
wolf thing

I open my eyes but shut them again from the assault on my senses a couple of minutes feeling i have adapted to it i open my eyes looking around i seem to be in a forest i feel strange looking at my hands are these paws trying to stand up but stumbling aroung for a bit i was able to see my reflection on a nearby source of water.

What greets me was a wolf i was apeechless for minutes once i have awoken from my shock so it seems i have been reincarnated.

Now that i have calmed down i see something at the side of my vision what is that as i thought of it a screen popped up

Name ???

Race wolf

Level 1


A wolf of diluted bloodline as diluted as it is with the right conditions it may awaken its bloodline to be what its once was

Seeing this screen brought happiness over me as my tail swings left and right i thought status.. huh? Nothing lets try again status trying again a few more times it seems it a bit different from the systems i have read upon in my past.

Trying everything else that comes with systems in novels nothing else appeared sighing or whimpering i knew this was to good to be true.

Shaking my head at least i have something "grumble" hearing the sound come from my stomach it seems i spent to much time standing around here lets first get used to this new body.

I ran around swerving between trees jumping from one rock to another

Dexterity increased

Dexterity increased

Ohh so i can get stronger with just this hmm for now i should hunt for food sneeking around the tall grass i found a rabbit with a horn on its head laying in wait until the rabbit gets closer i pounced on it with my paws holding the rabbit down i bite down hard

Gained experience

Looking at my system

Name ???

Race wolf

Level 1 (10/100)

Grinning after eating the rest of the rabbit i went hunting for the rest of the day.

As night appeared i look at my screen

Name ???

Race wolf

Level 3 (30/300)

Happy about my progress i went inside a small cave i found while hunting and slept.


At a village outside of the forest

A young girl just finished eating with her her father alice i have gift the father said what is it what is it alice clapping in happiness.

The father took a couple scroll giving it to a girl the girl reading the scroll jumped "you got me a monster contract" the father nodded i know how you wanted beast tamer after you learn how to use the other scrolls well go to the nearby forest to get you one.


As morning came

Waking up yawning thinking about what i should do now hmm i should first run around try to get some more points on my stats and i did just that.

Dexterity increased

Dexterity increased

Tired i still went on until im about to collapse then a satisfiying sound appeared.

Endurance increased

Endurance increased

Feeling tired and hungry i went back to my cave where i stored the bodies of the animals that i hunted feeling rested i moved the bodies to the deepest part of the cave so it doesnt attrack animals to it i should get more exp and i did stalking around the area of my cave i found another rabbit but this one is a bit different its horned has a green stripes on it and its bigger than the others.

Not really caring for that small detail i tried to sneaked behind it but its ear twitched and the rabbit turned around i saw the eyes of the rabbit its eyes like emerald it it hopped staight towards me with a fast speed i jumped to the side it hit the tree behind me stabbing a large hold in the tree.

It charged at me again i did the same thing jumping to the side but this time i used my claws to slash it leaving it to bleed.

It seems really mad now as its horn started glowing feeling something bad about to happen i ran back only for a green beam to blast the tree beside me going to another tree for cover i calmed myself down trying to think of what i should do peeking around the tree i see it going towards me with a charged horn think think of youre advantage in the end of the day that rabbit is just an animal.

Having thought i dashed through different trees with the rabbit not knowing where i am i bite a rock and trew it over the otherside the rabbit in response shoot a green beam on where the rock landed seeing that i was not there it quickly tried to charge his horn again but i went and dashed straight to it using the distraction i was able to close in fast enough to take a bite at its neck killing it with a couple more bites.

Endurance increased

Endurance increased

Dexterity increased

Dexterity increased

Tired after the fight i contemplated i should be a lot more carefull be with this being another world and all feeling rested enough i drag my prey back to the cave.

Looking at the menu

Name ???

Race wolf

Level 4 (15/350)

Pleased with the progression of my level i ate the rabbit body

MP increased

MP increased

MP increased

MP increased

So eating meat from beast with special abilities upgrade my mp good to know when im done eating i went to sleep.

Next chapter