
Elivious' past.

I was in my room when I heard fighting downstairs. I didn't even bother to go and see what was happening for I already it was my parents. This was just a normal day for me. Wake up, see some light filled figure watching me, tell my parents what I saw and they call me crazy if only they new I wasn't crazy. See ever since I turned seven, I have been seeing these creatures, they were taller than any other man out there and don't take it lightly when I say this. I mean that they were around 11 feet tall and that are only the few I've seen others always seem to be taller.

Although I may see them around sometimes, none of them has ever actually had a full on conversation with me. Some just keep telling me " Your fate and destiny are in the hands of another, a girl that you have never laid eyes on" and when I tell you I think they are lying trust me, I know.

I have never really had any 'girl friends' or 'girlfriends' or 'friends'. They would either stay away from me because of my tales about the beings of light that I see every day and if that doesn't push them away it would be the " they are eleven feet tall' statement.

The few that have ever dared to come sit next to " the weird kid" were a few girls. No boys would ever sit next to me. Some would try to bully but they just ' couldn't'. On a particular day at school I was walking past a few boys and over heard they conversation. Ok more like eavesdropped but who cares , right ?, they do!! because once they so me take a glance in their direction, they turned to me and were about to beat up when I froze no , it was more like they froze and I'm not kidding everything froze.

I didn't have time to just stand there and take in the scenery, ok maybe I did but not before everything sunk in and I bolted out of there but I couldn't stop thinking about what they said. Yes, instead of thinking about the unnatural phenomenon that just happened, I thought about what the bully's said. Why you ask? The answer is simple. I have had to many weird stuff to care about what just happened. Just imagine walking around on a nice sunny day, you hear me SUNNY and then a giant lightning bolt comes out of no where and stops right over your head, just a few centimeters and then disperses in seven different directions so, I start screaming, "I am alive, I am alive, I AM ALIVE" and , of course , *sigh*, no one saw the whole thing and I was screaming like a madman. Would your be surprised if time froze, because I sure wouldn't.

When I finally reached class, as if I was the one who had control over time, everything unfroze. I sat at my desk and reran everything in my head . " So time froze, nothing out of the ordinary there "I thought to my self. " oh, that guy , Lenin and his gang said something, what was it what was it" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why do I have a short memory. " Oh , they said I have a guardian angel and their would always be an invisible shield around me". Well that is what I am always trying to tell people but they all think I'm mad. I sighed and went back to my studies in the classroom.

At lunch, I sat alone at the lunch table, you know, normal. But then something out of the ordinary happened , a girl looked at my direction, not only that, she started walking towards me. Ok now I know this is witchcraft, I mean which normal pretty girl would walk towards me. Well I could say that I was fairly handsome with brown hair ,green emerald eyes, stood at nice six feet and had abs since I had no friends and plenty of free time. It was all the weird stuff I would say that chased people away.

Well she walks towards me and all I could think was 'don't be weird, don't be weird" but as soon as I opened my mouth I said something that still haunts me " are you bewitched" and like that she walked away and I lost my chance at true love.

And as if this day couldn't get any worse I say another " being of light" and I swear it was smirking at me. Well maybe it was time to tell my parents that I just might be single for ever.


"Finally , this torture is over" I thought to my self. Up to this day I still wonder how I still managed to survive the jungle they called high school. " Must be my 'guardian angel' " I inwardly chuckled." It actually is" a voice sounded from behind me. I didn't have time to muffle out a manly scream and I screamed like girl. I screamed for one of two reasons. One , I was deeply frightened , Two unlike the other 'beings of light' this one actually said something other than " Your fate and destiny are in the hands of another, a girl that you have never laid eyes on".