
transmigrating to avengers world

"Veil do you think you can get a away after attacking me" said a man With blood running down from his multiple wounds.

The man called veil had an almost indiscernible sneer on his face speaking in calmly "so what if i attacked you as long as i kill you no one will know what happened here" with a movement of his fingers one of the many swords in the case on his back launched out stabbing different parts of the man's body

After some torture "enough playing around its time to end this" a flick of a finger a sword aimed straight at the mans hearth as the sword was about to Peirce the man's hearth an expression of relief appeared on the man's face.

A bald man suddenly appeared with a quick movement of his arms wind blades materialized and destroyed the swords. Veil sensing the bald man's cultivation he burned his blood essence making him glow a blood red flying to the distance at an indescribable speed. The bald man only took a glance at veil before putting his attention to the wounded man popping a pill into the man's mouth.

The man that was wounded as if a miracle happened he recovered from most of his wounds bowing to the old man "i hope sir could kill the man called veil" said through hatred when saying the mans name.

The bald man thought about it for a second before nodding and vanishing from where he was standing.

Veil flying like a speeding bullet gritted his teeth while looking behind him sighing in relief to see that he was not being followed 'i was too arrogant thinking he wouldn't have someone of that level protect him' sighing 'the only think i can do for now is find a safe place to recover my blood essence'.

Suddenly the same bald man appeared in front of veil with a palm strike Veil not being able to react in time "BAM" as the sound of a veil's body hitting the floor circulating his inner essence to hopefully mend any internal wounds as he cough out a mouth full of blood as he slowly loses control of his body he breathes his last breath.


Hawkeye on a roof a building every shot hitting a chitari with swift precision, one riding it's mount jump off landing on the building aiming his laser at hawkeye, Hawkeye

Hawkeye hearing the chitari a quick roll to the side as the laser beam hit the ground behind him penetrating the building he readied his arrows, as the chitari was aiming his gun hawk eye was able to shoot two arrows one hitting the gun deviating the direction of the laser beam while the other one hitting the head of the chitari knocking it of the building.

The rumble of falling debris came to his ears looking at where the chitari laser beam hit, he saw people trapped in the ruble either dead or bleading out from severe injuries a grim expression made it to his face with a touch of guilt he continued to fight of the chitari in the sky with more passion.

A weak voice called out "Help me he-..." A young man underneath the ruble with many others either bleeding or already dead understanding the situation that nobody will be able to help him with thr aliens above even less of a chance he accepted his fate as he died a soul descended on his body fully taking over as the soul took over as if some strange force his wound started to close up in a unimaginable rate as an exchange his body grew thinner more pale as if it took the nutrients from the body to speed up his healing process.

The veil opened his eyes 'where a-' "ughh" he painfully groaned a stinging sensation hit his brain as a flood of memories came to him Knocking him unconscious.

As iron man went to the portal stopping the invasion and going to shawarma after thor gotten loki back to asgard the local authorities gotten everyone to help any wounded or lost children that was separated.

A group of men where moving rubble and debre as they saw an exposed arm hoping their would still be some life left to the people in the ruble but it was depressing situation as the men were pale face while other was puking in the corner as they saw smashed bodies or bleeding bodies.

One man was picking up the debree when a came across an arm hopeful for someone in this pile to be alive he picked up his pace while calling to his colleagues "quickly help me" as they removed the debree they saw a man bloodied from head to toe sighing thinking this one is also a lost cause but one of the men with sharper eye's saw the slight movement of the victims chest putting his finger to bloodied man nose feeling the air "hes alive call them".

A couple of paramedics brought the man to an ambulance going straight to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital the staff asked "what's the situation" the ones who brought the bloodied young man in "patient was trapped under rubble for an indefinite amount of time" as the doctor was checking the body a amazed expression appeared on his face he has no wounds whatsoever even the blood shows he had injuries and a lot of them at that, shaking his head he went to normal procedure with the patient.

A couple of days later the now cleaned up man known as veil woke up on his bed to bright lights "where am i" looking around white painted walls a telivision the smell of medicine lingering around ever so subtly brought an air familiarity. It was as though faded picture of his past life had actualized into the world.

To the side of me there was a sleeping woman most likely middle aged should be the one taking care of me a voice on the tv took my attention "with the past few days after the invasion of this unknown race of alien's, stark industries and the government have cooperated for a massive clean up and rebuilding of new york city, now back to you john".

Looking through his memories, the planet i am on is known as Planet Earth. In outer space, there was a sun, a moon, and other planets, forming a solar system. However, there was only one such planet in the entire system that was suitable for humans to live on, that is until the invasion of those alien like creatures affirming that they have only hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of knowledge of the galaxy.

His eyes changed to a dim yellow as he observed the current condition of his body, 'Hmmm it seems like i wasn't able to carry over my cultivation from my past life' moving his body in a slow and weak way 'with the condition of my body it will take a while for me to get my body healthy enough to start my cultivation'.

With veil moving around the woman sleeping with her head laying down on the side of the bed slowly opening her eyes looking at the now awake veil her eyes widen as she hugged veil "you're finally awake" as she tightens her hug "my baby is finally awake" as droplets of tear's fall down her face.

Memories of me and this woman came to my mind like flood she's alice vilhelm this body's mother or at least my mother now.

Wiping the tears on her face on her back, a plastic smile on my face "it's fine now" alice seperating from me ill be right back with a doctor as she rushed out as fast as a gust of wind

Alice returned after some time with some Doctors, they asked me a couple of questions that lasted for quite some time pertaining while also testing my mental faculties, The doctors were baffled how was he able to get out large pieces of ruble falling on him without an once of injuries was confusing the only thing the doctors were able to decide was that he was Lucky.

After the many test the doctors started to exit one by one not before warning you're son here for a while will need to take his meal's slowly so his body can slowly adapt to the sudden change.

Alice asked "doctor will i be able take leo back home now" before closing the door you can but it will be better for him to take some extra test just in case but it's up to you if he does or not.

Leo observed Alice's appearance an attractive woman with skin as smooth as jade with a face with little to no blemishes 'it seems like someone lucked out'

Seeing leo looking at her "are you hungry how about i get some Japanese food or may be some italian how about korean food which one do you want" the same kind of smile appeared on my face "im fine with anything" a let out a yawn as the call of drowsiness forced my eyes to slowly shut.

Alice laying me back on the bed a kissing my for head "i love you" as i shut my eyes.

Slowly closing the door behind her smiling face changed to a cold and guarded face calling on her phone have you found out the one who's targeting us" no mam we haven't been able to find a trace" A slight bit of anger could be seen on her cold face "then get more people and find them as fast as possible" ending the call and looking back at the hospital room of her son clenching her fist 'I'll do whatever i can to protect my family' as she left the hospital.

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