It is to the point that I don't feel anything. However, my rage isn't quelled. I never hold grudge. But when I do, it means I am so angry that I will do something stupid.

"It is done, sir."

"Tell me the death cause." My voice is so calm that the the pathologist gets frightened? Hmm... maybe it is too cold, I guess? "T-the death c-c-cause is heart failure due to overdose, s-sir," the idiot explains to me.

I thought Christine died due to asphyxiation. It was the most logical conclusion that I could make at that time, after seeing the mark on her neck. Well, after cutting her head opened, there was no sign of brain damage caused by asphyxiation.

However, knowing that she died by heart failure, didn't amuse me in the least. It means, whoever the guy raping her, he still fucked her even after she died! After all, Christine had died even before she got the mark on her neck!

The fucking guy must have thought he killed her by chocking her with the rope, thus he stopped fucking her. Jokes on him, Christine had died before that!


I am so mad, that I can perform a mass shooting immediately.


Today is the day where I am doing my own investigation. The police is doing their own, 'searching' for the suspect. But, I know they will never get it done. Thus, I do my own. First destination, Christine's house.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Three times, no answer, barge in!"

I do just that.

I bought this house for Christine, and she stayed here with her husband. So, now that she's dead, this house hosts her husband —

"Uhhnnn... Oh, yeah! Fuck me harder!"

— and his new girlfriend?

No, she is definitely his affair. Or to be exact, his ex-affair, since Christine is dead, and his affair can now officially be his girlfriend. Anyway, these guys are intense. No wonder, they didn't hear me coming.

Like a civil person I am, when I arrive by their room's door, I kick it open.

"Surprise, motherfucker!"


"Holy shit! Who are you?!"

Hmm... I am not amused. I know the bitch. Furthermore, what kind of position is that? Is that even legal? Well, I don't care.

"Woah, fancy meeting you here, Jason." I bow, then look at the bitch, "Hello, Samantha! I didn't think my own cousin would fuck my late sister's husband." The bitch, Samantha, wants to retort. But, after a bang, she shuts her mouth, for eternity.

"What are you doing?!"

"I just shot your bitch. Can't you see what I'm doing? It's a homicide, motherfucker!"

Damn! That incredulous face of his is so satisfying. I know, you don't have to point this out, fourth dimensional beings, I am aware I am losing it. But, hey, who's never been here?


"Ahhh! My dick! It's bleeding!"

"Well, let's start the investigation, shall we?"

"You... Lunatic!"

"Haha. Thank you for pointing that out. Anyway, who killed Christine?"

Pointing my baby — the same Glock 19C Gen 4 — to the bastard's head, I start questioning. The bastard wanted to play dumb at first, but after I pulled the trigger, he went submissive.

"I-I-I don't know."

"Well, kiss your sorry ass bye-bye!"

"No! Please, no! I know who might have killed her!"


"I-it's the gang leader of MS-6.5! I-I borrowed money from him, and he said I could pay it by letting him sleep with Christine for a night. H-he might be the one who killed her!"

"So, that was the job she mentioned to me? Wow, I'm speechless."

"Spare me, I will surrender myself to police, so please!"

"I know. I will do the same thing later."

"Huh? What are—"


Pheww... The explosion was awesome!

Now, let's clean the evidence I've been here, and fuck off.

Hey, how are ya? Betcha waiting for it! Anyway, bear with the sickness for a while. Shit will be settled down, in the future chapters. What can I say, a great hero, needs a tragic past, don't you think?

Frona_Gorgophonecreators' thoughts
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