
skyrim transmigration 2

leo his hands on his knees panting a bandit yelling "keep running" after a couple of laps the bandit handed him a dagger and showing the proper way of using it with Leo's years in the more shady side of society was able to show an experienced way of handling the dagger the bandit nodded in satisfaction "at least you won't as much of a pain as I thought"

time passes the leader say's "it's time" the rest of the bandits nodded.

at the location with a mountain on the side of the road the leader ordered archers to position by themselves and for the other to position themselves looking at Leo "it's you're turn same shit like last time."

seeing the the noble on a horse with a carriage following them I did the same thing smeared in blood with a dagger hidden in my sleeves.

the head guard seeing the child calling for help. he got his men to ready them selves the looked towards the noble "sir what should we do" the noble did not take a second to think "ignore it were in a hurry with the aftermath of the death of the king."

the head guard signalled his men to keep going the kid got close enough and started to plead for help "sorry kid" getting a closer look he saw the kid doesn't have any bruise's or cuts his eyes widen he yells "it's a tr-" but gets cuts off with a dagger cutting his throat.

the head guard with his throat cut Knowing he will die with a hand on his throat his other went to grab leo. but Leo was fast after cutting the guards throat he went behind him kicking him to the ground

a sound coming from the mountain "Attack!!" arrows started raining down on the guards. the guards experienced was able to block a lot of the arrows but bandits started started to come from the front and the back while quite a bit of the guards were wounded giving the bandits advantages but unexpected mage was inside carriage spewing flames at the bandits leaving some the bandits a burning mess the guards were able to get their bearings forming a formation with the mage, Noble and archers in the middle now a shield wall was protecting them while the wounded guards was getting healed by the mage slowly bringing them to fighting condition.

the leader seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse telling his sub leaders "let's go" grabbing his gigantic axe fully armored.

the guards was a tight formation able to help each other out when overwhelmed while the mage was healing, his eyes was surveying the battlefield occasionally sending magic out if he sees them getting overwhelmed while the Archer was shooting at the approaching bandits seeing what looks like the leader signaling the rest of the archers a hail of arrows shot to the leader.

the leader signaled his men the sub leaders got their iron shields coverring them from arrow fire while going forward at a fast pace.

the mage seeing the rapidly approaching bandits charged up a fireball firing at the leader, a sneer appeared on the leaders face his gigantic axe glowing a dim blue swinging his axe at the fire ball the axe magically absorbed the Magicka with another swing sending back a weakened fire ball with a ward absorbing the fireball a grim look appeared on the magician's face.

getting surrounded seeing the hopeless situation ordering his men to clear a path pulling his all to killing the bandits blocking their escape all I need is for the Noble to survive as long as he survive this.

being able to cut open a path while the rest of the guards was able to hold the leader and his men the Noble was able to get his horse out while escaping "I'll make sure take care of all you're families while disappearing to the distance with the mage".

the guards hearing that got a burst of energy fighting harder and harder making the bandits have a higher casuality rate.

but eventually killing the rest of the guards a grim looked appeared on the bandits, a fair bit of distance from the fighting a stormcloak commander was watching the scene with cold eye's "Trash" speaking to the men behind get everyone ready were destroying some scum"

while the bandits we're about to go back to their hideout after looting the bodies and bandaging their wounds they saw lines of stormcloaks on the hills with bows and more stormcloaks approaching from the distance the leader and his men prepared their weapons they heard a voice yell out "FIRE" a hail of arrows rain down on them a lot of the bandits we're wounded while some seeing their situation made their escape with the items they just looted.

the stormcloaks made quick work with the regular bandit's while they had More trouble with the leader and his sub leaders.

with every swing of the leader's axe always killing two or more people while his sub leader's skilled beyond their year's.

the commander of the stormcloaks signalled his men to distance them selves while archers started to aim down at the bandits.

the bandit leader shouting "if I survive this I'll make sure I'll hunt down all of you down" the commander gave contempt full gaze at the bandit leader "theirs no surviving for scum like you and you're group FIRE" a hail of arrows kept raining down the bandits until their all dead.

the commander snorted spitting on the corpse of the bandit "let's go back"

while the whole commotion was happening leo escaped long ago looking at a distant stormcloaks approaching the bandits he went to the bandits hideout "with them gone i should be able to get quite a lot of treasures inside for how big the bandit group is".

arriving at the bandit a bandit that was left guarding saw him "hey brat where's the other's" Leo responded shrugging his shoulders "their looting" the bandit accepting his answer lost anymore interest in leo.

as leo walked inside 'hmm with them here I won't be able take much' going around the hideout about 6 bandits now how should I take care of them' with a snap of his finger he got an idea a smile appeared on his face.

cooking food for them grabbing some poisonous plants that naturally a bit of a sigh escapes his lips to bad these things only paralyzes them.

the bandits inside the hideout gathered when they smelled the food "hey brat what with the food and you didn't even get ordered to make it" a flattering smile appeared on Leo's face "I'm just paving my way to some friendly relations" the bandits understanding his goal "hahaha yeah just keep doing things like this will back you up when you need it" Leo gave them all a bowl full of soup.

after a couple of minutes it started to take affect "wha what did you do" the bandits started to panic only being able to move their mouths to speak a malicious smile appeared on Leo's fine and delicate face "I'm paving my way to success" grabbing his dagger stabbing the hearth's of every bandit now for the one guarding the entrance slowly approaching the bandit he jumped on his back with a quick slice to the bandits neck he jumped off and kicking the bandit down.

dusting his hands off and taking any valuables on the bandits body he looted the whole hideout.

finding a carriage and a couple of horses he put ever thing he found on the carriage covering just in case and he set to find a nearby village.

the journey wasn't tough since there wasn't any bandits near here after all their can only one bandit group controlling a territory of course the journey wasn't devoid of problems with the occasional wolfs all he had to do was to stay on the carriage if the wolfs wanted to take a bite out him of they had to get up on the carriage where a short sword is waiting to stab them and if they try to go for the horse all I need to do throw a couple of daggers while their occupied.

'here we are' a medium sized village is in his view "this will be a new beginning for me" as a smile appeared on his face.

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