
My Race Are Superior

Reincarnation, OP System, Ultimate Race, I Have It All! ————————————————————————— This novel was created based on ideas and imaginations that came suddenly. ~DimensionalEater

DimensionalEater · Fantasy
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16 Chs



Hi Vain here. This time it was time for the elementary school entrance examination, there was actually no need for something like the entrance exam if in the end everyone would enter the same school in the end. His goal was simply to differentiate class between the commoners. The best class of nobles also had seats for the commoners, but their number was limited, it was impossible to accommodate so many commoners in one class. The entrance exam was actually very easy for nobles and wealthy families, with a small ball that could forcefully instill knowledge into one's head, all basic knowledge could be easily accepted.

After the test, all students will get this ball of knowledge, so their knowledge will be equal, except for comprehension. Not everyone can understand what they got, even though I used to be very stupid, with my high INT stat my knowledge surpasses everyone in the world. However, the nature of stupidity couldn't be changed even after a race change. I am an example, even Sera always makes fun of me. Everything about my rash deeds and actions which I without thinking 3x immediately carried out.

Right now, in a large room with lots of people I started the exam. This problem is very easy, you don't need to think, just by looking at it I know everything about this problem. After answering all the questions on the written exam, I looked at the people around me. They were all the children of the Empire's finest nobles, their appearances were all extraordinary. The Empire was simply too big, the Empire's political system adhered to an aristocratic system, not a democracy. Democracy is trash, instead of thinking about politics, shouldn't they think more about their lives?

I was the first to complete the test, when I went forward and collected, many eyes were envious or still fascinated by my handsome and charming appearance. Really being handsome is very troublesome, I said in a smug tone. After I reported to the supervisor, he checked my answer with wide eyes. Immediately my points appeared on the ranking screen. His score exceeded the maximum mark which was 100, about 990. The other examinees were shocked and couldn't help but think was the proctor joking?

Without much thought, I left the examination room, my destination was a passage where my destiny happened. Yesterday, I slightly peeked at the fate that governed Beyonder's life, the result was that I would meet one of my life partners. Even though the counterattack was enormous, my soul was nearly destroyed as a result. It seems the previous Beyonder attacked me, but my power is already very strong now. It still hurts.

My intention is to learn love as fast as possible. But my heart is a little panicked, what's with Transcendent? either I don't know about him. "One more minute before he passes here." I said casually, then Sera said.

[Master, why don't you calm down a bit now? your legs are shaking uncontrollably]

" What do you mean? ". I said in a trembling tone.

Actually I have dated several girls in my previous life. However, why am I panicking? this wasn't shaking with fear, but shaking with joy, my body was out of control.

I temporarily sealed Universe time. "Sera, can you help me?" I said shaking. [Master, haven't we been training for several centuries? do as usual. I support you Master]

"What the hell, that doesn't help at all, damn you Sera". [I wish you the best, Master]

As time went on normal Vain was as normal and authoritative as ever regardless of his age. Footsteps sounded, as if in a hurry, Vain walked towards the three-way passage. Vain bumped into a girl who was shorter than him, and he fell. It was the girl who fell, not Vain. "Are you okay?". Vain said while reaching out, "S-sorry for bumping into you, sorry I'm in a hurry". The girl said while looking at Vain, she was momentarily stunned for a moment before her face turned red in embarrassment by what happened. "You must be late for the exam, let me help you." "N-no need, I can do it myself". Her blushing face was so cute, she got up and prepared to run while talking. "Sorry and thank you for your kindness, someday I will reply." After he said that he ran, but Vain caught up and grabbed his hand, "Let me help, with your status you should be eliminated immediately, but I can help you a little". After he spoke, Vain held the girl like a princess, and ran quickly towards the exam room.

Exam Room

At the moment, you are panicking because the exam questions are different from the information you get, it seems that the higher-ups have suddenly changed it. The smart students only got a score of 90, no one got an abnormal score like Vain. In fact, many questioned the value of Vain to the supervisor, but when they saw the answer they couldn't help but be silent. Truly, Imperial Genius Prince was on a different level.

At this time, Vain suddenly came in carrying a girl. The guards and supervisors were shocked by him, they didn't expect the Prince who was famous for being hard to approach and quiet would suddenly embrace a girl. "Supervisor, isn't it fine to add a seat for one person?".Vain said in a casual tone. However, the guards and overseers shuddered with their terrifying eyes as if they might die at any moment. "O-of course prince, but he's late so he should— kuak!". Before the overseer could finish his sentence, Vain controlled the magic energy all over the planet and compressed it into a hand that suffocated the supervisor, even though the power of this hand was small. "Prince Aegis, I apologize for how one of our comrades treated us, we will be preparing for a return exam. I hope you can forgive our comrades". Said a supervisor while lowering his head. The girl was surprised by the guard's words, 'Prince? wait so I'm in the prince's embrace?!?! '. Her originally blushing expression became frantic, speechless. "Good job, then I'll leave it to you guys. Make sure to take good care of it". After listening to Vain's threats, they immediately got to work. Vain put Lyan down and said, "Do well, I expect the best from you". Lyan, who initially panicked, became confident and said, "Thank you for your help, I won't let you down." His eyes were full of ambition and he lowered his head slightly, before he knew it, Vain was gone.


Vain who had gone here was dying, his body covered in cracks and his eyes rolled back unconscious. Sera, Transcendent, and Theresia were trying to treat Vain's terrible injuries. They used up all their medicine and recovery abilities, Theresia was crying now, her eyes filled with tears as she tried to heal the Vain.

[I didn't expect the effect to be this big even though we reduced the effect, it's really dangerous]

(Sera, Love Energy is starting to stir up in Master's soul, if we don't get it out soon, Master's life will not be saved)

[I know, but no matter how we help him only Master himself can handle it. We can only hope for the former Beyonder's protection if the situation gets worse]

(Theresia, hold on. Don't let your Love Energy leak out. We are already in a lot of trouble with just a little Love Energy)

"Hmm". Theresia wiped her tears and waited while looking at Vain.

Not long after, a tiny hand appeared by opening the portal above Vain's head. Grabbing and stroking her head, the girl's head popped up and kissed Vain's forehead. 'Darling, aren't you being too reckless? I thought you would follow the plot prepared, but you are acting like this. You are still my husband." After saying that, he left. Sera, Transcendent, and Theresia didn't notice anything. However, they saw Vain's condition getting better, the cracks all over his body and soul starting to heal. It wasn't long before he returned to his original appearance.

5 days after the exam, Vain's body was sleeping in his room with many doctors and magicians surrounding him. Vain hadn't regained his senses at all, "Prince's condition is getting better, it seems the burden of controlling all the magic energy of this planet is huge, is there any way to bring him back to his senses". Said a doctor who examined his condition. "Controlling a planet's magic energy is unbelievable, but the Prince managed to pull it off. This planet's magic energy is huge considering how many magical weapons and sages there are here". When Vain controlled all the magical energy, the Sages were the first to notice. Suddenly their control over magic was taken over and almost all magic tools, like robots, starships etc. Being useless, even if only for a moment, is a great achievement. "We just need to wait for the alchemists to concoct the medicine, all we have to do is try to repair her badly damaged magical circuits. "Her magical circuits are really complicated, should we ask the Imperial Sage for help?" "Then call them."

Sera, Transcendent, and Theresia were forced to do this as an excuse for the unconscious Vain. This is just an ordinary wound for them, which begs the question why don't they just lock in time? because the authority of time had been completely taken over by Vain, he would not give this ability to anyone. So they did some damage to his magical circuits for a reason. The overseer who made Vain unleash his abilities was executed after they found out the reason for Vain's condition. All the best doctors, alchemists, and magicians have been brought here to repair the circuits. However, Vain's magical circuits were like an infinite abyss they had to see through its mysteries before healing it. The researchers also wanted to dig into its secrets, but were stopped by the Empire's knights.

Lyan, too, became sad after this news as the reason for Vain's condition, but no one blamed him, they just calmed him down, not blaming him for what happened. They thought maybe he was someone valuable to Vain for doing dangerous things for him. Currently he was sitting on a bench in the corner of the room watching the doctors and magicians work. Sera, Transcendent, and Theresia were also there to block the massive Love Energy that was trying to hurt Vain.
