
Ch 1 Life And Reincarnation

'My life officially suckes' Alex sighed as he walked out of his school's main gate. His College graduation exam results had just come out and he had failed them miserably. It wasn't like Alex was at fault for this. He had missed the first 6 exams due to an extremely severe disease that he had been fighting for 2 months. The disease was a new strand of the famous covid-19 virus that had brought most of the world to its knees. His being infected by a highly infectious disease on the eave of the exams was something that could not be avoided but what caused Alex so much pain was that the virus had been wiped out where he was from and the cause of his infection was that a few virus particles had survived on the railing of his school for 2 weeks before infecting him. The doctor told him that this was an unprecedented occurrence with a 1in a trillion chance. 'Why couldn't I have won the lottery instead'. Shaking his head in anguish Alex trudged towards his home with a heavy heart.

Suddenly Alex saw some children playing by the side of a nearby lake. They were enjoying themselves in the peaceful surroundings of the vast expanse of water. As he had nothing to do Alex decided to go see what they were up to. The weedy lake was surrounded by several water birds like ducks and swans whereas the lake itself was teeming with marine life. The kids were sitting by the edge of the lake looking into the waters as if extremely interested in something. When Alex got closer to his horror he saw one of the children poking a large snake with a stick. The ignorant kids had no idea that the creature that they were amusing themselves with was capable of killing each and every one of them. Reacting quickly Alex pulled the kids to safety but not before one of them threw a small rock on the snake's head. The massive reptile reared its head and seeing the large figure in front of it lunged towards Alex with its 3inch long fangs. Alex screamed in pain as the reptile's fangs shot a large dose of venom into his thigh. Blod spurt out from the wound as Alex began to feel dizzy and stumbled eventually falling into the murky depths of the lake. 'Is this how it is going to end for me' Alex hopelessly thought as water filled his lungs to the brim. He didn't even have any energy to struggle as his consciousness started fading away. 'At least those kids will be fine, naughty brats I hope they won't get into any more trouble after this.' Alex stifled a smile as everything around him went dark.

Alex shook himself awake as he found himself surrounded by a galaxy of stars. He stood up to find himself knee-deep in a sort of mist made up entirely of space. He took a step forward to almost fall back down instead. It felt like he was walking Knee deep in a field of wheat. Alex continued to get up and stumbled before a voice spoke up behind him ' Id be careful if I was you, you might be injured if you keep falling like that'. Alex spun around to see a massive giant completely made up of the same thing he was standing in but darker. 'Who are you, What are you, And where are we' Alex mumbled apparently confused. 'I know what you're thinking ill explain it one by one. For starters, we're in the realm of reincarnation if that makes any sense to you. For your second question well I am you'. Alex looked at the thing in front of him with literal question marks popping on top of his head. 'Ok, ill explain everything on that planet you're from every, beetle, every human, every plant all of them are part of a single soul you. So your teacher is you, your parents are you, the snake that bit you are you, and those kids are also you.' Alex looked completely overwhelmed as he said 'So what ur saying is I saved myself and also killed myself' the giant nodded 'Yes that is mostly true. What you did was kill one of you to save more of you.' Finally, Alex understood enough of his circumstances to accept his fate, Looking towards his new companion he asked 'so what now, what's the next step for me'. The giant smiled at Alex before replying 'Well I have two options for you, one is to go back to where you came from and become human once more want to go with this or will I continue'. Alex vigorously shook his head ' No I am not interested in Being human anymore what's the second option.' The giant chuckled mumbling something about 'that was expected' before continuing ' Well you could become a random animal in a medieval society and as an added bonus for your good deeds, ill even make that world magical for you ' Alex was somewhat happy at this and instantly agreed towards this thinking that the second option couldn't even be any worse than his last life. The giant waved his hand and a small portal appeared. Alex took one last at his companion before walking into the portal not hearing the last words spoken to him 'Good luck Boy'. Before the giant disappeared into nothingness.

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