

Just as I was about to take off my shoes, on the edge of the rooftop I see a girl with braided hair there before me.

I was somewhat pissed despite this I screamed, "Hey! Don't do it, please!"

Whoa what did I just say?

I cover my mouth in disbelief

I couldn't care less about her anyway! This was my opportunity missed!

The girl with braided hair started telling me her woes, "You've probably heard it all before.. I really thought he was the one, but then he told me he was done"

"For gods sake please!"

I let out a long sigh

"Are you serious? I just can't believe that for that stupid reason you got here before me?"

"Wait, are you upset because you can't have what you wanted?"

The girl frowned

"You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!"

The girl smiled a little, "I guess you're right, I'm feeling better, thank you for listening."

The girl with braided hair then disappeared from my sight.


I had just took my shoes off

"Alright, today's the day!"

POV, "Or so I thought?

As I had walked closer I could see a short petite girl

I really shouldn't care..

Yet again I yell out

The short petite girl turns around

"Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter, mind telling me why you're here?"

The short petite girl starts telling me her woes, "You've probably heard it all before, everyone ignores me everyone steals, I don't fit in with anyone here."

"Tsk. For gods sake please are you serious I just Can't believe, that for some stupid reason you got here before me!"

The short petite girls eyes widened, "what do you mean?"

"Aren't you loved by everyone at home? Isn't there always dinner waiting at the table!"

"I'm hungry" said the girl as she shed a tear

The girl short as can be then disappeared

And just like that there was someone everyday, I listen to there tales, I make them turn away.

"I know no one would do this for me, no way!"

I could let out all this pain...

As I get to the rooftop, for the first time there I see a girl with the same pains as me

POV, "I've done this time and time again, this shouldn't be to hard...."

The girl with a yellow cardigan turns around

"I just wanna stop the scars that grow every time that I go home, that's why I came up here instead."

I sighed and whispered under my breath, "That's what the girl in the cardigan said.."

POV, "Oh, wait a minute what did I just say?"

I cross my arms and look away

POV, "I couldn't care less either way.."

I turn back around to see the girl about to jump

My eyes widened..

"Hey! Don't do it, please!"

Yet the girl barely spared me a look and continued to get ready to jump

Agh, what to do? I can't stop this girl, well this is new!

I grinned a little with a nervous look on my face and muttered under my breath, "for once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew.."

"But even so! Please just go away so I can't see, your pitiful expression is just too much for me!"

The girl in the yellow cardigan smiled at me, "Thanks, but I guess today is just not my day."

The girl looks away and proceeds to jump down from the roof.


There's no one here today, I guess it's time it's just me, myself, and I, there's no one who can interfere no one to get in my way here

Taking off my yellow cardigan

Watching my braids all come undone

This petite girl short as can be

Is gonna jump now and be free.

Check out the song of what this based of, also hope you like it! It is my first with a female lead, I already have plans for future chapters

MXTXfancreators' thoughts
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